
Can your IQ be increased? If so, how?

24 posts in this topic

Fine -.-

i still don't see any evidence that support iq is even real or that it's not just a lack of doing it correctly and that's just in gernal and it seems pretty useless if you just can chose effective techniques like deep work, deliberate pratice etc on what ever you want and get good results anyway even if your iq is very low

acording to this it does seem possible to increase or chance your "iq" points by more than 2 or so


Edited by BjarkeT

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When you hit Enlightenment or a Major Awakenings you become yourself again (so to speak) so your back to that child-mind openness, similarly to the psychedelic state where whole brain activation or communication and perfect harmony of hemispheres thus you can learn up-to 500x or more efficiently than most adults today.

During my initial awakening i learnt more in 1 year then all 20 years of my life combined at that time. I skyrocketed from average to very superior IQ faster than i thought and been taught was humanly possible. I also had completely changed my diet and lifestyle so i was much more passionate and active towards life as if i am seeing it for the first time once again thus like a child again everything is OPEN and ready to receive vast amounts of information and learn very quickly.

Cutting out fluoride and detoxing the body from heavy metals and pollutants is when i really started to notice intelligence sky rocket.



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Intelligence to me, is the ability to use your thought to your advantage to manipulate the internal and the external to your liking.

Surely a man somewhere sat and felt hungry at some point. What did man man do? He used his intelligence, the manipulation of his thought processes, his inner computer, to determine methods of satiating the hunger, the best methods.

Every piece of technology you see, someone, at some point, had to figure it out, from scratch. They tried again, failed again, failed better. Someone had to do their thinking. The quality of there lives depended on it! (Or so they thought)


Really. I think you are just fooling yourself if you think you are of high intelligence because you can solve math problems that others cant. No shit you can solve them and others cant, you trained to solve them. Like someone who can bench-press 250 pounds. No shit they can lift that much, because they trained, and surely yes, genetics play some sort of a role, but most of the time, the genetics advantages or disadvantages in intelligence are minor and can be compensated for in strength in other areas.


The higher your intelligence, the more efficiently you will be able to solve a problem. Therefore, naturally your intelligence increase through trial and area, trying to solve problems. You mind sees what works and what does not.


I do not know. I am just a fool.

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