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Stop The Monkey // Groundbreaking New Method

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This is NOT a magic bullet replacing other techniques!!

It is an additional method to bring unconscious and semi-conscious contents into your awareness by first watching/monitoring your monkey-mind carefully, then taking the responisbility for EVERYTHING your monkey-mind does (you become the monkey-mind), and then deciding to stop. Basicly it is :

1.Monkey-Mind thinks X

2.I think X

3. I stop X

And that´s it! Pretty easy hm? Thats how you gain complete controll and STOP the monkey-mind! 

That´s why i call the method : "Stop-the-monkey" (Because Peter Gabriel references always work ;) ) 

I will explain in more detail now:


1.take your favorite meditation posture, close eyes and monitor all inner movements. (verbal thought, earwigs, visuals, memories, emotions, all stuff that just comes up even if you don´t want it...)

2.when a movement occurs you realize what it is and then you take responsibility for that movement like you created that movement! (Because guess what: part of you! actually created that movement even thou you might in some cases not be aware of it!) 

3a.Now you decide to stop the movement by imperativly thinking *STOP!* and realy feel the power to stop whatever you want since you created it in the first place.

(don´t cherry pick and only stop "bad" thoughts , also stop nice/happy thoughts , cool visualizations etc... the task is to stop EVERYTHING you can monitor without exception!)

3b.After you stopped the movement it will be quite/motionless for a certain time Y , then a new movement will arise from "nowhere" and you repeat with step 2.


eventually the time without a new movement coming up will get longer and longer and you start to feel like a blank paper/ water without waves (use your imagnination to find a picture ...ofc AFTER the meditation ended ^^)  also after the meditation is a perfect time to then suggest to yourself which thoughts you wanna have more often in the future and then close by repeating a positive mantra for 10minutes ( i feel good, i feel great, everything is love smth like that...careful! you will actualy remember that phrase the next days whenever you might get into stress-mode instead^^ it is extremly powerful!)


So give it a try and let me know about your experience with the "Stop-the-monkey" method. :) 

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I will be unleashing my monkey mind tonight with some alcohol and a few hours of UFC.


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