
Why do yogis/gurus get cancer?

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I mean you always hear on youtube by influential spiritual teachers that if you want to cure a "dis-ease" in your body you should start meditating and alter your diet. And there are many success stories of people healing themselves with this approach. Then why do yogis/gurus, who are the epitome of meditation, probably practice meditation all day everyday, have a clean diet, etc..why do they get health issues like cancer? The question popped up after i read on here that a famous yogi did mahasamadi after figuring out they have cancer

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3 minutes ago, moon777light said:


Maybe I responded prematurely.

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27 minutes ago, moon777light said:

why do they get health issues like cancer?

Enlightenment is the last lesson of life, there is nothing more to learn, you are unnecessarily hanging around. You have learnt the lesson—that was the purpose of life—so life starts losing contact with the person.

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This is gonna sound super new age but here it goes.

Sometimes we are vibrationally a match to things that we aren’t even aware of. In fact, the vast majority of what we encounter as reality is completely subconscious. So for this reason, it can sometimes be a complete mystery what caused a “master meditator” to match up to something like cancer. Maybe there was a small part of them who was sick of living in this physical reality and decided they wanted to return to source. Trying to figure out the cause is 100% speculation. The bottom line is the law of attraction is much more complicated than most people realize. 

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Another super new age perspective :D

They already completed this level and continued to stick around and play the same level = suffering/cancer ect... Many people with an evolved consciousness(so to speak) if they stick around too long they can go MAD or develop lower level problems because they are sticking around in a realm they already mastered and evolved from.


If we want to talk physical terms cancer cannot survive in an oxygen rich alkaline environment, if they are sitting all day and not going anywhere, not moving that lymph = stagnation = acidosis = cancer.

I need to get outta here lol




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9 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

Do you believe the younger generation to have more evolved DNA to withstand enlightenment? Some of the most wise beings i know are all my age and some even younger. I believe many of us are sent here (in waves) from higher dimensional realms in order to assist the collective evolution of consciousness on this planet. Some of these younger children know far too much about the universe by default without ever learning anything. They also can go very long times without food/water where the older generations cannot. Nothing else makes sense. I have my sources but would be interesting to hear your perspective on this. If you may.

Edited by pluto


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Just now, pluto said:

Do you believe the younger generation to have more evolved DNA to withstand enlightenment?

Now we live more unnatural life , we use our brain too much, our bodies are more fragile in comparison with primitive man. Enlightenment is more difficult for a modern man.

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Only vedantis get cancer not yogis ?

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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5 hours ago, pluto said:

Do you believe the younger generation to have more evolved DNA to withstand enlightenment? Some of the most wise beings i know are all my age and some even younger. I believe many of us are sent here (in waves) from higher dimensional realms in order to assist the collective evolution of consciousness on this planet. Some of these younger children know far too much about the universe by default without ever learning anything. They also can go very long times without food/water where the older generations cannot. Nothing else makes sense. I have my sources but would be interesting to hear your perspective on this. If you may.

I do agree with this 100%.

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6 hours ago, pluto said:

Some of these younger children know far too much about the universe by default without ever learning anything. They also can go very long times without food/water where the older generations cannot. Nothing else makes sense. I have my sources but would be interesting to hear your perspective on this. If you may.

I think people of higher consciousness are now taking birth in western countries. East has now been imitating the West.

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Uhm, because they are humans just like us?

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@Ether obviously but why do so many people, spiritual gurus, doctors real MD's!, recommend meditation+super healthy diet+minimum stress to help people get rid of their diseases/control the diease/keep it at bay, and theres obviously ALOTTA proof that it works, but yogis/gurus that pretty much meditate ALL day and stress free and super healthy food get cancer?

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Meanwhile UG Krishnamurti is eating like shit, doesn't eat any vitamins, never visits a doctor, doesn't exercise while yelling at people for almost four decades and yet he had natural death at 88. :D 


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One time a guy told me that life is full of processes that start and end and that a guru can make a disease disappear by withdrawing the accumulation or lack there of, of energy in a chakra or energy center... But that some gurus go ahead and let their death coincide with the end of a larger process here on earth, and keep on doing their work or purposes in other dimensions or planes of existence.

sounded good to me when I heard it.

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5 hours ago, moon777light said:

@Ether obviously but why do so many people, spiritual gurus, doctors real MD's!, recommend meditation+super healthy diet+minimum stress to help people get rid of their diseases/control the diease/keep it at bay, and theres obviously ALOTTA proof that it works, but yogis/gurus that pretty much meditate ALL day and stress free and super healthy food get cancer?

Perhaps if they didn't meditate, they would have gotten cancer and died at 40, instead of only getting it at 65 or whatever. This is the sort of counterfactual experiment you can never run, so you can't draw any conclusions from the fact that skilled yogis have gotten cancer.

It would be more helpful if you could amass data about a population of skilled yogis with clean diets, and compared their cancer rates to that of the general population, but this data isn't available either. 

Also, their "clean" diets may not be as clean as you assume. The more you dig into nutrition research, the more you realize that the human body is incredibly adaptable, and can adjust to all kinds of wildy variable food intakes. There are amazing success stories from vegans who have overcome health crises through diet--and the exact same stories, from zero-carb/pure carnivore dieters. These two ways of eating exist at the complete opposite ends of the spectrum, and yet both are apparently capable of producing extremely healthy people. And for both veganism and zero-carb, you also get stories of people who feel awful attempting to eat this way, and have to move on to some diet a little more towards the middle. 

The "optimal" diet for each person varies depending on individual genetics and epigenetics. It's possible that these yogis who suffered negative health outcomes were actually not eating the diet that would have been best for them. 

Edited by Kisame

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