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Kriya Yoga Mega-Thread

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On 4/24/2019 at 0:34 PM, Girzo said:

@Dovahkiin J. C. Stevens is for beginners. Get to the first Kriya Pranayama asap. After 1-3 months you can start doing advanced practices from SantataGamana book.

@Girzo  I haven't been on the forum in a while, but belated thanks!

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Does anyone else get a really 'heady' feeling after they've done Kriya? I've had a sort of pressure-type feeling in my head for ages. I wanna know if anyone else has experienced anything similar? I went to my doctor and he said it was something to do with being long-sighted and working on screens etc all day. 

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2 hours ago, Space said:

Does anyone else get a really 'heady' feeling after they've done Kriya? I've had a sort of pressure-type feeling in my head for ages. I wanna know if anyone else has experienced anything similar? I went to my doctor and he said it was something to do with being long-sighted and working on screens etc all day. 

Well pressure on the head seems to be common. I had a pressure/blockage for 2 years in my head when I started my meditation practice. Now it I can be centered in the third eye throughout the day with no pressure (there can be slight pressure still sometimes, but it has significantly become less and continues to get deeper), just a delightful presence. So don't worry about it, it's a good thing (was for me).

Rapé tobacco can speed up this process. You can literally feel it go up to your third eye and starts working on blockages. Highly recommended.

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Hey guys, I have a question about the third part of Kriya Pranayama (KP3)

When you bring the energy up to Bregma, do you still chant the Om towards Bhrumadhya, or do you chant Om at Bregma?

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Can you do kriya pranayama without making the SHAAW sound when inhaling? I find it impossible to bring the energy up my spine if I try to make that sound with my throat while breathing from my belly, the breath just isn't slow enough, to bring the energy up the breath has to be much slower (impossible to make a sound) and it has to involve the moving of both the belly and the chest (more full), what do you think? is this a legit way to practice kriya pranayama ? I dont wanna distort the practice

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@Pernani KP can be done softly or silently. Restricting the throat (Ujjayi) will naturally make a soft whooshing or wheezing sound inside the throat. This is the aspirated, non-vocalized "shaaw" and "shee" sound. But it isn't necessary to try to make any sound when doing Kriya Yoga.

The sound thing has been part of the controversies surrounding the changes / distortions / modifications made to Lahiri's Kriya in the decades since the system spread around the world. Some sources teach KP to be performed with the mouth open and making audible sounds. They even advise moistening the throat with olive oil as a sort of lubricant. Here's a special bottle for your "Kriya oil".

Other lineages consider that to be a widely propagated misunderstanding. Instead they teach KP with the mouth closed and breathing through the nose as in most Yoga meditation (see J.C. Stevens p. 60 of 5th edition).

It isn't practical to keep the mouth open while the tongue is in Khechari. And if you are meditating where others are around, say on public transit, you want to be discreet and silent.


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43 minutes ago, kerk said:

@Pernani KP can be done softly or silently. Restricting the throat (Ujjayi) will naturally make a soft whooshing or wheezing sound inside the throat. This is the aspirated, non-vocalized "shaaw" and "shee" sound. But it isn't necessary to try to make any sound when doing Kriya Yoga.

The sound thing has been part of the controversies surrounding the changes / distortions / modifications made to Lahiri's Kriya in the decades since the system spread around the world. Some sources teach KP to be performed with the mouth open and making audible sounds. They even advise moistening the throat with olive oil as a sort of lubricant. Here's a special bottle for your "Kriya oil".

Other lineages consider that to be a widely propagated misunderstanding. Instead they teach KP with the mouth closed and breathing through the nose as in most Yoga meditation (see J.C. Stevens p. 60 of 5th edition).

It isn't practical to keep the mouth open while the tongue is in Khechari. And if you are meditating where others are around, say on public transit, you want to be discreet and silent.


I think the point of ujjayi is to make the breath slower and longer (even tho the sounds can be relaxing) because that makes it easier to move the energy I guess? which is ironic bec I feel that ujjayi is actually restricting me from making the breath even slower so I can feel the energy, thats why I dont make any sounds during inhalation but I do try to make the "flute" sound during exhalation (I dont even feel the energy moving down the spine during exhalation)

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On 24.5.2019 at 5:23 PM, John West said:

Hey guys, I have a question about the third part of Kriya Pranayama (KP3)

When you bring the energy up to Bregma, do you still chant the Om towards Bhrumadhya, or do you chant Om at Bregma?

I dont want to spam, but I cant find anything on that topic online, and I tried it and it didn't feel very different from the second part. I feel like I am missing something, but I dont know what it is.


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@John West Find one form of KP you enjoy and stick with it. Personally, I don't do any KP that involves "oms" they take away my awareness of the prana going up and down

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I'm following J.C. Stevens book and am slightly confused. I always follow suggested daily routine. I reached the point, where minimum duration of the daily routine is 50 minutes. I am practicing daily for 1 hour. I do all the practices first and during the remaining time I do-nothing/concentrate. Now I reached page 152. The daily routine contains more techniques than any previous routine, yet minimum duration is 16 minutes. 6 rounds of mental Kriya alone is at least 12 minutes and up to 24 minutes (the routine contains mental Kriya 6 rounds twice - printing error?). How does that make sense? I always do the optional techniques and choose the upper counts - 12 nadi, 12 ujjayi, etc. To practice this routine I currently spend about 80 minutes daily - about 50 minutes the technique and I always make sure to leave 20+ minutes at the end for concentration/do-nothing.

I have nothing against sitting for long hours. I find it extremely pleasant and look forward to it every day. But I wonder do I misunderstand something?

Edited by TheThingy

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@TheThingy It's the minimum duration. It means you skip whatever is optional and do the bare minimum for the "mandatory" techniques. It lasts you a lot longer because you're going for the maximum duration :)

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During the last few minutes of concentration today i started to focus on my stomach and I felt some very pleasurable sensations in my stomach which quickly followed with feeling extremely sick from nerves like i was in front of a massive crowd of people talking. Has anyone experienced this or know what is going on?

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On 5/12/2019 at 5:47 AM, kerk said:

This video does a fine job of teaching how to locate these points for Kriya Yoga.

This guy is a gem. Wish he were around when I first started kriya a couple of years ago. Thanks for posting the link @kerk B|

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31 minutes ago, kieranperez said:

@Big Guru Balls God I love that username ?


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@andyjohnsonman Okey maybe I can explain. You concentrated on your gut. Feeling something good (wont go deep here) but maybe your awareness went too deep and triggered something in the gut which made your mind automatically respond in that being in front of a crowd feeling, cause you kinda imagine what would that feel like. Let me elaborate with examples:

I used to smoke, and it makes your heart pulse faster, when I was smoking sometimes I felt social anxiety out of nowhere just by being alone smoking my cigarette, then I realized that my mind responds to my body in that way, it connects the random higher pulse from smoking with social anxiety. There were no physical activity to set the pulse higher neither I endured fear, so my mind just created some feeling/emotion due to my racy heart. 

Its like if you remember something sexy (porn, sex etc.) just randomly and you get horny. Or you touch yourself and trigger your body which your mind responds with pleasure.

Hope you can contemplate this and understand why you felt that way.


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During my yoga the past week I went into a deep meditation state. Doing Ujjayi Pranayama starts it, in the 7-8 breath it makes the body really calm and I can do the exercise very slowly and precise. Then I just feel my body just freezing in the asana pose, it just sits there with no effort with an erect spine. Then the body just feels VERY HEAVY. And I just become this pure awareness. The awareness feels like it goes deep into the body. Not like it feels when you close your eyes that the outside is just your eyelid length away. You feel like the awareness is about 20-30 centimeter deep inside your body. In that state I can sense the body (heart beating, breathing) and the mind (random thoughts), but I can't say that that's me, there are just thoughts and body functions. And the body sensation of feeling really heavy just awes me.

What state of meditation is that? It happened last Saturday and yesterday. I've been practicing yoga really hard the past month.

Edited by inFlow


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@TheThingy If you are spending that much time on it, your own results should tell you if it is worth that time investment.

Stevens separates out certain practices that are normally performed at the same time. For example, Om Japa mentally is part of KP (see for example the last paragraph on P. 353). So is Ujjayi. And a case could probably be made that Mental K is too.

Edited by kerk

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I know I'm asking a lot of questions on this thread, just bear with me.. When Im doing kriya pranayama 1 and I bring the energy up my spine sometimes my body gets soo aroused, it starts shaking and I have to stop the energy before I orgasm, does this mean I'm not effectively drawing the energy up the sushumna?

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