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Why does everything have to revolve around love?

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There's this beautiful fit girl with hazel eyes. I want to have kids with her, probably because she has the best genes. 

I told her that i have a crush on  her, she said that she doesn't date. 
Her Display picture on whatsapp is her and some guy, who has his hand around her shoulders. I feel extremely jealous. 

I have been thinking about her for a long time now, and every desire of mine, and everything in my life is gravitating towards this one girl, as if I will fulfil the purpose of life the moment she holds my hand. 

For a while, i thought this could be love. But it isn't, for i won't be happy, if she's happy with that other guy. 

What's happening to me? 


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13 hours ago, assx95 said:

What's happening to me? 

Fantasy and projection basically. The good news is that it's extremely common. The bad news is that it usually leads to heartbreak.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Everything doesn't revolve around love... everything IS love.... but not that "kind" of love....

you already answered what's happening to you... a crush....i'm sorry it didn't work out...

I feel like a broken record...I know I always point out the billions of other humans that exist on this planet...but it's true!!!

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I didn't know i was needy up until now. 

Edited by assx95

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On 06/04/2018 at 4:37 AM, aurum said:

Fantasy and projection basically. The good news is that it's extremely common. The bad news is that it usually leads to heartbreak.


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