Leo Gura

Kriya Yoga Mega-Thread

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After 3 month of practice I think it's time to write down and post my experience.
To start, think it's important to mention that I'm 23 and I never meditated or done any spiritual practice before.

My session as of now consists in:

1)Nadi shodhana x3

2)Ujjayi pranayama x6

3)Mahamudra x3

4)Om Japa x6

5)Kriya pranayama x12

6)Concentration 15/18 min.


I can sense the following:

- Chakras vibrating

- Prana through through the spine

- Third eye opening/pulsating as concetration improves

- shakings and hints of light durings during concetration practice

- i experienced in a few sessions hints of different states of consciousness, expecially during K.p., as awerness narrows in the spine. 

- generally, after every session i feel more attentive, calm, energized and "elevated" than when i sit.

Must be noticed that i have a few hindrances, my diet is not perfect, i have high libido and i dont meditate in the quietest environment(family around and television, but atleast silance is decent if i close the door's room)

I'm still at the start, but these little clues makes me think i'm on the right trajectory, so i'll keep practicing.
New update in 3 months:D

Edited by _Archangel_

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@_Archangel_ Nice work! I am looking forward to the 6 month practice update.

14 minutes ago, _Archangel_ said:

Chakras vibrating

Do they really vibrate or is it a gentle tickling sensation?

16 minutes ago, _Archangel_ said:

i dont meditate in the quietest environment(family around and television, but atleast silance is decent if i close the door's room)

What do you think of listening to binaural beats with headphones? For one there is less distraction and second there is the added effect of the bb.

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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I have a question about Maha Mudra, as well as Kriya Pranayama more generally.

When doing Kriya Pranayama, you're supposed to constrict your throat when breathing in (ujayi pranayama breathing). As well as constricting the throat, you're using alternate muscles to breathe in it seems. Somewhere in the diaphragm you have to put force/pressure into it.

I find that when doing this, I get exhausted afterwards and it's quite strenuous. I feel short for breath when doing it as well ( I try to do 12 in a row without any normal breaths in between) 

With Maha Mudra, the inhalation is supposed to be around at least 10 seconds (the book says up to 15). There's no instruction in the book about constricting the throat or anything, but to achieve a 10-15 second inhalation you have to force or manipulate your breath in some way. I find it strenuous to force it this way, putting pressure in my throat or diaphragm to do it. 

And then ofc Maha Mudra is strenuous because of holding the breath, constricting the anus and concentrating with the ohm's.
Did Kriya Yoga today. After doing Maha Mudra, I still had Kriya Pranayama to do. Whilst doing Kriya Pranayama, my throat was involuntarily vibrating constantly and making my breathing jerky. I realised I was straining too much, and I lowered the pressure. Even still, my throat was slightly vibrating, twitching and jerking. 

What's going on? Is this just tiring? After doing Kriya Yoga I now feel exhausted

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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3 hours ago, Loving Radiance said:

Do they really vibrate or is it a gentle tickling sensation?

During Om japa i feel a certain energy building in the area of the spine on which i concentrate, like a warm tension with an oscillatory quality.
It can get stronger on the First and second chakra area, to the point that it can last the whole day. i can sense a milder vibration on the higher chakras, but only is if put awareness on them.

4 hours ago, Loving Radiance said:

What do you think of listening to binaural beats with headphones? For one there is less distraction and second there is the added effect of the bb.

Never used them for meditation, at some point i'll give it a try. I'm considering using earplugs.


2 hours ago, lmfao said:

When doing Kriya Pranayama, you're supposed to constrict your throat when breathing in (ujayi pranayama breathing). As well as constricting the throat, you're using alternate muscles to breathe in it seems. Somewhere in the diaphragm you have to put force/pressure into it.

i perform Ujjayi by simply constricting the throat like i should whisper for the whole breath. Belly out for inhale, in for exhale.
I know KYS suggests to use the double position, but most sources i've consulted don't mention it and it works fine.


4 hours ago, lmfao said:

With Maha Mudra, the inhalation is supposed to be around at least 10 seconds (the book says up to 15). There's no instruction in the book about constricting the throat or anything, but to achieve a 10-15 second inhalation you have to force or manipulate your breath in some way. I find it strenuous to force it this way, putting pressure in my throat or diaphragm to do it.

I can assure you  that once you've gained enough lung capacity it will be easy. in the beginning i couldn't complete 2 stretches without feeling exhausted, now i can do 9 with ease. i use Ujjayi breathing, just without the abdomen movement.
I Noticed Mahamudra creates a strong link between Muladhara and the Third Eye, so it's pretty important.

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@_Archangel_ Thanks for reply, I'll keep pushing. What's "the double position"? 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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21 hours ago, lmfao said:

@_Archangel_ Thanks for reply, I'll keep pushing. What's "the double position"? 

widen the throat for inhale and constrict it for exhale. but now i realise that wasn't your problem haha.
If you still feel exhausted after some weeks, atleast You could leave for last the techniques that don'require deep breaths, like concentration.

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On 3/23/2018 at 6:48 PM, Leo Gura said:

People seem to be getting into Kriya Yoga after my video, and lots of questions are coming up, so I thought it would be best to accumulate them all in one place.

Post all your Kriya Yoga questions and tips here.

Over time this should become a valuable resource for people. Similar to our monstrously large 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread.

Feel free to share your advice, tricks, and progress reports. If we have a lot people doing Kriya, it would be cool to see how many people start experiencing gains and mystical experiences, and how quickly. It would be awesome if we had like 100 people post a progress report after 3, 6, and 12 months of practice. In the name of pseudo-science ;)

@Leo Gura

In the name of pseudo-science

May I buy the book list

Containing only the book about Kriya Yoga

I want to become like Sad Guru

He is the Best

Or the Beast


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On 9/23/2020 at 5:53 AM, Kutastha said:

Many did it. If you're looking for the proof of efficiency of kriya, then the proof is in the pudding. Also it is in the fact that it's an unbroken tradition of teacher-disciple succession (guru-shishya parampara) for the last 160-ish years

This sounds like some sith-level dark side of the force kind of stuff. Powerful stuff indeed, can confirm this works, although it takes time. I'm not sure but 5MeO might have given an insight or a 'nudge' into how to do it 'right'. Basically found my inner guru so-to-speak, or intuition I guess is another word for that. I'm into spooky territory now and well, integration and ego-backlash take their time and attention.

I think SantataGamanas books helped me aswell unwind any bad feelings I had about not having success with kriya because of confusion about the technique. I took my focus off of the technique and started to feel more-so I guess. Its more about the intention, and well, the nuts and bolts of kriya pranayama is breathing in-breathing out slowly basically while taking your attention along the spine. Any specificities about the technique might be superficial, and may work because you 'like' it more than others. Ofc when starting out doing it by the book (ofc dunno which book is the best, might be any book is good) is probably the best way for months, maybe even a year, or even longer, dunno. I think along the line confusion hits in and you do not know whether to perfect tehnique by the book or follow your intuition.

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The best pranayama:

I'll share the most blissful pranayama I've ever tried. It's very poorly explained on originalkriya.com and it's the one SantataGamana modified to his own. It requires the ability to feel the first 6 chakras.

  1. Gently point your eyes towards the 3rd eye.
  2. Do ketchari mudra if you can.
  3. Gently do ujjayi breathing.
  4. On the in breath, bring up the memory of the 1st chakra in kutastha (middle of the 6th chakra).
  5. Mentally chant OM in the 6th chakra to open the remembered chakra. The chant should create a felt vibration in the head, just like you were chanting om out loud. The You should get a sense of comfort in your head as the 1st chakra opens in your head.
  6. Repeat for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th chakra and lastly chant OM in the 6th chakra alone. This should all be done during the in breath, as a total of 6 OMs.
  7. During the out breath repeat but go down instead of up.

If doing 12 OMs during each breath requires efforts. You can do one chakra per breath with a long OM on the in breath and another on the out breath.

All chakras are reflected in the 6th chakra. This is why they can be opened in it. To feel a chakra in the 6th chakra you can start by feeling it in it's location, then replicate the same feeling in the middle of your head. After a while you will be able to bring up a chakra in kutastha just by remembering it, with no need to divert your attention from kutastha.

When chanting OM, your head you should feel blissful. You should feel comfort, pleasure, joy and love for the first 4 chakras respectively and a sense of purification for the 5th chakra. At the same time you should feel still and at peace.

The point of opening the chakras in the 6th chakra is to collect your prana there. It should make you very pressent.

The road to God in paved with bliss.

The technique is not set in stone. There is an idea behind it but do what works best for you. Krita yoga is about results, not preforming a technique perfectly.

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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@Hello from Russia i honestly don't know why it isn't in the technique. I got the technique from the original kriya yoga book series https://originalkriya.com The author has a similar technique for sahasrar but it is only supposed to be practised after having success with this technique.

My guess as to why is that when we open the first 6 chakras our prana naturally raises to sahasrar, non need for effort.

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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There is guy who put lahiris first level orginal kriya (from shibendu lineage) as back as in 1999 on internet



Go there download the torrent which is 5 gb



You can read about the report from hans kriya here


Above link has a detailed link about the experience of  a person who did this kriya.i recommend you read it


From my  understanding stevens first kriya is not orginal kriya of lahiri.it is edited version probably from SRF.as pointed out by mountaincactus kriya should be learnt from a guru.because of covid you may visit the site to get a taste of orginal kriya.it is very very simple compared to stevens or gamanas or even ennios kriya.i coudnt follow stevens techniques because it is very complex and require some skill to get the result.

Hans kriya is very simple .all you have to do is locate chakras.see this video



You need also jc stevens chapter om japa on the chakras. And you are set to go

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6 months Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya report:

First of all - nope I did not get enlightened :D

Despite that it absolutely changed my life in a snowball effect. From a depressed anxious VERY lethargic person it gave me energy and made me vigor, more joyful and willing. By willing I mean - my general mode was always "I don't feel like doing", "why every task is so daunting", "I don't want to do X and Y"; and now my general mode is "sure, lets go for it", "happy to take part in doing X or Y". Being more energetic may sound like not a big benefit, but for me it is transforming. I am now able to participate in life. Live life.

Decision to do kriya constantly (even through days while I had fever or felt like laying in bed) was hard, but one of the best ones I ever made. Like moving heavy object from its restful state, hard at the beginning, but gets easier with time (object generates momentum) so is with kriya hard to do in the first few months, then gets easier (at least for me).

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@Vytas Thanks for your report! B|how did you learn Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya ? 

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I can relate to what @Vytas sayed. I had the same experience. Shambhavi is probably the most effective practice that I know that gives you so much wellbeing in so little time and effort.

I remember when I used to do self-inquiry for 2+ years and I was still super miserable and depressed all the time. It gave me a lot increase of self-awareness but it couldn't solve my mood at that time. Then when I learned shambhavi what I experienced was that in a very short time depression was totally over. I totally forgot the meaning of depression. I didn't even notice when it dissapeared. I really don't know any other practice that could do this so effectively and in such a short time.

Of cource I still do and like self-inquiry, it has it's own beauty. But shambhavi has that very noticable superficial happyness effect. It's a bit like getting a little intoxicated everyday in the morning so that life looks more beautiful and less heavy :D It's sells well. I think shambhavi is what most people want in today's world. To enjoy their life is not a small achievement. There are many meditators who are on a spiritual path for many years and still having a hard time with everyday suffering and depression. 

I think there're now online initiations happening into the shambhavi practice. It's quite exciting.


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Salvijus Could you describe how do you practice Shambhavi Mahamudra? I know Sadhguru is teaching it online, but I cannot afford it.

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30 minutes ago, Juliano Zn said:

@Salvijus Could you describe how do you practice Shambhavi Mahamudra? I know Sadhguru is teaching it online, but I cannot afford it.

Shambhavi Mahamudra comes with an initiation. I'm not sure if I should tell you but I could invite you on a channel that gives the process for free. However, you won't get an initiation that way and Sadhguru also mentioned that the source you get the practice from is important (IIRC). So it's up to you. I would think though that you'll still get benefit from it and you would be fine (you could simply experiment right), but of course I'm not an expert. If interested you can PM me

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It is the initiation that is important not the instructions. It's more like baptism or consecration. It's a very sacred process that can change your life in ways you have not imagined. 

Without initiation maybe your lung capacity will increase, but transformation will not happen.

This video might be worth watching to understand a few things about life.

Stay Well  ?


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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