
Precise point to focus during meditiation.

3 posts in this topic

I am in an intermediate meditator.

I see " thoughts" (ideas,  pictures and visions) at the junction of my eye-brows when meditating. The point where we see Budha wearing a dot.

1) Does anybody esle experience this ? 

2) It is distracting to have the "thought" at this point above the nose, while we are focusing on the nostrils. Nostrils I find (and I think is also taught) as the best point to focus on.  


I am looking for similar experiences and thoughts on this, as such minute details needs to be clearer to reach advanced levels of meditation.


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There's an old saying in Zen: If you ever come across Buddha, kill him! 

Keep meditating and keep focus on one point no matter what insights you may have 

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