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Thoughts on the "Red Pill"

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Hello all, I would like to hear you thoughts, opinions and belief's on the Red Pill ideology and the community. I'd consider myself purple-pilled (If you are familiar with the "Red Pill" terminologies), as; I believe in main conservative values, as they're the only one that seem to work (from my observation of the world). However, 
the "Red Pill" tends to have a pessimistic point of view of life, which I am against. Life can get hard from time to time, but that's no excuse to complain how shitty life is. 

The community always has the mentality of; "Everyone's out to get me", and everyone in the community seems to be badly damaged in the past by women, or experiences with women, but they also seem to get results. Also, they tend to generalize men and women slaves to their nature (which I am also against). 

Enough of me rambling, I would love to hear out your thoughts.

Edited by SirImprovement

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Been very interested in this lately, for me currently I just find it hard to believe. I want to apply critical thinking to this, while at the same time being open to see different perspectives .


Is it impossible for a woman to love a man?

That isn't the only king at the top of the hierarchy of course (: 

Endless nuance

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You are mixing red-pill thinking with social conditioning. Red-pill equals common sense.

How you see life, as a competition against other vs a playground, depends on multiple factors: cultural background, family, social status, religion, direct experi8ence, socialo conditioning since birth, what you watch in the media...

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I've moved on, but I actually was pretty involved in that community for awhile. So I know all about it.

Basically it's the place to go if you're angry and hurt about your past experiences with women. Maybe you got divorced, maybe you got cheated on or maybe girls just never wanted to have sex with you. And you're starting to see that the beliefs you were fed about women by society are just not true.

So there's a lot of accurate ideas that get thrown around TheRedPill. At the same time, the whole community is so based on pain that there's a lot of victim mentality / misogyny that comes up as well.

But you know what? I'm okay with all of it.

It's easy for us to judge guys who are going through that. But the truth is none of us are born with the perfect paradigm and perfectly enlightened. You have to go through the process.

And sometimes that process is messy.

Sometimes the process looks like you being pissed the fuck off. Sometimes it looks like you lashing out at others. Sometimes it looks like plain delusion.

So I see TheRedPill as healing disguised as anger. Healing for guys who truthfully don't have many other options. Where else can you learn this and find people with similar experiences who will understand you?

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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To some extent, there is some levels of truth in RedPill's madness. However, instead of stepping outside of the boundaries of their comfort zone and actively working to adapt to understand women and psychology, they'd rather just be bitter about it. I don't think any type of community that festers such a closed mind about human relationships can be considered helpful in too many ways.

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If we were given proper coaching during high school on how to approach women successfully then I think that the REDPILL and MGTOW would never happen.

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