Sahil Pandit

Deep Work Tips

2 posts in this topic

I am currently reading Cal Newport's "Deep Work" and I must say, its a great book!

Here are some key takeaways that you need to implement right away.

1.) Create a distraction free environment - If need be, put your phone out in another room!

2.) Do NOT multi task, choose to do one things and focus intensely on it. Multi tasking creates "attention residue" This is what happens when your mind switches between multiple tasks and when you switch tasks, it keeps on focusing on the first one! I bet you can relate.

3.) Obtain a stop watch and time how long you can focus on one thing. I timed myself and was able to read for 50 distraction free minutes before getting side tracked. 

4.) Have a good distraction if need be. If i need a break or a distraction, I will do a strong determination sit.

5.) Deep Work is a Valueable skill since our attention spans are so weak.

Learn to go DEEP in your work, or you will become automated.


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good stuff. also, dont get annoyed when you lose focus, its about regaining your focus as fast as possible

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