
How do psychedelics affect your baseline level of awareness?

12 posts in this topic

What is really happening when you are taking a psychedelic? Is your consciousness/awareness just being raised for a short period of time? Then you come back down to baseline?

Is there a way to be at those levels of consciousness all the time? Without coming down? Like if I can just reach those levels of consciousness by meditating and doing yoga, why do I need psychedelics? Just for the insights? Or can they actually increase your baseline level of awareness?

Edited by onacloudynight

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Psychedelics allow you to see what you are capable of with or without external help. Once you experience something it sort of stays with you depending on how well you embrace, absorb and apply what you have realized.

Many people go back to baseline because they have the belief system hard-wired that once the "high" is over they no longer will have that understanding when in reality once you "realize" something, you could say its permanently unlocked from then on, although sometimes you don't see it all the time as clearly because you are not vibrating high enough as you only "see" things from your level of perception and psychedelics raise the bar so you can peek/see through a higher perspective but with enough realization within the experience you can most definitely carry this state onwards as long as you apply the teachings and daily spiritual practice of raising and keeping your vibrational frequency high so you see as clearly all the time.

Meditation and spiritual practice have a more permanent effect on consciousness and vibration leveling out at a higher baseline frequency but sometimes throwing in a psychedelic here and there can help sky rocket the activation and spin(if you will) of the spiral of life although if you always go back to the psychedelic to do that for you instead to get the lesson and do it yourself, that is when it backfires significantly and no longer aids in expansion.

Psychedelics are more for emergency tools IMO, Especially in the world we live in today they can help one significantly connect with themselves and find truth but if you are already somewhat awakened or enlightened and free from the modern illusionary matrix of man then there is no need for psychedelics at all in most cases.

They can be fun to play around with time to time but based on my observation, if you're already evolved it will only end up burning you because you are playing with things you've evolved past. Psychedelics are more for people who struggle with meditation and spiritual practice and have very messed up or busy lives no space for self work/spiritual activation and need more of an emergency pulling of the plug(if you will) from time to time.


Edited by pluto


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@pluto Thanks for the reply. Yeah, recently I took some mushrooms and it actually felt like it lowered my consciousness. It was like I was revisiting my past level of consciousness, back before I even knew about meditation and spirituality.

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@TylerW Yeah, it was sure was an insightful trip though. Made me see how much I have really grown.

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@onacloudynight I have a close friend who I’ve done most (12 ish) of my trips with. He’s a fantastic trip mate, a great friend and a hell of a guy. We’re polar opposites on practices though. I meditate, eat clean, and exercise daily (used to self inquire daily) - he eats clean but no practices at all. I’ve retained / integrated each trip in a culminating progression until the big ‘me’ reveal and the nonduality is default. He hasn’t retained any insights. He and I were just talking about this. So, imo, the practices are more important. The trips amp things up, but without practices, it’s just fun being had without the spirituality. Hope that helps somewhat at least.

@pluto Dude. Get out of my head! Lol  So funny. I just went on a few day solo retreat, prepared with shrooms for tea. Did a couple hours meditation each day, and kept contemplating like ‘what is this trip about’, and I kept laughing.  I had an intuitive sense that it would be pointless. Your post is right on for me. Skipped it. Got some deep quality meditation in, and plain ol relaxed a bit.  Thanks!




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Most of my psychedelic use occurred in my late teens / early twenties.  I'm 43 now.   I have done LSD maybe a dozen times and mushrooms two or three.  I never really took to mushrooms, but really enjoyed LSD.  I had some of the most fun experiences of my life on LSD.  

One thing I always took away from my LSD trips was how unconcerned I was with what anyone thought while I was on it.   Which was huge for me.  I have always been fairly introverted and socially self conscious.  Having that weight lifted during a trip was a wonderful experience.  I have always considered myself a fairly spiritual person and I'm sure those trips influenced my consciousness in some way.   Been a long time ago.  :)

One of the most profound spiritual insights I have ever had was when smoking opium.   I was just sitting there thinking about life and had a thought that really spoke to me.  I wrote it down at the time.   I still use it as a guide.   I've been completely sober for 9 years now.   Those days are behind me.   Alcohol was my drug of choice.   Sobriety has been a far more spiritual, consciousness raising experience in my life. 


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Im way more emotionally stable after trips wich has been a real problem for me earlier. I also spend alot of time integrating the trips wich makes me learn a good lesson or two everytime. I also have heightened awareness after trips, it tapers off some but i feel it ends up higher than the last time if you understand. I trip every two-three months. Psychological effects stays with me all through theese months and im very thankfull for that???

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They give you permanent insights because they increase mindfulness and decrease Ego.  

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2 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

They give you permanent insights because they increase mindfulness and decrease Ego.  

They decrease ego? or show the ego to you from an outside perspective?

Edited by Faceless

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@Joseph Maynor

they take away that resistence so that there can be observation without the restraints of ego preventing objectivity? 

Edited by Faceless

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1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

They give you permanent insights because they increase mindfulness and decrease Ego.  

Although this is correct you don't always see or the remember the insights clearly because you usually fall back down in vibration especially if you don't apply what you have realized on a day to day basis but you can most definitely keep that state if you continue to do the spiritual/self-work ect..

On the other hand, natural awakenings remain far more permanent by default whether applying the teachings or not. Its much more powerful when its endogenous just less intense than when taking a psychedelic.

That's how i see it at least and based on my observation of use and application over time.


Edited by pluto


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