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Are affirmations affective for reinforcing things we know?

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So I’ve spent many many many hours thinking about the effect opinions have on me. I’ve proved to myself many times a day, for years now (easily 3+ years at this point) that opinions don’t effect me in any way. I’ve also proved to myself that my self image is a story, and doesn’t exist over and over again.  And to a certain degree it has helped me. After some anxiety provoking situation  I can easily pick it apart and not let it occupy my mind like it used to. I started meditating around 3 weeks ago, and do 40-60 minutes a day. That had helped me a shit load. But I still get very anxious in social situations (not all the time, but a good amount of the time) so clearly some part of me still believes that someone’s opinion of me is somehow going to harm me. Maybe I could use “I am independent of the good or bad opinion of others” or some other affirmation to kinda drill what I already know into my subconscious mind? Anyone have any experience with affirmations? I know Leo made a video on them, but it was 4 years ago.. Who knows if he still advocates them

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Affirmations are helpful if you know how to use them, affirmations will help you step into this new state of being (independent of the good or bad opinions of others) There's actually a process for you to actually be completely independent to the opinions of others. 

- Challenge your old paradigm/ways of thinking (noticing how you're NOT independent to the opinion of others)

- Accept your new state of being, you've accepted that this is already who you are. (constantly reminding yourself with affirmations, this is where affirmations really do their magic, constantly waking yourself up out of your old ways of thinking, but it's still just manifesting, you have to go through the next processes to make it solid.)

- then you proclaim it, tell people this is who you are, tell yourself this is who you are (if it still feels like a lie then continue to challenging it and accepting it)

- Then you get feedback (this is where the obstacles from others and from yourself really comes in, you start building evidence and proof for yourself and others, if it doesn't feel true yet it will, because this is who you already are. )

- Keep doing this until it feels like it's just a fact, until it feels just true, and it's not even a big deal anymore, you can say " I'm independent to the opinion of others" or "I don't really care what people think of me." and that will feel true deep down. that's when you know it's working, no more evidence, no more proof, it's just a simple fact and no big deal anymore. 

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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