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My mind become overactive before going to sleep

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I am currently experiencing this problem for several days or maybe or week or week. I actually take too much time to fall as sleep because my mind is bombarded with thoughts.

Here's what I do before going to bed:

  • Reading for 1 hour
  • Meditation

I don't use screens at night because of the blue light effect.

Do some of you have the same problem? How did you overcome it? Thanks ;)

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@Raphael Hey, I can't say that I can see anything wrong with what you do, but I used to have the same problem. It's probably better to not use screens altogether but if you are you should download this software called f.lux or redshift for linux. What it does is apply a red affect to the screen and this increases in intensity as it gets later in the day, are you on screens right before you start this bedtime ritual? if so i definitely recommend getting this software it's done miracles for me

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@TruthSeeker47 As I said, I don't use any screen at night. I'm reading using physical books for the moment.

So, when I go to sleep I already stop using any screen for at least 1h20 before.

By the way, I am already using app to diminish to blue light effect.

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You need more physical activity. 

Body needs to exhaust this energy. That energy is always looking for expression. If you sit in meditation for 30min you will start to feel a desire to move, if you don't see it after 30min just sit for 3 or 4hours, you'll definately feel it xD. But if you expend all of that energy, you will become still ;)

P.S. that energy is called prarabdh karma.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Salvijus I go to the gym 5 times per week in the morning. Today I was there at 6 AM, and now I'm planning to start my workouts at 5:30 AM

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@Raphael maybe try some "AUM" chanting.


Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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8 hours ago, Raphael said:


I am currently experiencing this problem for several days or maybe or week or week. I actually take too much time to fall as sleep because my mind is bombarded with thoughts.

Here's what I do before going to bed:

  • Reading for 1 hour
  • Meditation

I don't use screens at night because of the blue light effect.

Do some of you have the same problem? How did you overcome it? Thanks ;)

I have always had severe insomnia. Now, I use my meditation skills to keep my mind from chasing thoughts while Im in bed. That has helped a lot. Marijuana also helps.

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It was ok last night, however I had this problem when waking up this morning. Maybe I should work on some specifics issues in my life to stop thinking so much about them

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I actually literally solved this problem for me last night! 

So for the last couple days I was putting my meditation off until the end of the day till literally right when I had to go to bed. I found that when I meditate and head straight to bed I actually find it so much hard to sleep because now my mind is at a higher level of consciousness now and has become more aware. So to test this hypothesis I moved my meditation earlier in the day yesterday which allowed me to get back on my normal sleep schedule. 

Hopefully this helps!

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