
Enlightenment Jokes Here

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20 hours ago, Shanmugam said:



Next episode preview. 

"Heeey, this is Leo and in this episode we're going to discuss the illusory nature of reputation points. That's right! Reputation points do not exist in reality. Radical openmindedness required. 

Once you get a conscious traction of this fact and not just think about it intellectually, your entire life will flip upside down. What I'm saying here is beyond radical and your life will never be the same.

Some of you might ask," But Leoooo, if rep points aren't real, then what is real?". I'm here to tell you about the truth of Emptiness points. They are automatically given after every forum post. Emptiness points permiate everything, you have an infinite amount of them and you give infinite amount of them without even knowing.

Emptiness points are your true nature!"


Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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so I'm not the only one seriously suffering under the loss of the reputation button?

when you want to judge a comment and Leo has taken your favorite button away..


whatever arises, love that

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1 hour ago, phoenix666 said:

so I'm not the only one seriously suffering under the loss of the reputation button?

when you want to judge a comment and Leo has taken your favorite button away..


Suffering under the loss of it? I thought we are all joking about it...9_9


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@Shanmugam @blazed too many posts I would have liked.

but Leo's right. it's a small ego death. a very small one, like a kick in its ass.xD

Edited by phoenix666

whatever arises, love that

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You guys are awesome! I can't stop LMAO at all of your comments xD

@Leo Gura On a serious note - what about notifications? How are we going to know someone quoted us, asked us a question, mentioned us in their comment, or sent a PM?

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4 minutes ago, Natasha said:

You guys are awesome! I can't stop LMAO at all of your comments xD

@Leo Gura On a serious note - what about notifications? How are we going to know someone quoted us, asked us a question, mentioned us in their comment, or sent a PM?

This is actually like a therapy.. It is an opportunity to test yourself to check if you are so curious to know 'who is quoting me', 'who is mentioning me', 'who is messaging me' etc.. xDxD.. If you show any concern regarding this, that means you have failed the pre-enlightenment test. ;)


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9 hours ago, Dodo said:


Next episode preview. 

"Heeey, this is Leo and in this episode we're going to discuss the illusory nature of reputation points. That's right! Reputation points do not exist in reality. Radical openmindedness required. 

Once you get a conscious traction of this fact and not just think about it intellectually, your entire life will flip upside down. What I'm saying here is beyond radical and your life will never be the same.

Some of you might ask," But Leoooo, if rep points aren't real, then what is real?". I'm here to tell you about the truth of Emptiness points. They are automatically given after every forum post. Emptiness points permiate everything, you have an infinite amount of them and you give infinite amount of them without even knowing.

Emptiness points are your true nature!"


That was very good.. I actually missed this post yesterday..


But I wrote a similar one in Quora regarding Sadhguru, just yesterday :)

It was an answer to the question Is Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev trying to convert Shiva Purana to science? Why does he insist that the fantasy stories in Shiva Purana and other mythological stories are based on science?

This question was asked regarding a particular post in Isha blog:

Here is what I wrote:

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is very clever and extremely creative. Since I have already written a lot about him before in Quora, I will write this answer in a humorous way.

Let alone Shiva Purana, he can link the story of Genesis from Bible to yogic culture and interpret it in yogic way if he wants to do that. So the following narration that you will be reading is just imaginary.

(By the way, the story of Genesis indeed has a metaphoric interpretation to show how a human being is born with pure innocence, how he is fallen in the process of growth and how he restores the lost innocence and nature. That is a totally different interpretation)

Let us assume for a moment that someone asks him a question ‘Is there a scientific and esoteric meaning to the story of Genesis in Bible? Is it in anyway related to yogic culture?”. And let us also assume that he has decided to give it a yogic meaning for some reason.

Here is how Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev will probably answer that question:

“ See… When they say God created the world in 7 days, it doesn’t mean that there was an old man with beard sitting up there and decided to create the world one day. The story has a huge science behind it. It is a simple story that has tremendous wisdom of yogic science embedded in it and preserved in certain way. Only if you enhance your perception in certain way, you can get the story. Otherwise you will just dismiss it as simple myth.

First of all, you must understand that any new blossoming or an activity of creation always happens in 7 installments. Yogic culture has always known this.

For example, we talk about 7 chakras. Reaching the Sahasrar, the 7th chakra involves a step by step process which happens in 7 stages. You behave in certain way when your energy is at mooladhara. You behave and experience the world in different way when your energy moves to Svadhistana. So in a sense, these 7 stages of evolution in the spiritual path is like a miniature version of the process of creation itself. When it is said that God created the world in 7 days, you must understand that the process of creation happened in 7 discrete stages, starting from absolute nothingness to the complete physical manifestation of the external world.

Today, even modern science says that human evolution happened in 7 stages. Do you people know this? no? ok…(laughs)..Our human race evolved from Homo Habilis and it took exactly seven stages before we could become Homo Sapiens that we are today. If you understand this simple concept, you can understand the whole creation, simply by enhancing your perception. Our yogic culture has always known this but only now modern science is getting it.

Now we have a huge statue of Adiyogi here. Do you know why there were saptarishis? Why not 8 or 9? It is because he initiated these 7 sages in 7 different ways, so that they can spread the science of Yoga in 7 different dimensions.

Also, the process of creation itself began on a full moon day. Now don’t ask me ‘Sadhguru, how was there a moon before the process of creation itself’… (laughs).. The significance of full moon day does not come from the moon. It is actually the opposite. Because of the tremendous possibilities and high frequency vibrations that is present in a certain day, the moon appears as full moon for us. This happens once in every 15 earth days. It is just a coincidence that a moon is revolving around us, and because of the influence of high vibrations present on that certain period of time, the moon appears as full moon. That is why we have the dome of Dhyanalinga open until midnight during full moon days, because I want everyone to make use of this possibility.

The story of Genesis says God rested on the seventh day. This is also symbolic but with a totally different meaning. Generally the 7th and 8th day in a lunar cycle is not good for doing any work, especially when you start something new. The energies are in certain way that it is not conducive for any new work. That is why even today in India people say you must not start anything new on Ashtami, the 8th day. It is better that if you give everything a rest on the 7th and the 8th day and it is better to avoid starting anything new. But these days everything has changed. In the West they think that 7th day means Sunday. No, it is not so.

Generally, I don’t talk about these things because If I go on talking about things which are not in your experience, you cannot understand it. Isn’t it? Isn’t it so? Yes or no? Can you understand anything that is not in your experience? But don’t believe in all these things just because I say it. But don’t disbelieve me either.. Because, then you are closing all the doorways to know. “

Not just Shiva Purana, if you want any mythological story to make sense, all he has to tell you is that the characters of mythological stories were all yogis who could manipulate their energies in a ‘certain way’ (it is always a ‘certain’ way) for ‘certain’ things to happen. You just need to enhance your perception to understand it!


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40 minutes ago, Shanmugam said:

@Natasha  Who is that lady in your profile picture? She looks very familiar..

It's myselfie...on a good hair and make-up day ;)


53 minutes ago, blazed said:

Famous porn star in the US. xD

Nah...I went for enlightenment instead :P

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4 hours ago, Natasha said:

It's myselfie...on a good hair and make-up day ;)

Whoever that lady is, she is looking good and also eerily familiar.. I still wonder if it is a photo of a celebrity that I have seen. ;)


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14 hours ago, Natasha said:

@Shanmugam Check out other pics of me on page 46 and 49 in this thread.. my llama jokes :)

Yes I have seen them.. But the profile pic looks little different, so I thought it was not you.  xD I think that's probably because only a part of the face is visible.


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I wanted to congratulate Leo for his enlightenment...

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1 hour ago, karli said:

I wanted to congratulate Leo for his enlightenment...

gg I was the enlightenment :) 

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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When you look a tough guy in the eyes, and he ask "What are you looking at ?"

And you answer "Nothing"



God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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