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I would like to see Leo talking about the Feminism movement.

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I believe it's outside the self-actualization stuff and wouldn't be that usefull. That kinda would be a waste of Leo's potential.

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I think Leo would sooner become enlightened than make an episode on feminism anytime soon.

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Feminism is more in the range of philosophy than anything else. Or even a study on social systems and why they gain popularity when they do. But I see this as a bit out of Leo's main idea of self-actualization. In my opinion, Feminism comes up now because new discussions are opening up about gender and society due to the widespread acceptance of the LGBT community. So, we need to take a new look at what femininity, masculinity, manhood, and womanhood means in a society where these definitions have become more fluid. In Second Wave Feminism, it was more about creating laws that enabled women the same rights in the workplace as men. So, the idea was "Women can do everything men can do, because women can be powerful like men too through work and worldly success." But now, we're ideally looking at what actually defines empowerment to the individual beyond the idea of what "should" be empowering. But many times it just gets like a broken record with everyone clinging to their viewpoints as gospel and no fruitful dialogue can happen.

Edited by Emerald Wilkins

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