
Enlightenment Jokes Here

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Yesterday @likhil started topic "FINALLY ENLIGHTENED".:DxD

After an hour.

And edited it to "how to know if you are enlightened".O.o:/



Edited by likhil

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10 hours ago, Toby said:


Loved this talk and Eckhart's sense of humor xD Thank you for sharing! 

Edited by Natasha

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You know what guys?

Something's just come up into my mind and shifted and I want to share with You, as I kind of perceived and engaged at first in this topic as a low consciousness stimuli.

But here is what I re-discovered for myself thanks to re-reading some OSHO's books (which I do every once in a while, cause this stuff is so relatable):


And I find it to be quite accurate based on my experience - the most blissfull and non-dogmatic people I know also happen to have great sense of humor and laugh a lot. Really a lot.

A good smile can take the pressure off of any frustrating, awkward situation I've been in, and the best laughters are the ones that come up without any reason.

For example, right after 1 hour of strong determination sitting, I have no idea why, but I almost cry from laughter and find just regular objects funny as hell. Wierd and amazing how You can enter a state in which You don't reallly need much to make yourself laugh.

BTW. After 1 hour SDS or intense running session in the forest I'm like:


And to not make any off-topic:



You're great, guys!

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5 hours ago, Henri said:


"Why is there so much mystery around the truth? When someone is sleeping and you ask them, 'Are you sleeping?', and they say 'yes', that means 'no'. So certain questions when they're not answered, is the right answer" :)

Loved the talk and the humor :D Thanks for sharing! 

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Man #1: Wanna go to Nirvana?

Man #2: Do they have night club over there?

Man #1: Nope

Man #2: Hot girls?

Man #1: Nope

Man #2: Nice cars and fancy house?

Man #1: Nope

Man #2: What do they have?

Man #1: Nothing

Man #2: Then, no thanks.

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Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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When "I can't believe its not butter" takes on a whole new meaning. 

Yes I did personally waste my own time to create this


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@kalter000 I know right? I will sometimes be in the middle of spiraling depression and all of the sudden try and contemplate into enlightenment hoping i can be the one in a trillion who just becomes enlightened outta no where without much work.

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Student: I want inner peace. What should i do?

Master: Meditate for 30 minutes everyday.

Student: But I don't have 30 minutes!

Master: Well than i suggest you meditate for an hour a day.

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3 hours ago, stevegan928 said:

@cetus56 underrated post :D

Agreed, I should have added the punchline  "your already doing it, you are an illusion".

Edited by cetus56

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8 hours ago, stevegan928 said:

@kalter000 I know right? I will sometimes be in the middle of spiraling depression and all of the sudden try and contemplate into enlightenment hoping i can be the one in a trillion who just becomes enlightened outta no where without much work.

 You want to be self-realized? Get out of your mind, literally. It's that simple :) 

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Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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3 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:


 O.o  xD :P

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