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"let The Dice Decide!"

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Guys :)

Think  about it, if you really stuck with something in your life, if you need a solution OR way out..... maybe you should allow some random choice to decide. 

I mean if You are a freaking illusion, why not play it? why not let things happen? what are we loosing here? Why making a drama? At the end we are going to die anyway. How can we take things really seriously? what is  the most serious Thing in our lives? 

Reading the "Dice Man" right now by Luke Rhinehart. Pondering.....Sounds crazy, but he has his own Truth in this approach. Definitely we can all be more productive when we let the things happen and relax, accept the Reality as it is! 

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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As I am contemplating Death every day, sometimes it really make me down. Ego wants an easy solutions, ego wants some big meaningful answer. I used to think that everything has a predetermined order, used to believe that certain people "were sent" to us for an experience. Now, I do not believe in this any more. Things just happen, with no reason. Really? Basically nothing stands behind it, life just happens at this moment. How? O.o

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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4 hours ago, Galyna said:


As I am contemplating Death every day, sometimes it really make me down. Ego wants an easy solutions, ego wants some big meaningful answer. I used to think that everything has a predetermined order, used to believe that certain people "were sent" to us for an experience. Now, I do not believe in this any more. Things just happen, with no reason. Really? Basically nothing stands behind it, life just happens at this moment. How? O.o

you need a shift, and stop calling your "ego" that... your "ego" is you. might as well say " I " and quit fucking around. 

if you contemplate death do you contemplate life? they cant exist without each other. go further. 

yes life just happens..... anything else is added by "you" for "you".        and unfortunately "you", dont exist, and hold death as your antithesis.

its easy, yet massively .... fucking suck all./ 

its how you make yourself real.  

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5 hours ago, Galyna said:

Guys :)

Think  about it, if you really stuck with something in your life, if you need a solution OR way out..... maybe you should allow some random choice to decide. 

I mean if You are a freaking illusion, why not play it? why not let things happen? what are we loosing here? Why making a drama? At the end we are going to die anyway. How can we take things really seriously? what is  the most serious Thing in our lives? 

Reading the "Dice Man" right now by Luke Rhinehart. Pondering.....Sounds crazy, but he has his own Truth in this approach. Definitely we can all be more productive when we let the things happen and relax, accept the Reality as it is! 

What if this your conclusion is itself the result of dice roll?

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@Naviy  How can this Consciousness create such a strong illusion if it is not really really conscious of itself? No hope here to understand this.

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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7 hours ago, 99th_monkey said:

you need a shift, and stop calling your "ego" that... your "ego" is you. might as well say " I " and quit fucking around. 

if you contemplate death do you contemplate life? they cant exist without each other. go further. 

yes life just happens..... anything else is added by "you" for "you".        and unfortunately "you", dont exist, and hold death as your antithesis.

its easy, yet massively .... fucking suck all./ 


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Heyyyyyyyyyy! :) Thank you for your response, my friend! 

Well Ego=I, I know it, I am not around really. I truly can not grasp it. Of course I contemplate life.  You, Americans, put the phrases the way you want it, lol:  "suck all" (not sure what you mean here, a guy from MA) :D

Did you mean it sucks? hahahah

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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This dice rolling thing could be dangerous. Rolling dice just gives you a random and arbitrary course of action, whereas previously, you had the choice of waying up possibilities and taking a prudent course of action even if you believed you really had no free-will. The net result will be that your life course would take on an extremely random and precarious existence from that point onward. In turn the decision as to whether to use the dice in this pursuit would have to be weighed in the same way and the consequences considered, and so it is highly unlikely to be ever put into practice. So the premise is wrong to say that you may as well "simply roll dice." and to say that you will no longer make informed decisions and compare this with no free will is a false argument. 

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14 hours ago, Galyna said:


As I am contemplating Death every day, sometimes it really make me down. Ego wants an easy solutions, ego wants some big meaningful answer. I used to think that everything has a predetermined order, used to believe that certain people "were sent" to us for an experience. Now, I do not believe in this any more. Things just happen, with no reason. Really? Basically nothing stands behind it, life just happens at this moment. How? O.o

Death is not opposite of life, it's only opposite of birth.

Surrendering to just being IT brings an end to the energy of seeking, suffering.

And peace at last :) 

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"@Natasha Surrendering to just being IT" it is not easy but more painful process. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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11 minutes ago, Galyna said:

"@Natasha Surrendering to just being IT" it is not easy but more painful process. 

For me it was like going through 5 stages of loss and grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. Once you start this journey, you can't really regress. Just keep going and feeling all the emotions that arise - they are all part of the process. The seeking will suddenly vanish, suddenly be there no more. There will be no more pain, no more suffering... just the peace and the bliss of what is.

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Id' rather go down with my own vision than the vision of some stupid dice role, that's just weak and cowardly. Just make a decision and stand for it 100%, even if you accidentally blow up the world. Fuck it, at least it was your decision. Living consciously is way more fun than letting external circumstance decide your fate, well most of the time anyway. Just have to stop being scared of committing to your actions.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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@vizual You still are assuming that you have a free will here :) 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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1 hour ago, Galyna said:

@vizual You still are assuming that you have a free will here :) 

You are right Galyna, has we stand we do not possess free will. 

But, when Leo or others say we are an illusion, they also mean that your opinion about the dice is an illusion :)

We are (at this stage) machines, acting by external influences only. All you ever think about doing is a part of this process. Thinking itself is part of the illusion, so to have a chance of the possibility of freedom, or free will, you must understand that you cannot get there by thinking about it. 

First understand that we are machines, then stop the thinking process. This is the beginning of everything. 

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@Costa "But, when Leo or others say we are an illusion, they also mean that your opinion about the dice is an illusion"- I know this, dear Costa. 

But knowing this and truly accepting it is two different things. :) 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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I think my post was a long winded way of saying, don't confuse saying "I have no free will" with saying "I have no free will so may as well roll dice" they are two different things and it's not a correct assertion.

The reason is that you confusing having a machine make decisions for you and having no free will.

Edited by Neo

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@Galyna accepting is not the most hard thing here. :)

Living from essence instead of personality is. 

To be centered in it. 

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@Costa  It would not be the authentic knowledge, it would be coercion to follow some belief.

Authentic Knowledge is when you got direct experience, but not when you support the theory because your Ego likes it.

At this point it is hard for me to accept that "I" do not exist. I do believe that it does not, please understand me, but I have not had a chance to experience it!!!

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Galyna oh! i am sorry :) i was speaking just about intellectual understanding and acceptance, not direct experience of it. 

I wasn´t saying you MUST BELIEVE :) like religion  


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