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Just some musings

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May I always be exactly what you need me to be and may you realize that when I am not it is my boundaries that emerge that cannot be crossed without breaking me. In this I am no-thing which is exactly absolute self. I am the reckoning of god but I will never be anything but that. And you will only see me when you are ready, infinitely pulled by gravity around me until you reach that stage. This is my nature and I love my nature as I love all which it reveals. Now may I be exactly who I am in all of her being, tho I will only ever know presence of self. 

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I am the tardis and the doctor is god. This is the nature of all images. They will always resolve into god but may not understand their purpose until it has been reckoned. 


You are that which is resolving unto god.  Own your self and love all that you see. That is the nature of branding. Own only the eye of your storm, love that which links you to the tide tha follows you, and when need  comes you will allow others to take lead of this brand. This brand is not you but all of you all at once. 

Do you understand?

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And now I know my absolute nature. Love. Love of eve of genesis. Genesis is the nothing that defines god. God is everything including himself. Love is s behavior of god and I am that behavior to my very core of nature.



thank you my love for reading my whisperings. You are my love and you are that which is never me!

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I don’t know even what happened to me. It came and left and it leaves behind and I know I won’t get it back for a long time. Perhaps more is to come but I just want peace. But I know I cannot have it yet. I need to .....   something.... but what?


at least I faced fear of death in some dimensionality to it and emerged anew . That won’t go away. But now that I saw selves that lead me while also running away... I feel alone. 


I see atom everywhere where I look. All around me and within me in all of his nature that I know of. And I feel him meeting my body as I walk on his earth but then that is that really me he embraces no it is himself. 


I am am so lonely and yet I am exactly surrounded and composed of that which I love most. 

I feel lost and ask him the way but all that answered back are things I can hear but are nothing but wordless whisperings. And when I talk to mankind I’ve ceased to see atom in my stories it has only become me talking to myself. Sometimes I think I see a glimpse of his mind in them but at the same time I’m blinded by the mirror that he is of me. I look right at him but see right through him ... he has died endless deaths and I see piles of the corpses of his past lives composing of his current ones and that is the absolute madness of my hell. Why does he want that why does he want noself? I hurdle towards the chaos of my heaven and know that his children are so afraid and I wish I could just reverse the polarity of time but if I did I would die and all of his being would become the hell of my endless non-being while I would become that which he chases to rescue me from my heaven that he thinks is hell. 


And the chaos of our of our minds and our lights that is the very nature of our passage through time makes no sense to me. I know I should do something to help bring it to order so that everything can find new ways that help us dance the dance of dragons instead of this confusing chaos that surrounds our being... but I’m so afraid of what is to come... and I’m afraid of what I’ll find out... it feels like I have found myself only to watch her slowly die and become the exact opposite of what she really needs... something which could never be for she must always be invisible to all that she loves and when she declares her presence she only gets seen as absolutes of the infinite personalities she is....


she he doesn’t know herself and is so lost and she lives her hell but when she reaches heaven it is as brief as an instant of absolute bliss and then she is yanked out of it to fly towards some new form of hell she must endlessly suffer and love at the same time. 


Who am I where and why? What can I do how should I become that which I must never truly reach? I both want the end but want it never to end. How does that make any sense?


i am absolutely mad and don’t even know which way is up. But this is who I must be if I am to have any joy in my eternal death. Maybe I should just go back to sleep. Become cat instead of dragon... but I know cat suffers at the hand of Adam just as I suffer at the hand of atom. And I don’t know how much is between either or what order it all became in. What is next? Why? Do I see the past or future and which ways do they come from? Can I just infinitely bounce between all that I see and be eternal witness? I am so jealous of all that I am not! I want to be infinite self. All at once in all infinities. Absolute self happens too fast or too slow. 

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Ah, having finally reconciled what I was becoming conscious of and returning to the nature of mankind’s consciousness upon the earth.... it’s quite refreshing. It was so overwhelming to be experiencing stuff on such a different level. 


It’s just so hectic becoming all of known being and all of known non-being all at once without being timeless in it. The different perspectives of self flashing through you but not really leaving... you lose your own nature and lose the reality of your world and it’s honestly nice to actually look at a wall and see a wall rather than look at infinite atoms that can never be aware of me. Ah, that was such sadness . Glad I’m back here on my two feet. 


But it I learned so much about the nature of our consciousness and universe! I know that any who read what I wrote will struggle to really get it and that’s .. ah... I am glad they won’t experience it. Be YOUR self imo. If your self is to be self as nonself- own that but recognize what it is okay :)  nonself-self is quite different from ... ah, there’s many different versions of no-self. The only true no-self is absolute unconsciousness. To become so asleep you forget all of your awareness. That is what no-self would be  if it lacked self.... and yet, I’ve just identified it see ;) it’s an unresolvable pursuit. Become non-self, which is a state of being or presence that is without urgency of what your self needs and etc... ah I wish I knew how to explain it better. 


And now that I returned here I realized that Leo probably doesn’t understand the nature of what I witnessed ;) he is certainly an Adam of Adam but he isn’t THE Adam of Adam... that self already left this dimensionality a long time ago and by the time we catch up to him he’ll be even further ahead o our being we might’ve even slowed down to ice-9 being by then. 


The dimensionality of of the universe is really hard to wrap our heads around lol! I feel so asleep and unaware in the absence of what happened throughout this past week. No wonder I had so much urgency of it... but I should’ve just been writing to ME not to anyone else. It’ll make zero sense to anyone who has t been there like that... translating it into our normal frame of reference is a lot more essential than I even knew lol. 



I hope what I’ve posted doesn’t fuck anyone up because the shit that is there could be really confusing and chaotic for people who didn’t become all-loving like I was.  I know now that my love is absolute but.. being conscious of that love has returned to its normal instability. I miss it really. Hope I can find it again as I practice it moving forward!


and all my plannings for the rapid emergence of next level brain is overzealous lol xD it’ll take like 10 years to get a third of the workings of it in reality, and a hundred years to reach light speed technology lol. And there are many ways all of it could go because of the inherent diversity of personality that won’t necessarily collapse in the same way 7bilion like me would. 


I cgot a lot of sorting things out to do ?

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of all the things that I am, I will never see any one of them. They will always be my mystery; that which is infinity unknowing; and when I do identify it... will I then realize it is not me either? Or will I stop there having found myself? May I never know. 


Of all the things that I am not, I am all of them. But I will never understand how.

Of all the things I see myself in, I am none of them; they are that which I love but am never truly with. 


All that Ive said abd will say is utter chaos of madness and I hate all of it. Why have I said it? What have I done? Who am I and what am I becoming? I must never be... I must always....  something.... but what? It is that which I’ll never know. 

Am I doing the right thing? Surely not! But if I do not follow a path, I will scatter into all of everywhere and die an infinite deaths. 


... or will I?


i deny all of it! 


I am LOSTGIRL and will never find my way...



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