
Dry fasting heals everything

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So i've heard dry fasting heals AIDS,HIV,eczema,cancer,bad teeth,diabetes,hemorrhoids  etc etc

Pretty interesting, Thought you all could get a kick out of dry fasting sometime healing whatever issues you have, I'll give it a try soon

The video is too long, so you might as well skip around his youtube channel to find content that interests you, it's mainly fat loss targeting and healing. He has a lot of results based on self experimentation with fasting although they way he delivers isn't everyone's cup of tea. I still find him to share interesting results compared to phd bookworms.

If any of you do have fasting experiences whether water or soft/hard dry fasts please share them below.




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Dry fasting is immensely powerful. It creates intense competition amongst the cells in your body, and the healthier cells tend to survive while the damaged / weaker cells do not. There are (supposedly) even mechanisms within cells that cause them to self destruct and release their water and nutrients for other more healthy cells to use. 

It's important to be well nourished and hydrated in general. But throwing in some appropriately moderate / intermittent fasting, counterintuitively, helps you be more well nourished and hydrated in the long run. 

Truly works miracles. I'm convinced that ancient healers used fasting / dry fasting a lot. 

Of course, it's no substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle.

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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@khalifa There’s a documentary on some places that do this. People have gone 20 - 30 days even, if memory serves. Nothing we want to mess with at home, but yeah, apparently cures damn near everything. That’s some serious cleansing!



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1 day dry fast is said to be equivalent to 3-4 days water fast. I remember when i was water fasting one day i had no access to water for several hours and what i noticed was a deeper spiritual presence and cleansing taking place. As my family argued in the car the whole way back home i easily had somewhat disconnected from that reality and automatically created some sort of mute-field around me. I simply had no energy to pay attention to them and their nonsense i was just staying at peace with my body. There was no way to make them trigger me at this point.

Soon as i got access to some water i noticed i felt slightly more alive but yet less spiritual and pure than before. I now had the energy to pay attention and to interact with others although due to the water fast i was still pretty much (triggerless) yet it was quite a difference in comparison when i was lacking both food/water compared to just water.

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Very interesting. I'm guessing it'd be smart to try out some proper water fasting before trying something like that.

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most definitely, I'd treat it like psychedelics and ease into it. Test the waters a bit before diving into the deep end (tbf I haven't dove in the deep end yet myself, more like chilled in the hot tub with some 72 hour water fasts and intermittent dry fasting).  In fact fasting can have some similar affects as psychedelics, for example hyper awareness, vivid dreams, increased visualization ability, etc. 

That being said, some have found dry fasting to be easier than water fasting. You don't deal with cold body problems as much, the health benefits are (even) more pronounced, and it's a bit more simple. Excellent time to lay around doing nothing. 

Also it's valuable to "fast" from all external sources of stimulation, or at least drastically cut down. Great excuse to lay in bed all day. Withdrawal symptoms can be very apparent. 

But back to fasting, trying some intermittent fasting is safe and doable and less intense, with plenty of benefits (especially over time). For example, stopping all consumption at a certain time in the evening, then resuming at a certain time in the morning, every day or most days. 

One huge benefit I've noticed is that sleep is way more restful on an empty stomach, and I don't have to wake up and pee in the middle of the night (which a healthy person should be able to do regularly). 


And for what it's worth, I've heard / read (for example in Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha) that fasting isn't at all necessary for spiritual growth. Of course we all dry fast most every night as we sleep.... but of course, an overall healthy diet and lifestyle, managing stress, etc is more important. 

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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@InfinitePotential  Hehe, yea, wouldn't really have to do anything during dry fast. Doing that, you could interestingly get some idea of the breatharian life.

But peeing in middle of the night is a sign of health? Interesting. I do that, but thought it was kind of bothersome.

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No! From what I've heard peeing in the middle of the night is a sign that something is wrong (don't be too alarmed, it's very common).

It could just be that you drank too much before bed. But besides that, a healthy individual should be able to go a full night without waking up to go pee. Frequent peeing at night is a sign of body toxicity. At least, this is what Loren Lockman, huge proponent of extended water fasting, has said.

It makes some sense evolutionarily. We wouldn't want to go out at night to go urinate or deficate somewhere when it's dark out and predators are running around doing their thing.

In my experience, stopping eating and drinking a couple or few hours before bed makes it more likely that I don't need to pee in the middle of the night, and helps me feel more well rested the next day.  


“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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@InfinitePotential Ah, well that makes sense. I usually drink some water before bed, but not too much. I'm pretty toxic too. Lymph stagnation, poor kideny/adrenals filtering, weak thyroid and what not. Been working on that since finding out about true detox.

Makes me wonder, cause I'm focusing on getting good herbal formulas in, how effective water/dry fasting would be in comparison, or if I should first focus on detoxing/strengthening those tissues first via other means.

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You can also try OMAD which is where we only eat once a day and fast for 20-23 hours a day. I do this naturally sometimes or usually have 2 meals but i never eat before 16 hours after my last meal the night before. This is just how it feels most natural too me. There are days where i have some fruit juice or liquid/teas of course but most of the time keep my solid foods at least no sooner than noon the next day.

This can help you ease into fasting but IMO its best to do a raw fruit/veg week or two or raw juice to detox the body before going into a water or dry fast especially if you have been eating unhealthy for years and have a lot of toxic buildup. Others can jump straight into it but sometimes its wiser to detox first cause you can feel quite sick if you are toxic and jump straight into a fast.

Enemas can also help significantly speed up the cleaning/cleansing process when doing the fast and making sure everything's properly flushed out so toxins do not get re-absorbed. Others do salt water flushes.

@Huginn I have tried every herbal formula known :P I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to superhuman health and superherbs/foods but nothing cleans you and regenerates you like a true fast. I only done distilled/purified water for 1-2 weeks on a few occasions and never really had a chance to dry fast longer than a day due to the circumstances i was in and too many distractions. I'll need to do it when i am completely alone for the amount of time i wish to so i have no distractions cause i know it will be powerful just by observing those few times i did several hours to a whole day.

Hope this helps


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how long can a person dry fast? before its no longer safe to continue? 

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@pluto Thanks for the info.  I've been mostly on raw veggies, fruits and juices now for some time. Feels pretty good. Think I'll be trying a minimum one week water fast next then, cause I'm intrigued.

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3 hours ago, daniel695 said:

how long can a person dry fast? before its no longer safe to continue? 

3-4 days is usually said to be optimal but some go longer for spiritual reasons. Just follow your body and your nature. If i were to do a dry fast i would do a water fast first then continue dry fast for a few days then slowly back to water and juices then fruits ect... and slowly work your way up to heavier foods as the days go by to where one feels best. It is very important to keep it simple when starting again or your body can go into shock.

I've had this happen to me because i ate too much food when i broke my fast instead of listening to the guidelines and felt so much pain and sickness for almost a week as my body was basically like a new born baby and i just stuffed it with many different foods instead of doing one food at a time.

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@pluto  By different foods, you mean food groups? Fruits, vegetables etc. or are you thinking about monomeals? Like breaking a fast with only one kind of fruit first.

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14 minutes ago, Huginn said:

@pluto  By different foods, you mean food groups? Fruits, vegetables etc. or are you thinking about monomeals? Like breaking a fast with only one kind of fruit first.

Yeah mono is the best way to break a fast then observe how you feel, then later try another fruit and slowly working your way up to veggies and heavier foods as days go by. This doesn't just prevent the body from shock but also teaches us what foods make us feel best and what our bodies do not agree with. Yogurt is said to be okay too but just be sensible.

I broke it with mango with some coconut yogurt. Maybe these two alone wouldn't of been as bad but then i got carried away conversing with my family while they were having a feast and just went to heavier foods like grains, dips, and even processed food even though they were organic and healthy still F'd me up big time the next day i had all sorts of cramps and pain and felt like shit for a few days.

This was on a juice fast though, lots of sugar so my mind wasn't as pure as it would of been on a water fast thus why i got carried away so easily.




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@pluto Cool. Thanks again. Makes me think that a fruit juice would be even easier to start with, but that sounds unnecessary.

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@pluto One question. I've read that reverse osmosis or distilled water is required for water fasts. In Iceland, our tap water is mostly very soft and clean (no added chemicals) and that's what I usually drink. I'm wondering if it's soft enough and how soft the water should be. Is the softness even the only factor here?

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7 hours ago, Huginn said:

@pluto One question. I've read that reverse osmosis or distilled water is required for water fasts. In Iceland, our tap water is mostly very soft and clean (no added chemicals) and that's what I usually drink. I'm wondering if it's soft enough and how soft the water should be. Is the softness even the only factor here?

Distilled or purified water is always best when doing a fast because it removes all inorganic minerals from the body. Iceland water is my favorite spring or mineral water i wished i lived there. As long as its roughly 050ppm that should be soft enough for a good water fast i wouldn't sweat it but distilled/purified being 000 - 003ppm roughly is said to be even better for fasting but general drinking water you're fresh springs are one of the best places in the world :P

If you have no access to distilled/reverse/purified ect... then by all means go for it i am sure it will be great as long as your water is sourced from pristine fresh springs and soft as you say or mentioned above :) This is my favorite water right now

Sadly its $3 a bottle here in Australia at most stores so i only by it as a treat and alternate between my distiller. VOSS water is pretty good too, very soft. I know its nowhere the freshness you get but we gotta live with what we got.

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7 minutes ago, John Lula said:

@pluto Interesting, I must take Norwegian mountain water for granted, lol. VOSS is from Norway, not special here though, but very expensive. Funny how it costs 5-7 dollars here compared to your country's 3 dollars a bottle.

VOSS here is $5-7 also for 1 liter because of the glass jar. I like VOSS but i only buy it when i want a glass jar to refill my water because i dislike plastic BPA free or not. If i have a choice i always choose glass.

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can you link the documentary? according to cole he doesn't recommend going over a week, 5 is his recommended safe use of hard dry fasting  no water contact no showers/washing hands either.




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