Leo Gura

Kriya Yoga Mega-Thread

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On 24.3.2018 at 8:08 AM, MikeB said:

Practicing for two weeks now.


Wow my back is weak. Getting stronger quickly though. I find doing some stretches prior helps alot. I hold most of my stretches for 30 seconds. Swaying like a skyscraper. It is distracting. Should go away.

I am trying to follow the book as much as possible. In the book it states "The hands should sit gently on the lap with fingers INTERTWINED, which creates a neutralization of the current". I know it says should, but it seems pretty important. Everywhere I search on the internet, noone is doing this. Only figure 3 shows this :) .They typically have their hands on their knees. Leo, if you can help with this one please do.

Nadi Sodhana Pranayama

I found elsewhere today to count the joints on your hand. 12 per. Right now I am just breathing until it feels good enough which is terrible. Going to test. Should do the trick, I just want to keep distractions to a minimum and keep my focus on the important things, rather than having to count.

Blow your nose prior to breathing. Clear your throat.

Ujjayi Pranayama

This is not easy for me. The research I found today made sense though. Get good at Nadi Sodhana. then move on to this.

It's a habit. One step at a time.


Which book are you reffering to?

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Would it be still effective if I practice this course without asanas (except for basic like shavasana or naukasana) or drop some of them? I have a back pain and some stuff from lesson 1 seems to make it worse (like churning the mill, dinamic spin twist and utthanasana) Apart from that everything is alright. The full yogic breathing and relaxation are amazing. Also i already can seat in a full lotos, so do I really need to practice all these stretching techniques?

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On 26/11/2020 at 4:15 PM, _Archangel_ said:

After 3 month of practice I think it's time to write down and post my experience.
To start, think it's important to mention that I'm 23 and I never meditated or done any spiritual practice before.

My session as of now consists in:

1)Nadi shodhana x3

2)Ujjayi pranayama x6

3)Mahamudra x3

4)Om Japa x6

5)Kriya pranayama x12

6)Concentration 15/18 min.


I can sense the following:

- Chakras vibrating

- Prana through through the spine

- Third eye opening/pulsating as concetration improves

- shakings and hints of light durings during concetration practice

- i experienced in a few sessions hints of different states of consciousness, expecially during K.p., as awerness narrows in the spine. 

- generally, after every session i feel more attentive, calm, energized and "elevated" than when i sit.

Must be noticed that i have a few hindrances, my diet is not perfect, i have high libido and i dont meditate in the quietest environment(family around and television, but atleast silance is decent if i close the door's room)

so, 6 months- update.
To start, above you find my first update.

For most of the last 3 months my routine has been:

-Mahamudra x3
-Navi kriya x3
-Kriya pranayama x12
-Yoni mudra x3

Regarding the effects:

-I can still sense chakra-points vibrating if i concetrate on them.
-still get shakings but in less than before
-Third eye pulsating but not as veemently as when i used to practice concentration
-I think i can see the first form of Kutastha(blu disk)
-I keep having feelings of well-being after practice

As of now, my stack has changed, i added Kp2 and Kriya bow, stopped Navi Kriya.
I see that some of the techs. presented in Stevens book suggests to practice are minor, 
and meant to be used for a limited period so I understand this is a moment of transition, no big deal.
In 1-2 weeks i want to start practicing consistently with this final form:

-Kriya bow x1( looking forward to KSF)
-Mahamudra x3
-KP1+KP2+KP3 x36 tot
-Yoni Mudra(x3) or Concetration( 10 min. atleast)

now, let's get to the issue:

i feel a bit confused.
the online resources about kriya(books, blogs, videos)
might be pretty detailed about the techiques, but when it comes to explaining motives, maps and stages it gets vague.
The whole Kundalini system is surrounded by so much supertition that is difficult to comprehend its mechanics.
I don't recognize in Kriya the clear step-by-step process that is present in Buddhism for exemple.

The trinity Dharana-Dhyana-Samadhi should be the goal but how do i know i'm moving forward to their descriptions?
Cause right know i seem to be far from that. 

Should i just expect a sudden shift through diligent practice?
i have had changes in state but not in stage, i don't feel trasformed yet.

I know that maybe i'm skipping steps here, but i want to use my situation as pretext in order to understand more.
I'm still determined to reach the 1-year mark.
If you guys have some tips, i'd be happy to read it!:)

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So I have been practicing kriya for 4 months and will do the third part of KP today for the first time. My results so far are pretty good.

Sometimes when I do a kriya breath (Maha mudra, KP 1, KP 2, yoni mudra) the energy goes into my right shoulder and specifically into a muscle that is a bit tight. It doesn't hurt but it isn't pleasant either. This tension makes me "hold back" and not breathe (and thereby raising the prana) as intensely as I could. Does someone have any experience with this and if so what do you recommend I do?

It says in the book that you need to make sure that you raise the energy via the sushumna and not via Ida and or pingala whilst practicing KP 3. I feel it going through the sushumna but also a bit into my shoulder. Any thoughts on this?

Edited by Koeke

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Routine advice. I've stopped doing kriya because it was taking too long 45-60 minutes. And with everything else I do in my morning routine I just don't have the time.

I can only do 20-30 minutes. Would that be enough and if so what would you suggest to do

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@Koeke These experiences are normal, and will go away with more time practicing 

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On 31/03/2021 at 4:54 AM, herghly said:

Routine advice. I've stopped doing kriya because it was taking too long 45-60 minutes. And with everything else I do in my morning routine I just don't have the time.

I can only do 20-30 minutes. Would that be enough and if so what would you suggest to do

@herghly  Facing a similar obstacle myself. I have read/heard that practicing just Hang sau can provide phenomenal results, so in my humble opinion 20 to 30 minutes a session can also be quite effective as well.

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How do all you guys feel after your krita routine? Bathing in bliss, present, absorbed, loving?

Edited by martins name

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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On 2-4-2021 at 10:56 AM, herghly said:

@Koeke These experiences are normal, and will go away with more time practicing 

Good. Have you experienced this as well? And could you give me an idea about what you mean when you say "these experiences"? 

I feel like it is really important to have a flexible body (and especially back) when doing kriya. Otherwise you'll mess up some way of using your body properly. How right am I?

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I don't know where to post this, but it's about "kriyas" (sponatenous movements caused by kundalini energy). This singer is what you could consider a one in a million natural talent, but what I'm interested about is her hand movements. It reminds me very much of kriyas in the sense that they're fast-paced, smooth and erratic all at the same time. 

Might she have an awakened kundalini? I tend to get a really a substantial "contact high" so to speak from listening to her. Maybe she was born with it as well (could explain her unique talent and personality). I know of one other person who claims he was born with an awakened kundalini (Jan Esmann), and he is a professional hyperrealist painter, extremely talented.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Do you guys have any techniques which can make your prana energy warmer? 

Sometimes my prana becomes too cold, like really really cold, 

I wanna know how i can gain control over the energie's temperature.

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A highly credentialed independent teacher has written a Kriya book and started a fine website. He is Keith Lowenstein M.D. of Oregon in the US.

Another independent teacher, whom I would also describe as highly credentialed is Don Abrams of New York.


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I need to read the entire thread, but looking to get into Kriya Yoga. This sounds like the next most powerful thing to phycedelics?


How difficult is this to learn? it sounds quite complicated just from flicking through some of the pages in this thread.

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41 minutes ago, Craigxt22 said:

I need to read the entire thread, but looking to get into Kriya Yoga. This sounds like the next most powerful thing to phycedelics?


How difficult is this to learn? it sounds quite complicated just from flicking through some of the pages in this thread.

It is not that complicated. The techniques are detailled ans specific but not complicated. The biggest thing is surrender and devotion in my opinion. I recommend you don't learn it from this thread or youtube, but rather from a book, video series or ideally a guru. 

I do think, like you say, it has the potential to be way stronger than meditation.

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Don't know if it has already been asked, but when doing ujjayi pranayama, during the inhale, do you have to lower your adam's apple?

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@Thoth_tehuti I'm guessing you didn't start of at an hour a day, most people don't. Every enlightened master was once a beginner. Let everyone take their time and don't be an elitist jerk.

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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On 6/18/2021 at 1:49 PM, Superfluo said:

Don't know if it has already been asked, but when doing ujjayi pranayama, during the inhale, do you have to lower your adam's apple?

No, kriya yoga should be very gentle in general.

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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