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Combing Kriya Yoga and psychedelics

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Has anyone had any experience with doing Kriya Yoga on any psychedelics ?


I only started doing Kriya  yoga a couple weeks ago,but after a few months I am curious to take a psychedelic (mushrooms, ayahuasca or san pedro) and practice Kriya yoga


My gut is telling me this could be a deadly combo

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@herghly In my opinion, it probably would be too much. Kriya has already proven to me to be really powerful if not too powerful at times. I'm currently experiencing a lot of purging and extreme emotional upheaval.

Psychedelics would be far too much for me to handle. Maybe you're different, but to me Kriya is more than sufficient.

Edited by onacloudynight

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I know that before practising kriya one needs to leave 1.5h of gap after smoking a cigarete and 8h after alcohol. 4h after meal. 

Using this logic probably psychedelics would require 3days gap :D

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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2 hours ago, Salvijus said:

I know that before practising kriya one needs to leave 1.5h of gap after smoking a cigarete and 8h after alcohol. 4h after meal. 

Using this logic probably psychedelics would require 3days gap :D

Sometimes before my night time Kriya Practice I smoke weed, it really enhances the practice  for me anyway

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I didn't make the rules:D just be careful, those who made such rules were good guys xD with lifetimes of experienceB|

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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Wow, it's funny you ask  I have tried this recently and feel like "deadly combo" is a highly accurate description.

I was tripping hard, listening to music and playing rocket league. It was hitting me how absolutely insane it was that I was alive in that moment, with all of the incredibly beautiful colors and music and how immensely fun it was, and felt an intensely deep feeling of gratitude as I had the most real sense of "melting into my experience". It was absolutely amazing and pure bliss.

I stopped and thought it would be a great time to do some Kriya yoga, as something of a sacrifice and to show my appreciation for the life I've been handed. I was performing the first Kriya initiation (for what it's worth I wear grounding straps when doing yoga), only got to Om Japa when things started getting really weird... I was in the corner of my room, sunlight coming through the windows and mini trampoline in front of me... and it started feeling like I was floating up high above in some sort of nature scene (despite being inside my room). And that everything around me was "mind stuff" and a dream which had quite literally been thought into existence by me (maybe reading Arthur Eddington's section in Quantum Questions prior to tripping intensified this feeling). 

The floating sensation was intense, it felt like I had absolutely nothing to hold on to. It felt like I was sorta floating over a road (again was inside) kind of about to leave earth. It was at once really cool, and then the next moment really freaky and scary. It felt like the first lucid dreams I'd had, in which I would immediately get scared once I realized I was dreaming. I tried to have pleasant thoughts about it, as it felt like I was sort of floating in nothingness, with all of this mind stuff surrounding me. I started feeling like I was leaving my body, and it hit me hard (whether or not this was an accurate description of what was happening), that I was dying.

I was like oh so this is it, I'm having a death experience. Kriya became too powerful, and I asked sorta fearfully like "should I be laying down for this?" I did lay down for a while and it continued, as I sorta went back and forth from something of a non dual state to "real life" (which was seeming more unreal than it ever had before). My breath felt like my connection between me, awareness (aka source or whatever you wanna call it) and me the ego. I felt intense purging of negative emotions as I tried to let go and surrender. 

I was a bit too freaked out so I got up and started walking around in my apartment. Pacing back and forth felt like I was walking through infinity. I felt trapped and like I'd been running around for an eternity. What was "killing" me was that I'd completely lost it, and felt completely insane and like there was no going back from this. 

It still felt like I was dying. Like there'd be no return to normal life after this. I was a bit tired and thought to nap, but it occurred to me that going to sleep would kill me. It was all a bit much for me at the time, it felt like external forces were leading the way and I was helplessly trapped in eternal moments, and that in one breath I would feel and think soooo much. I kept thinking that it would pass and I would be back down to earth eventually, but that wasn't very consoling. I was thinking like "please go easy on me" and "this is a lot for me, I'd be okay with more slow spiritual growth through yoga and meditation, and right living."

It felt like the external forces (my higher self? Aliens?) were communicating to me through my heart. I would ask questions about what to do in life, some things I've been struggling with going back and forth on having cognitive dissonance over, and my heart would start beating super fast as I thought about different answers to my questions.

I felt intense sorrow for the wrongs I'd committed in my life, and the most overwhelming feelings of hoping the absolute best for everyone and all of existence. And to be purified and to only have the most benevolent intentions, and to do whatever was best for the highest good.  

I decided to get in bed for 20 minutes. Put my sleep mask on and closed my eyes. It felt almost eternal. Feelings of existential despair ensued, it wasn't super pleasant. But I found comfort knowing it was extinguishing karma and would pass.

Eventually the 20 minutes were up. I was still in this feeling dead state, but tried to go about my day. Got a more thorough walk in which felt great, some healthy food, meditated deeply later at night, and went to bed. 

It was profound to say the least and something I'll not soon forget. 


Trip safely!

Edited by InfinitePotential

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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1 tab al-lad and 1.5 tabs 1p-lsd (had been 2 weeks since last trip, and had microdosed with 1p-lsd ~15 micrograms once the day before and once several days before. Kriya yoga seemed enhanced with the microdoses as well).

The insanity started after I also smoked a small amount of cannabis (which I've realized is far too big a part of my life) about 3.5 hours after dosing. (EDIT: I also ate a good amount of "sprinkles" off my fingers which has a more psychedelic effect than smoking, and I feel likely contributed to the experience). This is what led to feelings of insanity. In the future I will be trying to use smaller doses, as well as focusing on improving my life and spirituality all around, and using these substances less recreationally. (That rocket league game got pretty darn spiritual and profound though tbh).   

I could also add that a big theme for me was that it felt at times like everything in my visual field was looking at me, so to speak, and that everything was me, or an extension of me. And my thoughts / attitude / ability to surrender directly influenced how pleasant / horrifying the faces and things were. 

Also what the guy says 10 minutes into this video was highly accurate for me, at least as accurate as can be explained. Though I can't really see his drawing. The rest of the video is great too (and I wonder if having had some mild, non breakthrough dmt experiences in the recent past made this trip all the more intense).


Edited by InfinitePotential

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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@InfinitePotential such ant honest and funny share :D Thank you, I laughted throughout your story :D

Anyway. Somehow your warning turned out to be very tempting to mix kriya with psychedelics, witch is not very responsible

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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@Salvijus I'm glad you enjoyed, I laugh a bit thinking back on it and even laughed a bit during like WOW this is no joke. 

As for whether the two should be mixed, I'm really not sure other than to say follow your heart. Both are extraordinarily powerful, and I realized through first hand experience that this spiritual journey truly is about dying and surrendering your life to something greater than yourself... so not for the faint of heart but I have faith that ultimately this endeavor is worth it. 

At the time, I felt (not entirely, but) quite unprepared. Which is why I kept pleading for God to go easy on me ?. 

There's still so much work to do, but this experience I feel has significantly jump started my spiritual awakening and started a new chapter in my life. It remains to be seen how well I can integrate the lessons into daily life. 

Safe tripping! 


“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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@herghly If you play with fire, don't be surpised to get burned.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 hours ago, InfinitePotential said:

and "this is a lot for me, I'd be okay with more slow spiritual growth through yoga and meditation, and right living."

Ha! Man I remember a ways back, saying that same thing. Like word for word. Awesome. 



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 @InfinitePotential Thats a great video of rogan haha.


Seems like the experience was highly beneficial for you, thanks for sharing


@Leo Gura Well the video on your blog about Magik and Yoga got me interested in doing Kriya while on psychedelics. I'm sure il try it at some point but need at least a few more months of Kriya

Edited by herghly

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@Nahm nice! Thank you for that, I'm glad there are others who have had a similar experience. It was and is super freaky and creepy... like, I couldn't go talk to someone to make me feel better, I would just see them as a dream character / myself. Creepy! And such an immense feeling of loneliness. Like, oh so I'm just a dreamer, eternally alone? And nothing is real... I had intellectually thought / believed that to be the case, in some sense. But when it's shown to you it sure is... freaky and creepy, and part of me wanted to go back to my cozy life of things being real and significant. Getting outside walking in nature did help a bit though. But everything felt entirely pointless. And always in doing this work, in the back of my mind it was largely to make circumstances better for "me", the ego. But I realized that ultimately that desire has to be dropped. It was a significantly humbling experience.

But I'm staying positive and all in all feel great and like that was an amazingly cathartic experience, and brought me closer to truth. Everything appears more dreamlike now, succumbing to addictions and temptations seems more repulsive to me, and I'm left with a sense of "okay everything is completely and utterly meaningless. I'm free to go create my own meaning anyway I choose". Also daily stresses seem a lot easier to cope with and like nbd in comparison. 

@herghly I do believe it was a beneficial experience. Eye opening at least. Just be prepared if you try it to potentially have a similarly intense experience! I know in the future I will be more prepared, less over stimulated, in a happier place etc.  

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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