
Why do yogis/gurus get cancer?

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As well, there are environmental factors to consider that no human is immune to regardless of diet or mental/spiritual health.

Edited by LRyan

Examine what you believe to be impossible, and then change your beliefs.

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8 hours ago, moon777light said:

yogis/gurus that pretty much meditate ALL day and stress free and super healthy food get cancer?

Enlightenment is beyond nature,  It is a great disturbance for body. Buddha lived forty-two years after enlightenment because he belonged to a warrior family, his body was prepared. 

Every mystic has extraordinary health before enlightenment but they do not remain healthy after enlightenment.

Hath yogis have extraordinary health, they can withstand enlightenment.


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(Every mystic has extraordinary health before enlightenment)

Very Powerful and Truthful words right there. I remember it clearly being and feeling a divine state of health and vitality, i literally felt physically immortal and i "knew" it as i was going through an Enlightenment phase.


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Being an experienced meditator does not free you from old age, sickness and death.


My first published essay

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I would argue that they got cancer because they weren't as healthy as they thought they were or as healthy as you think they were. According to the medical world, cancer is something that builds up by a long period of time, where bad cells increase by the time and form a tumor, based on that I can say that perhaps the guru wasn't healthy or got tricked to think he is healthy because honestly its a survival world we live in, every day we can be tricked into all kinds of bs.

A tree will grow if no one disturbs it or if the other tree doesn't block the sunlight and the same should apply to humans, we buy lets say organic shampoo or organic fruit but the companies can always lie about whats in the product and a person continues every day to use that product and cancer could be a result. We live in an infinite world with infinite opportunities and anything can happen 

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i heard Teal Swan's perspective of it is that yogis and gurus dont really go through or even acknowledge emotional healing/shadow work, that they are learned that emotions are really an annoyance that meditation will control on its own and thats probably what accounts for them contracting diseases in the long run?

also @Raymondo and @kisame i agree, i looked into traditional yogi cuisine and it does include lots of dairy and wheat products. Fruit is less focused on. Also many "hardcore" yogis i see in documentaries are practically starving themselves, which can be no good for the body. Now i wouldnt really say cancer builds up over a long period of time, it can happen very quickly, but i see what you're saying. 

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You should consider opinion of Indian members too, Yoga is popular in India since hundreds of years, have they ever heard about illness of a Yoga (Ashtanga or Hatha yoga) master (I am not talking about masters of other paths)

Edited by Prabhaker

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21 hours ago, moon777light said:

@Ether obviously but why do so many people, spiritual gurus, doctors real MD's!, recommend meditation+super healthy diet+minimum stress to help people get rid of their diseases/control the diease/keep it at bay, and theres obviously ALOTTA proof that it works, but yogis/gurus that pretty much meditate ALL day and stress free and super healthy food get cancer?

Less chance for cancer doesn't mean no chance.  In these things you need to look at statistics rather than single out instances. 

I betcha there have been many smokers who didn't get cancer. Sometimes it's also about the luck factor. 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Might as well ask, "Why wear a seatbelt if some people who wear seatbelts still die in car wrecks"?

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17 minutes ago, Dodo said:

Less chance for cancer doesn't mean no chance.  In these things you need to look at statistics rather than single out instances. 

I betcha there have been many smokers who didn't get cancer. Sometimes it's also about the luck factor. 


14 minutes ago, username said:

Might as well ask, "Why wear a seatbelt if some people who wear seatbelts still die in car wrecks"?

true true. I am speaking from no experience of enlightenment/non-duality so who knows, maybe they even forced it on purpose (leaving the body so body gets sick, like someone else said above).

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On 4/6/2018 at 6:21 PM, Kisame said:

Perhaps if they didn't meditate, they would have gotten cancer and died at 40, instead of only getting it at 65 or whatever. This is the sort of counterfactual experiment you can never run, so you can't draw any conclusions from the fact that skilled yogis have gotten cancer.

It would be more helpful if you could amass data about a population of skilled yogis with clean diets, and compared their cancer rates to that of the general population, but this data isn't available either. 

Also, their "clean" diets may not be as clean as you assume. The more you dig into nutrition research, the more you realize that the human body is incredibly adaptable, and can adjust to all kinds of wildy variable food intakes. There are amazing success stories from vegans who have overcome health crises through diet--and the exact same stories, from zero-carb/pure carnivore dieters. These two ways of eating exist at the complete opposite ends of the spectrum, and yet both are apparently capable of producing extremely healthy people. And for both veganism and zero-carb, you also get stories of people who feel awful attempting to eat this way, and have to move on to some diet a little more towards the middle. 

The "optimal" diet for each person varies depending on individual genetics and epigenetics. It's possible that these yogis who suffered negative health outcomes were actually not eating the diet that would have been best for them. 

I agree more with this perspective than the others I've read so far in this thread.

@moon777light Define clean diet? Are we talking SAD? Paleo? Vegetarian? Vegan? Raw Vegan? Fruitarian?...

While I am open minded to the possibility that there are contributing factors that lead to cancer which may not have been discovered yet at this time, or may ever be discovered, at least with a scientific rigor (e.g. potential emotional, mental, and spiritual components), I do think cancer has a clear physical cause / effect link just as any other physical phenomena that we observe in this reality. Cancer is materially based, is it not?

Dr. Morse would say, a diet of exclusively Fruits, Berries, and Melons and wild Herbs for any cancer patient is the solution. And he has an 80% cure rate at his clinic in Port Charlotte, Florida, healing everything from paraplegics to cancer patients.  Ever heard of the grape cure? There's a book about it. It's finally becoming recognized because a fruit diet works... It's incredibly detoxifying and cleansing. I speak from experience about this topic as well.

Edited by ppfeiff

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The only condition to change is the condition your mind is in, ie from ego-mind/false-mind/love-hate-mind/ambivalent-mind to true-mind/love-mind/higher-mind/bliss-mind/enlightened-mind/constant-mind/clear-mind.

IOW you are not here to change conditions, conditions are here to change you, ie the mind you are living in and as.

Edited by dorg

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Because they are not enlightened, only pretend from the ego. 




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On 07. April 2018 at 2:44 PM, moon777light said:

yogis and gurus dont really go through or even acknowledge emotional healing/shadow work, that they are learned that emotions are really an annoyance that meditation will control on its own and thats probably what accounts for them contracting diseases in the long run?

this is very interesting! do you remember in which video she mentions this? I find Teal Swan very insight- and helpful when dealing with emotions and healing.

whatever arises, love that

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On 4/6/2018 at 1:34 AM, moon777light said:

I mean you always hear on youtube by influential spiritual teachers that if you want to cure a "dis-ease" in your body you should start meditating and alter your diet. And there are many success stories of people healing themselves with this approach. Then why do yogis/gurus, who are the epitome of meditation, probably practice meditation all day everyday, have a clean diet, etc..why do they get health issues like cancer? The question popped up after i read on here that a famous yogi did mahasamadi after figuring out they have cancer

Maybe its because the claims that they can heal are false. 

People used to think that fire walking was supernatural until they discovered there was a scientific explanation.

A guru that can claim he has supernatural powers is going to get more followers than one who does not. People get attached to their claims because they want to believe it. They want to attach to a belief that other people's "magic" can save them from their reality rather than taking responsibility for their own spiritual growth.

If we do not require empirical  or experiential evidence for other people's extraordinary claims, how do we choose which claims to believe? Do we believe all of them? None of them?

When in doubt, remain agnostic.

Edited by Matt8800

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okay i know this thread is very old, but i came across an interesting thought after watching about self-inquiry. So during the first "awakening" during self inquiry, according to the theory, the false self separates from the true self. But then this creates a duality. You become detached from form. The form and formless are separate. 

IN the video, it was stated that when you experience pain, whether its a back ache, grief from a loved one dying, etc, the power of self inquiry is that you are no longer attached to form. You are DETACHED from all form. so you experience no suffering. You know your not the body. And then i instantly remembered this thread. 

Is that the reason why its not rare to hear of a yogi getting cancer or some other disease? Because they have separated form and formless, the true self and false self, and say "oh, im not the body, so i dont experience suffering and this doesnt bother me" And usually their state gets worse. Later in the video, its said that once you realize the true self from false self, you need to reunite them, because if not, your believing in a certain duality. That means you need to integrate formless and form and see that there is divinity in every form. Would that mean that some yogis who got sick didnt  re-integrate the form and formless and continue thinking "oh im not the form", instead of "im both the form and the formless" or "im everything". ??Or maybe they didnt give a shit anymore lol


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They didn't give a shit anymore about their body :D :D

9 minutes ago, moon777light said:

 Because they have separated form and formless, the true self and false self, and say "oh, im not the body, so i dont experience suffering and this doesnt bother me" 


It's true tho. In their experience whatever happens to the body it's not even happening to them.IMG_20190129_120654.jpg

This Ramakrisha that sadhguru talks about was advaita in other words self-enquiry enlightened sage.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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I really doubt an truly enlightened yogi would even be worried about death or cancer, they know they can never die, just the body. 

Worrying about this stuff is just being very attached to the body, you should for sure try and live a healthy life but overcoming the fear of death is just as important. I defo need to work on this as I am very health conscious but its revolved around the fear of death.


there is that famous Ramana quote when his devotes pleaded with him to try and find a cure for his cancer "Why are you so attached to this body? Let it go", and "Where can I go? I am here

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You realize that cancer is a condition, an unleashed ego, and clinging to fixed beliefs, no transcendence, only on the mind. You realize this folks, no? 

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