
Why do not leo make an episode about hell?

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Leo described hell as suffering beyond our wildest dreams. I think leo needs to make an episode about hell. And what determinants of what gets trapped there? Sociopaths, Murders, People who has not worked on their cousioness. What derements it? stage red, blue, orange people? This is a serious topic. I would not move to a cave for enlightment but this is probely the thing that would make me do that. Endless suffering. And if i am working on myself and are at stage red,blue or orange do i have a chance there forever? // A scared 17 year old

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16 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Freakrik He’s just referring to marriage dude. Everything’s fine. 


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33 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Freakrik He’s just referring to marriage dude. Everything’s fine. 

Hahhhah that was a good one. But seriously i think that leo needs to adress this. And why people get sent there. In his death video he explans that death is the best thing to happen to a living creature. Does stage red people also get to this place leo was talking about

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(From Leo's recent blog post):


I think if Bull Murray's character in Caddyshack gets Total Consciousness then you've got nothing to worry about. I mean he was obsessed with gopher murder. 

Although I wouldn't have called him stage red. More like beige. Or turquoise ?Idk you spiral dynamics experts can chime in here. 

I think we all arrive at the same place but get there differently. But wth do I know. 

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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I didn't finish reading the Tibetan Book of the Dead, but it explains a lot of things about Hell and other demons, entities, etc...

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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4 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

I didn't finish reading the Tibetan Book of the Dead, but it explains a lot of things about Hell and other demons, entities, etc...

Did you get why some people go to hell?

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2 minutes ago, Freakrik said:

Did you get why some people go to hell?

I didn't arrive to that part, but I think is a matter of low consciousness. When you are attached to the body and to material things, after you die, you have nothing of that, you are not prepared to let go and probably you can stay in a kind of hellish place until you let that go. 

But that's only my idea, when I reach at that part I let you know.

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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10 minutes ago, InfinitePotential said:

(From Leo's recent blog post):


I think if Bull Murray's character in Caddyshack gets Total Consciousness then you've got nothing to worry about. I mean he was obsessed with gopher murder. 

Although I wouldn't have called him stage red. More like beige. Or turquoise ?Idk you spiral dynamics experts can chime in here. 

I think we all arrive at the same place but get there differently. But wth do I know. 

So in theory i can be a maniplutive ego maniac and get to the same place as leo?

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1 minute ago, abrakamowse said:

I didn't arrive to that part, but I think is a matter of low consciousness. When you are attached to the body and to material things, after you die, you have nothing of that, you are not prepared to let go and probably you can stay in a kind of hellish place until you let that go. 

But that's only my idea, when I reach at that part I let you know.


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I google it and I found this:



The Bardo Thodol teaches that once awareness is freed from the body, it creates its own reality as one would experience in a dream. This dream occurs in various phases (bardos) in ways both wonderful and terrifying. Overwhelming peaceful and wrathful visions and deities appear. Since the deceased's awareness is in confusion of no longer being connected to a physical body, it needs help and guidance in order that enlightenment and liberation occurs. The Bardo Thodol teaches how we can attain Nirvana by recognizing the heavenly realms instead of entering into the lower realms where the cycle of birth and rebirth continue.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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5 minutes ago, Freakrik said:

So in theory i can be a maniplutive ego maniac and get to the same place as leo?

Ultimately, yes. But not without a price. 

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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Just now, InfinitePotential said:

Ultimately, yes. But not without a price. 

What is the price? 

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6 minutes ago, Freakrik said:

What is the price? 

I'm not sure. I could say going through hell, or reincarnating in a less agreeable situation (if one were a "manipulative ego maniac"). But I'm being entirely speculative, and this is presupposing one has free will to choose to not be a manipulative ego maniac.

However I would think there are balancing forces, and what goes around comes around, and if "hell" is what you need then "hell" is what you'll get. 

And ultimately all paths lead to the same placeless place. 

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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The price comes by the actions. Everything you do comes back. It's Karma's law.

In the material level if you boil water, it boils. Same thing with your actions, if you do something with a bad intention there's will be a response of the universe to balance that act.

Who knows how? It's better to act accepting the law of Karma, and not doing anything agains it.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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49 minutes ago, Freakrik said:

I asked leo on yt. He responded "Not if you increase your consciousness by doing the work." Does that mean by not doing the work that i am gonna go to hell or at least have a chance of doing that

There's a possibility. But if you are asking questions and trying to find out about your true self, I don't think it will happen.

Most of the population don't even worry about that, so you will be Ok.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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15 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

There's a possibility. But if you are asking questions and trying to find out about your true self, I don't think it will happen.

Most of the population don't even worry about that, so you will be Ok.


Ok. Where where is the line when your consciousness is too limited and you end up in hell? You have no free will so those with too limited consciousness are gonna suffer in hell forever

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1 minute ago, Freakrik said:

Ok. Where where is the line when your consciousness is too limited and you end up in hell? You have no free will so those with too limited consciousness are gonna suffer in hell forever

The thing that does not have free will is the ego, what you think you are. Normally our ego "thinks" he's doing something and that it has choice or free will, but it hasn't.

Consciousness is doing everything or creating. You create your own reality, it means that if you need to have that experience consciousness will give it to you. But, if you realize that there's no "you"... who is going to end in hell? There's no one to be in hell in reality. What we think we are is just an idea.

Let me tell you my experience. I was also really worried about not going to hell. I was christian and I was afraid of the things people say about Hell, etc.

The day I was liberated from that was when I realize that if consciousness thinks that I have to go to hell, there's nothing I can do. 

So I will do whatever I think is good to not go there, I have to accept reality as is. If I deserve to go to hell, even if I am thinking that what I am doing is Ok, I will go, because there's nothing I can do about it. You have to submit totally to reality and not be afraid by nothing. 

Think about Jesus, how he supported all that punishment, because reality had that for him. 


I learned by mindful meditation, that nothing can scare me. If I keep that separation between me and my thoughts, I can walk on Hell and laugh about it. hehehe...R



Psalm 23

"Also — when I walk in a valley of death-shade, I fear no evil, for Thou [art] with me, Thy rod and Thy staff — they comfort me."



Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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