
chakra healing music vs isochronic audio

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So i have been listening to this Eric Bartel stuff for a while. i like to keep it on the in the background when im doing long drives and do the correlating mudra, usually just the root or heart, chin or gyana, i also do it sometimes with a heat pad on a certain chakra center and do that meditating.  seems to be pretty good.


But i finally got an ap to test what these healing sounds are actually playing, like the notes, and i noticed all the notes are mostly sharps and didn't seem to correlate to the notes i have seen based on my online research. C-Root, D-Sacral, E-Solar, D.... A-Crown.  so i got really confused when i tested my bartel stuff, and it was differrent.  Maybe its just that there are a bunch of notes playing at the same time or something though cause i imagine the ap might have some limitations in measuring based on the volumes. But still i have a bunch of chakra stuff i downloaded and only one folder i had actually correlated to the correct notes, so ive switched to that, its called taos wind spirit. seems pretty good, but if you guys ave better recommendation, i would love to hear it.


So my question for you guys. is whats your favorite Chakra healing audio, a downloadable link or suggestion where to get it is also appreciated...

and do you think the eric bartel stuff is good?  i thought i was feeling stuff in the correlating chakras, but honestly maybe its a placebo too.  If its not that great what do you guys recommend? and am i right about those notes being the dominant resonators of those chakras?

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