
Urine Therapy: is it almost essential for spirituality?

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It is a high boost of DMT and faster healing with clear urine, while fasting. 

Through Sinuses. 




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@Otogi Reminds me of this quote from Andrew Norton Webber:

"It’s called the pineal gland because it looks like a tiny pinecone. It has the perfect Phi (? What he says sounds like “Phee”) spiral to it. And it’s covered with crystals. That is the Philosopher’s Stone. The Philosopher’s “Crystal”. The “Thinker’s  Crystal”. The rock, not the calcified rock, but the actual beautiful, crystal-covered, healthy, juicy, functioning eyeball in the center of your head. That is the Philosopher’s Stone. "And the way you free it, and you create… and you free it up, and you make it fully healthy, and functioning, and fired up, and full on, is you drink distilled liquids. And if you’re really smart, the ultimate way to do it, is you act as the oroborus, and you drink your own water, and you use urine, you keep looping urine over and over again. Instead of in a cabinet, you keep applying urine and you keep evaporating and evaporating and evaporating it, you keep applying urine to your self, yourself, yourself, and this is the Philosopher’s Stone."

Here is some more quotes on distilled water/urine therapy that was pinnacle in changing my beliefs about the practice:

"And the chlorine, the fluoride, which are both halides, in the drinking water go directly to the pineal gland and freeze it, turn it into a stone, calcify it......When they do autopsies on people in fluoridated societies, they find fluoride at about 5 to 10 part per million through most of the body. But when they get to the pineal gland during the autopsy, it’s at 22,000 ppm. It goes there like a magnet.......having a rock in the very, very centre of your head, at your most important, most important, most precious gland for thinking, that would be the obvious very first place you’d want to look for problems. And the beauty of distilled water is that it melts that. Most people aren’t aware that there is a massive conspiracy to hide the knowledge of distilled water."

"And in that article it gives you the impression that it will, say, leech all the calcium out of your bones and you’ll literally crumple to the floor. Or it will leech all the potassium out of your system, and you’ll have a heart attack. And which is completely not true. And I can prove it to you. And the other thing where people get it. say you ask most doctors, “should I drink distilled water?” They go, “No, no, no, no. It’ll leech minerals from the body.” And where they’re largely getting that from, along with that other article, is from the W.H.O. -the World Health Organization- the supposed pinnacle of collected science health knowledge. They have an article, I think it might’ve come out in the 70s, I’m not quite sure, but it’s titled, “De-Mineralized Water”. And so you can Google that, too. And in that article you’ll find a line akin to, “do not drink distilled water, because it’ll leech minerals from the body.” And a few sentences later it says something else like, “and by the way, you should add fluoride to your water”. So if you understand how poisonous fluoride is, that kind of helps tip you off as to where that article is coming from....... The W.H.O. is part of the U.N. And the U.N. has a stated goal of reducing the world’s population. They have a de-population program. So if you want to participate in the U.N.’s de-population program, by all means, stay away from distilled water."

And the calcified pineal gland… fluoride & chlorine are both in-organic minerals. And so that’s an in-organic mineral deposit in that X-ray of your head. And distilled water will, over time, dissolve that. And your pineal gland is supposed to be a functioning, juicy little gland – not a white rock. So it will free that up, and then you will gain access to all the almost-mythical properties associated with the pineal gland.

"Well, when you apply heat, you flip the electrical charge. That’s the whole purpose of the raw food movement, is to stop people from turning their organic-mineral-based food into inorganic-mineral-based food. And so, it rots like garbage inside you, and smells permeate – your urine comes out disgusting. K? Now the beauty of this is you can change that really quickly if you switch to live food. That’s probably the highest diet. The diet in the Garden of Eden, or Paradise, is fruit & rainwater. Or, fruit & distilled water. And your urine is the highest distilled water source possible… anywhere. It even blows away rainwater."

"We all drank our urine for 9 months straight, in the womb. Amniotic fluid is urine. For the first 3 months it’s mainly your mom’s pee. And for the remaining 6 months it’s mainly yours. There’s no umbilical cord attached to your genitals. The umbilical cord is attached to your intestines. And that should be another proof to people that urine is not a waste product, waste goes through your intestines. That’s what that excretory channel is for. If urine were a waste product, how is it possible that from day one, just about, the human fetus, the zygote, the embryo, is floating in urine? Urine is actually the ultimate, perfect, water, liquid. It’s what we grow in. And we would not have grown without it. And when you’re in the womb, if you remember, you breathe like a fish. You actually are continually sucking your own urine down your mouth. And that is more proof that it’s not a waste product."

"...babies come out, they smell sweet, and they have beautiful, fluffy, plumpy skin because they’ve been floating in urine. And you mentioned the super-model, and that’s one of their biggest secrets, is that they put fresh urine on their face at night. They let it air-dry. And they go to bed and they leave it on all night. The urea in urine allows each individual skin cell to hold its maximum amount of water. And so it creates beautiful, plump skin. And urine will erase wrinkles. Wrinkles are just lines of decrepit skin cells that are hardly holding any water. And so they all contract and become all, y’know… crippled, so to speak. But you start giving them urine, which has got urea in it, and that enables them to hold their maximum amount of water at the same time that you’re offering them the most awesome water in the universe. And so they quickly fill up with this beautiful water and wrinkles disappear. Literally. I don’t care if you’re 50, 60, 70, 80 years old."

"And that is the symbol of the snake eating its tail. Well, that’s exactly what the baby is. And we’ve all been the orobourus for nine months straight. And that’s what you become again when you start practicing urine therapy, and start looping your urine. You are the snake eating its tail. You are consuming yourself. And it is the ultimate power cycle. And that is how the baby grows, by consuming itself, and it’s the water that does it. The… what that symbol of, the snake eating its tail, is… it is showing you that the human body is a perpetual motion machine. Or has the ability to be it."

"You are… yes, you are 80-85% water… well water is largely 2/3 oxygen.  I know it’s H2O, but the hydrogen molecule is very small. The oxygen molecule is huge. You are actually… the number-one element that you are, is oxygen. And so when you drink that glass of urine, it’s a huge body of oxygen, plus hydrogen, and those are both fuels. And so you can probably pretty easily, with even common logic, understand that the action of lifting the cup to the mouth requires less energy than the amount of energy that is in that cup. And so right then and there in just one movement, you have absorbed more energy than you’ve spent, in one action. And, speaking of that cup, this also debunks the whole search for the Holy Grail. Nobody needs to search for that thing anymore because they’re everywhere. There’s no such thing as Theee Holy Grail. The properties and why everyone wanted to search… Monty Python was looking for the Holy Grail… the properties associated from drinking from the Holy Grail are long life and full health. Well, those are exactly the benefits of drinking urine. And the joke about the search for the lost Holy Grail is that it’s not the cup that’s important. It’s what’s in the cup. And so any drinking vessel can become a Holy Grail. It’s what you use to complete the circuit with."

"When you start drinking urine, which is distilled water, and it melts in-organic mineral deposits, and it melts that stone in the middle of your head, and… when your pineal gland opens up fully, the grey dot in the auric field disappears, and a golden glow surrounds your head. This is turning lead into gold! This is the actual meaning of alchemy, of turning lead into gold. It is not at all about being able to magically turn the metal lead into metal gold."

"Cataracts. I personally know a woman, who after 3 months, 70 years old, 3 months, she was able to throw her eye-glasses away. And it happened… she didn’t even… she was so used to wearing them, she didn’t even realize she didn’t really need them anymore. She had to go get her license renewed. I think she’s 72. Had to go to the DMV to get an eye check. Alright? And the guy kind of looks up at her, like strangely, the eye test guy. He’s like, “Why are you wearing glasses?” He says, “You’ve got 20/20 vision!” She say, “But, I’ve been required for 45 years to wear eye-glasses”. And so, he was baffled. And he wrote on her license, “No longer required to wear driving glasses.” And she went to her eye doctor because she was, you know… to confirm this. And he absolutely confirmed it. And he’s like, “What have you done?” And she said, “Well the only thing I’ve done different is started drinking distilled water.” And so that eye doctor is looking into distilled water because of her results. Within the same week, she also happened to have an appointment for her little 15 year old dog to take it to a checkup at the vet. And she started giving her dog the distilled water as well when she started drinking it. And the vet kind of comes out of the appointment with a strange look on her face, like, “What have you done to your dog? Your dog has a liver and kidney function of a 4 year old!” And, it’s the distilled water again. It’s cleaning out the body. It’s removing garbage so the body starts to work right. And so now that vet is looking into distilled water, because she cannot believe what happened to the dog."

"It’ll also clean out all clogged veins, all arteriosclerosis, it just makes the body completely brand new again".

This is from the [2011] Andrew Norton Webber interview (Urine therapy, distilled water) by  Chrissy McMahon 

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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I hope you're not filtering... I just hope you're not filtering.

There may be something to urine therapy... i.e. when you're not filtering. But let that not negate the potential cons... Kidneys = organ of (waste) elimination, including toxic lymph, i.e. heavy metals, pesticides, pollutants, etc. When you're filtering (most people's kidneys are turned to stone by high protein diets such as SAD and Paleo, so their piss is transparent all day everyday), you're filtering (see below).  

@Solace @pluto Would you drink this?



Edited by ppfeiff

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@Solace @pluto do you think stronger benefits would be after waking up and it's been stewing all night and dark yellow (extremely salty) or later in day after drinking water and is more clear (less salty) 



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How about we avoid getting these parasites as much as possible in the first place by avoiding consumption of rotten flesh from another species or their milk or their eggs? 

There is also a reason why our bodies have 3 layers of immune system fighting everything foreign 24/7 from the day we were born until the day we die and a little longer..... We inhale millions of microbes with every single breath, do you guys think that we would still be an existing species if first parasite we contracted killed us? 

The human body has been brought to perfection by nature throughout tens of thousands of years and the fact that we excrete urine and faeces is a clear sign of this machine that it does not require those substances...


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@ppfeiff The morning urine is a darker yellow. During the day it’s pale hello/transparent. I’ve been looping it all for almost a month with no adverse effects. 

There has been lots of positives however! This includes the need to eat less food (as there is less deposit in the intestines hindering nutrient absorption), more consistent and higher energy throughout the day, my pineal gland is opening due to the removal of heavy metals via feces. That is why my feces are liquid, as the urine that has gathered heavy metals or parasites from the body is filtered by the liver first, and after the kidney filters it again, the urine is very clean as I’ve said before.

when I first started my urine was like that. Most of the grossness is really down to your diet. In the past month I’ve transitioned from vegan to raw vegan to fruitarian, and have noticed my urine tastes like coconut, and my skin (another place for heavy metals to leave) smells like coconut with a dash of lemons.

@Michael569 Of course man! Changing your diet/lifestyle can stop most parasites from entering your body. But let us remember you have 20/30/40 years of toxic build up in your body. Do you think a juice or water fast can flush that out? It's like washing a tomato sauce stain with dishwashing soap instead of bleach. Only one truly works, with the other leaving some residue behind. The same analogy applies here. You need the strongest distilled water possible: and that is your urine :) It is not fun at the start from the detox symptoms, but it gets better if you hang in there.

Wish you all the best with your journey. 

P.S: In our natural state of being, in a frequency of love, astral parasites wouldn't be able to exist in our bodies for there would be no energy leaks, created by emotional blockages, for them to feed on. Plus it would feel like they were 'on fire' if they tried to get close to you. But nowadays, our unnatural lifestyle has made us perfect hosts for these entities through our lower vibrational state, so such 'extreme' methods such as drinking urine (or at least distilled water) are indeed essential for their removal. And focusing on love is a nice compliment to go with this. I'll update more in the future as I get more experience with this practice to make it seem less taboo for you all :) 

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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I was always curious about he kidney filtration stuff but I believe if there is slight (color) that means your kidneys are filtering. I am in excellent health for years now and my urine is always clear and light yellow to clear  in (color) but rarely any sediment unless aged urine.

Apologize for the delay I have been caught up in the obstacles of life lately.

As for parasites I believe urine or dry and possibly water fasting/looping will most probably starve them. Some say coconut water/flesh works too but as for what solace mentions and astral parasites has more to do with vibrational frequencies the higher/faster you vibrate the harder it will be for anything to hold onto you or keep up(so to speak).

Like antibiotic resistance superbugs in some cases where the body is too weak to fight the bugs and antibiotics don't work the spirit/soul kicks in to raise the overall vibrational frequency of the body thus the bugs can no longer sustain themselves because they are trying to lach onto something that is too turbulent and fast for them to perform their task effectively.

You can only survive and exist in a reality to which is in matching vibrational frequency to your own.

Illness can only occur ultimately from when you have fallen down in a denser vibration where that is possible.

(In a nutshell)

Hope your all well ?



Edited by pluto


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More resources for anyone interested in this! Highly recommended for a scientific understanding of urine therapy, backed up by thousands of individual case studies including cancer patients with two days to live being cured by a urine fast. This information would cause the whole billion dollar pharmaceutical industry to become obsolete as urine is both anti-ageing, and anti-disease (in the whole sense to the word). The benefits are so amazing, and I want you all to know this from the bottom of my heart. I've been practicing for a month and a half now of looping, so feel free to ask me any questions surrounding that :) All of pimples, and the scars left have disappeared, and I'm eating less and less with more and more energy. Here it all is, if you read only one go for "the water of life":

?BOOK "THE WATER OF LIFE", by John Armstrong



?BOOK: "THE GOLDEN FOUNTAIN", by Coen Van Der Kroon


We have all drank our urine and practiced urine therapy in our mother's womb... bathing in it and breathing it, drinking it, 24/7 ;) mmmmhhh delicious pee!! Cheers! ?

BOOK: "MESSAGE FROM DOWN UNDER", by Marlo Morgan,Mutant%20message%20down%20under(1994).pdf

Links curtesy of Mónica Schütt who's been practicing urine therapy for over 21 years (can't help but smile when I see her, she has so much energy inside that we can all have when our bodies are clean of toxic build-up): 


Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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On 4/15/2018 at 11:44 PM, Quanty said:

It is a high boost of DMT and faster healing with clear urine, while fasting. 

Through Sinuses. 




Interestingly i tried snorting it before cleared me up really well.  I guess you got that from Master of Earth?

@Solace You might like this read

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@pluto Thank you for the further info. I read the book a few weeks ago, and found it very useful in seeing the individual case histories of patients who had been cured of all sorts of so called "incurable" diseases, truly mind opening :) 

I snort it twice a day in the morning and evening. I didn't know just how blocked they were. The first thing I noticed was that my sense of smell became greatly enhanced, and air flowed easier through my nostrils. 

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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14 Day Urine Fast

Hello everyone! Along with all of the scientific, and anecdotal evidence we have shared in this thread for people to read about Urine Therapy I've decided to embark on a 14 day urine fast so that we have a real life example that this practice is not only safe, but is arguably a great source of energy and longevity that has literally been right under our noses. So feel free to go on your own fast yourself if you're inspired on distilled water/urine/juice and start the process of detoxing decades worth of inorganic matter to become clean vessels for love, to enhance your connection to the higher dimensions, and all practices that require visualisation or focus.

All details will be recorded every few days/daily. Namaste.

This was my inspiration: 

Looks the first week will be fun! Not!

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Ok, this is important to say. This is for people who feel naturally inclined to urine therapy. If your heart isn’t in it then don’t do it, this isn’t the path for you. I do think everyone can benifit from distilled water however, but don’t think that this will lead to enlightenment. That isn’t the point of life. The point is to live from a beautiful heart centered where you follow your excitement, and love yourself for being yourself. Do what excited you always, as I too have been mislead by teachers saying this is necessary to evolve, but that’s not true. It could hinder your evolution as the fastest path to enlightenment is the one coming from the heart, where every action is made by the inner child within you. This is still a super interesting read, and you can learn so much about yourself by trying it for a few days. 

Infinite love. Thank you for clicking on a thread with such a controversial name! 

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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18 hours ago, Solace said:

Ok, this is important to say. This is for people who feel naturally inclined to urine therapy. If your heart isn’t in it then don’t do it, this isn’t the path for you. I do think everyone can benifit from distilled water however, but don’t think that this will lead to enlightenment. That isn’t the point of life. The point is to live from a beautiful heart centered where you follow your excitement, and love yourself for being yourself. Do what excited you always, as I too have been mislead by teachers saying this is necessary to evolve, but that’s not true. It could hinder your evolution as the fastest path to enlightenment is the one coming from the heart, where every action is made by the inner child within you. This is still a super interesting read, and you can learn so much about yourself by trying it for a few days. 

Infinite love. Thank you for clicking on a thread with such a controversial name! 

<3 All is absolutely Well

Trust and Surrender

Let the Universe live through you

There are no right or wrongs only experience

Be One!


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Hello guys!

I'm very confused by this topic. Short description: I'm a scientist (used to be 100% rational), got into psychedelics (mostly LSD) and meditation (quite intense, since 1 1/2 years now).

I'm quite commited to radical open-mindedness and already had some intense healing experiences on LSD, so I build up some faith into my bodies healing abilities (starting from zero, really). I tried the urine drinking this morning and I felt more energetic, less hungry, etc etc, so I guess I'm gonna give it a try and see how it develops (other than that my diet is mostly plant-based vegan nowadays).

I watched the videos posted in this thread and what troubles me most is that the people who make these videos admit quite openly to well-known conspiracy theories such as Chemtrails, UN-Depopulation programs, Alien invasions in our bodies, the Flat Earth Theory.

So my question for you guys is .. do you believe in these conspiracy theories as well? As far as I'm concerned, I like the first-hand-experience approach: if I drink urine and I feel better - great! But how can I really check such theories? I mean, quite frankly, the 'evidence' people present for the Flat Earth thing makes me think they're just plain retarded.



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I think that the ego takes a huge beating when you drink urine, which makes you more present and awakened

how you manifest infinite love is up to each of us

I  am impressed with this urine drinking, it's creative and courageous, I won't partake but I get the spirit behind the practice

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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@Arkandeus true, I did not think about this, that the biggest advantage may be the kick to ego.  Just looking at this page, there's a lot of egos that can't even fathom this practice. 



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3 hours ago, starsofclay said:

@Arkandeus true, I did not think about this, that the biggest advantage may be the kick to ego.  Just looking at this page, there's a lot of egos that can't even fathom this practice. 

I guess you could also eat your faeces, that would clear up your ego and the parasites up real good. I mean why draw the line at that?

Drinking urine is not practiced by any other animal on a regular basis,  but drinking fresh water is, nature knows best. (and yes I know there is always the odd animal, dog, ape, etc that eats and drinks it's own waste, they are the exception).

This is the human intellect gone wrong, the EVERYHTING IS A CONSPIRACY TOWARDS MY ENLIGHTENMENT is in my opinion a severe mental problem.

I don't think anyone is out to stop people from developing, it's more of case of demand and supply and people really do cater towards the things that the biological body responds to (craves) such as sugar, fat, salt, laziness, entertainment, etc.

So if anything your own body is a conspiracy to development.

Notice how tribes in healthy environments and animals also do the bare minimum to survive, if they stomach is full, and they're healthy and good you'll find them chilling/resting.

Also someone in india probably had the bright idea to sell their urine and their cow's urine for $$$.

Urine is good for survival reasons when you don't have access to fresh water, but each cycle increases toxicity levels so eventually you will poison yourself from the toxins if your keep recycling the same urine.


Edited by blazed

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