
Urine Therapy: is it almost essential for spirituality?

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In all of our spiritual body's (etheric, astral emotional etc.) there are foreign entities known as parasites that feed on our life force energy to survive. Although they have no emotions per se, they are highly intelligent beings and drive much of what we call our egoistic behaviors more than we can imagine. This is because they are even found in our brain, especially around the pineal gland of some individuals. So what is the cure to remove such beings from our bodies? You may not like it due to your social conditioning, and the reaction of the aforementioned parasites in your body, but it is urine. 

Just to give you an idea of how strong these parasites are, I'll share an example form my own life. On the second morning of drinking only urine, I felt a overwhelming impulse to go in my cupboard and have chocolate. I hadn't eaten chocolate in half a year nearly and was on a raw vegan omad diet, so this surprised me profoundly. And since then, the impulse to eat chocolate has grown larger. Now imagine if most of what you do all day is driven by these foreign impulses? Your words, your actions, your goals, your world view are influenced on some level by parasites. It's nothing to be afraid of, for there is an elixir your own body produces called urine. Urine pulls all positively charged molecules and ions such as fluoride, out of the body, as well as any inorganic materials as well as all parasites (this is because of it's distilled nature). There are many reasons urine is healthy to drink. For one, toxins are removed from the body primary in the lungs, next is through the skin, and then the liver, and finally blood is filtered through the kidneys to produce urine. An experience I've had of this on a continual basis is that my skin has a urine-like scent (this turns into coconut/lemon smell after a few weeks), and my feces are liquid, which shows the signs of heavy detox.

So my recommendation is to do some research into urine therapy, and consider trying it, as there are also many other benefits including anti aging, and anti cancer that I haven't mentioned. The main aspect of urine's healing effect is the 95% highly distilled water (which gives it it's negative charge) it contains, so to get started into cleaning your body in a gentler way, try drinking 4 litres of distiled water, and ease into a glass of urine in the morning from there. 

I hope this knowledge and increased awareness of these entities helps you on your journey! I'm very glad to have shared this with you all, and I'll leave you with the original video I watched from @pluto which started this process for me. 


Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Damn this is going to really push them to the egos limits :P Distilled water is the closest to urine for those who still are not all that knowledgeable and comfortable with the process. Its one of those phenomenons you can only Inner-stand from direct experience. Maybe the meditation-spirituality-consciousness-enlightenment section would of been more appropriate but we'll see how it goes.

The video you most is extremely powerful, i hope the people of actualized are ready :D

I shall share some videos on urine therapy

Andrew Norton Webber is also excellent on both distilled and urine therapy.

Edited by pluto


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Okay. Urine drinker here. I drink my own urine in the afternoons. It gives an energy boost. Since it is supposed to heal everything i use it for everything. What i am trying to say is that i put intention to it. Social conditioning is crazy! Go talk about doing LSD all by yourself home alone, drinking your own pee, with your co-workers see what they say? In the mean time they will be drinking soda and watching game of thrones.  

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This post blows my mind. This is huge and scary.

If this turns out to be a real deal... What a game changer that would be...

If you identify with the body, self esteem issues will be inevitable. 

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Our conditioning has been very strong and powerful but in the end, The truth always prevails.


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How do you know these astral parasites aren't the ones convincing you to drink your own pee? 

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5 minutes ago, Arman said:

How do you know these astral parasites aren't the ones convincing you to drink your own pee? 

I second this ?


I thought this was going to be a troll post but then reading along i thought this is absolutley insane but i feel like this is the trained fragile ego coming through. Guess ill never know until i try

Edited by moon777light

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@Arman Try it, and write back what you found out. That is the way to truly know for yourself.

But let's look at a few practical examples. In China's Public Urinals they actually collect urine to make billions of dollars a year by selling it to pharmaceutical companies for anti-aging products (Search it up if you want). Urine therapy is also similar to mediation in that it is an ancient practice that yogis would partake in. 

When you think of it society is built upon the idea of cleanliness. Just think for a moment of where you got the idea that urine is a dirty toxic waste substance that the body eliminates to stay clean? The answer is society. And anything assumed by society like that, which many people wouldn't even question due to how hard wired this belief is, should be questioned, and seen for what it is, which is as Leo says, the opposite of what is usually believed. For example, it is mainstream for people to watch TV, and they think that they are relaxing, when in reality their minds are being subtly programmed from the artificial lighting, and TV advertisements to say the least. So be careful there for what you assume. I encourage you to bust through the resistance and have a try for a few weeks!

In honour of this thread I actually just finished a 3 day urine fast. It was the heaviest detoxification I have experienced in my entire life. I felt much lighter afterwards, more intuitive, with greatly enhanced visualisation skills and most profoundly, a quiet mind (Really great for meditation). That was only a few days, so in a year of only drinking urine, the benefits could be much greater. This will happen for anyone because not only does urine decalcify the pineal gland by the strong negative charge it carries, but due to the high amount of life force energy/prana/chi compared to regular tap water it has, urine thus creates a high vibratory environment in your body where astral entities cannot exist, and by which, no longer drain your energy from one of your many bodies.

Hope this helps you :) 

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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39 minutes ago, Solace said:

@Arman Try it, and write back what you found out. That is the way to truly know for yourself.

But let's look at a few practical examples. In China's Public Urinals they actually collect urine to make billions of dollars a year by selling it to pharmaceutical companies for anti-aging products (Search it up if you want). Urine therapy is also similar to mediation in that it is an ancient practice that yogis would partake in. 

When you think of it society is built upon the idea of cleanliness. Just think for a moment of where you got the idea that urine is a dirty toxic waste substance that the body eliminates to stay clean? The answer is society. And anything assumed by society like that, which many people wouldn't even question due to how hard wired this belief is, should be questioned, and seen for what it is, which is as Leo says, the opposite of what is usually believed. For example, it is mainstream for people to watch TV, and they think that they are relaxing, when in reality their minds are being subtly programmed from the artificial lighting, and TV advertisements to say the least. So be careful there for what you assume. I encourage you to bust through the resistance and have a try for a few weeks!

In honour of this thread I actually just finished a 3 day urine fast. It was the heaviest detoxification I have experienced in my entire life. I felt much lighter afterwards, more intuitive, with greatly enhanced visualisation skills and most profoundly, a quiet mind (Really great for meditation). That was only a few days, so in a year of only drinking urine, the benefits could be much greater. This will happen for anyone because not only does urine decalcify the pineal gland by the strong negative charge it carries, but due to the high amount of life force energy/prana/chi compared to regular tap water it has, urine thus creates a high vibratory environment in your body where astral entities cannot exist, and by which, no longer drain your energy from one of your many bodies.

Hope this helps you :) 

Not sure if I trust a bunch of chinese doc's who have tapped public urinals, but there are indeed a lot of resources out there about the benefits of urine therapy, even as a yogic practice under the term 'Amaroli' as you mentioned 

Also #1 Aussie Jimbo has long since been a proponent of it, as exemplified by the first minute of this historic australian art piece


Edited by Arman

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i asked my parents about it just now, and they know this one guy in our town who did it for a period and reported feeling not only lighter but he increased the amount of kilos he could carry by a lot. 

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1 hour ago, Spacious said:

There is just no way I am drinking my own piss.

i second this. even it makes me see god

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On 4/7/2018 at 3:08 AM, Solace said:

is it almost essential for spirituality?

I've never heard that urine therapy is essential for spirituality.

In 1978, then Prime Minister of India, Morarji Desai, a longtime practitioner of urine therapy, spoke to Dan Rather on 60 Minutes about urine therapy. Desai stated that urine therapy was the perfect medical solution for the millions of Indians who cannot afford medical treatment. Morarji Desai lived to the age of 99 years.

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Can anyone whose done urine therapy pls review your experience? Also i feel like this should be moved to the health/fitness forum category 

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No one is forcing you to do anything, people have different paths, if you don't agree, simply move on :) Realize the reactions come from Ego as when ego is pushed past its comfort zone it automatically reacts. No need to be negative.


Edited by pluto


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I'll leave some more videos for you since you are interested. If you already watched the ones above.

Hope these help answer your questions. There's also many other links and sources in the descriptions of these videos that lead to further studies and such. Also connecting with people with first hand experience in the comments helps as sometimes people/community in these areas have a lot more knowledge.

Personally growing up i was suggested by elders that urine is used to heal certain things because the stem cells in them and substances that cannot be found anywhere else are present. I hear aged urine is better for skin application and healing as stem cells only multiply more and more. When ill, drink only your water.

Remember we are natures most advanced/awarest form(shall we say), we are created by divine intelligence. Our body is perfect, we are perfect and the reason we are so blinded and surprised by many things that are arising from the ashes today is because we have been heavily conditioned for thousands of years to actually believe that no one is perfect.

This in itself prevents us from our true divine potential.

Edited by pluto


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27 minutes ago, brovakhiin said:

Lol, it's not negativity, it's help. Growth ends when you end up in an echo chamber surrounded by perpetually agreeing yes-men.

Here's a tip: deconstruct the beliefs you already have, before adding on new ones. Enlightenment is reduction, not addition.


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While you are at it you might as well forge the Philosophers Stone aka Elixier of Life from your own urine through two years of constant cooking and distilling. In the end this will be way better than just drinking piss every day since the Stone is powerful, can cure everything, make you immortal and forever young. You distill the life force in the urine to it's purest and finest form over years and then consume it. The stone can also be used to transform base metals into gold...literally. When the Stone starts to run out you can easily replenish it infinetly as you please as long as some of the original stone is still left. When finished cooking the Philosophers stone will look like a clear, beautiful red crystal stone. First urine in the morning which is darker is used best for maximum effect. 


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For me is like drinking a ''light and clean'' redbull. It gives you an instant energy boost and it gives you ''extra'' awareness.

IDK about the astral demons. But I have had premonitory dreams and seen UFO's so nothing sounds too crazy to me nowadays. #Radicalopenmindedness and #EFFsocialconditioning




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@brovakhiin (Lmao you fools)

And what do you call that and how does that help anyone?

Edited by pluto


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Drinking urine, AKA drinking Budweiser.



You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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