
Lucid dreaming like memory

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Ive been having lucid dreams lately because i noticed when im dreaming and from foggy dream i enter lucid dream its real like when you are my queastion is can we create lucid dreaming like memory something like photographic memory where you can see your memory so clear like its happening right now?

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I'm not certain but you can do that when meditating! Tibetan bowl and Buddha meditation works for me.

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@NoSelfSelf when you are lucid dreaming, you could try asking to relive a memory. According to the LD forums, you shout a request out loud and wait for a response. Would be a good experiment to try... I'm still working on inducing LD's myself, they just happen randomly and I am only about semi-lucid usually

Edited by starsofclay



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@starsofclay im talking about can we have vivid memory when we are awake

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@NoSelfSelf yeah but that's something I can't answer yet, however if you are wanting to relive memories I was suggesting it  may be possible in lucid dreaming 



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@starsofclay ohh now i get what you are saying tnx but no they suck ???

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@NoSelfSelf   I've had lucid dreams since I was a kid, unaware that not everyone had them. I haven't had a prolonged one in quite a while, though. Yes, if I'm understanding your question, you can accrue lucid dream memories just as you accrue waking memories. For example, I remember a conversation that I had with a little old woman who was sitting at an outdoor kiosk food cart of some sort on a sunny day with lots of people walking around shopping and such. I asked her about the food she was eating, and then about her life. She didn't speak English very well, but I got the gist of what she was trying to convey. I remember her weathered brown face, her shy smile and her openness. That dream was ~25 years ago.

That one was especially memorable, because I would normally, upon becoming lucid, immediately jump into doing impossible or off-limits things like flying, running around squeezing the breasts of every woman in a crowd, punching my perceived enemies, and other things that most young men would like to do in real life, but on a whim that night, I decided to just sit down and talk to someone who looked kind and interesting to me, knowing full well that she and everything I was experiencing was imaginary. I remember deciding as I sat and talked with her not to tell her that she was just a part of my fantasy. It didn't occur to me then, but now I wonder if she was the one with the secret. There are many other memories from lucid dreams I've had, but that one is my favorite.

I'm not sure if I even answered the question you were asking, but thanks for listening.    

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@PsiloPutty have you read Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self, by Robert Waggoner? If you are a natural LD'er, you should definitely read it. It is not a how to book, it mainly focuses on what you can DO in a lucid dream. It is very interesting stuff. 



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@starsofclay  Thank you, no I haven't read a word about lucid dreaming since I bought Stephen LaBerge's book back in 1996 or something.  :D  I always knew there was a huge potential in it as far as a person's psychology goes, but I never pursued it. I may check out the book you suggested. You know something funny? Just reliving/relaying my dream, and talking to you guys like this will hugely increase my chances of having one tonight. It's always worked that way for me. 

Edited by PsiloPutty

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@PsiloPutty thanks,with that we could go back and fix our childhood traumas mybe?

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yes, very often to me. I can even control my dream when I am half awake, it was so cool.

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@NoSelfSelf  Yes, that's what I mean. When it's harnessed, there's almost limitless potential for growth. But until there's a pill that reliably induces LDs, it's hard to harness. 

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