Leo Gura

Kriya Yoga Mega-Thread

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I have a question in regard to my expectations of kryia:

Is kriya something that slowly affects your daily consciousness, or do you work till you get a breakthrough and only then you can see the benefits? Or both? 


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@Yonkon You see benefits daily. From the first week of practice, your awareness raises noticeably.

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On 1/24/2019 at 6:32 AM, DnoReally said:

Palms up, face east, blink only after an uneven number of seconds have passed, dont curl the toes, never let your thumbs meet as it interfers with your pets energy field and might cause an involuntary kundalini awakening, always close the door but not fully, draw a flipped pentagram on your doorstep to prevent demons and bad karma from damaging your prana flow, never chant om more than 5 times / 15 seconds (this is EXTREMELY important, dont ask why tho!).

Furthermore you should restrain from thinking of the third eye as a literal eye as it might actually materialize as such! Also inbreath and outbreath must be the EXACT same duration, violations of that rule will result in yogananda appearing through your 7th chakra and he will steal all your prana and sell it on the black yoga market (prana depletion aint no joke).

If you stick to the simple ruleset that I outlined and every single other one that has ever existed, you are good to go and you will eventually awaken the archetype of the eternal lobster in the crown chakra, fuse order and chaos and salvage your damn father from the belly of vishnu.

Also clean your room prior to every kriya routine.


On 1/24/2019 at 6:32 AM, DnoReally said:

Thanks for a really good laugh!!! The sad thing is it took me a bit to realize you joking!!!  Great reminder to not take things so seriously.


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@Yonkon I feel like I regularly benefit for the practice and sometimes there seems to be a spike. The wonderful thing is the daily benefits that accrue over time. I can look back and see wonderful progress. I might not feel that there is progress every day, but as I look back it is significant.

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33 minutes ago, pointessa said:

@Yonkon I feel like I regularly benefit for the practice and sometimes there seems to be a spike. The wonderful thing is the daily benefits that accrue over time. I can look back and see wonderful progress. I might not feel that there is progress every day, but as I look back it is significant.

What benefits look like? Comparing to meditation

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51 minutes ago, pointessa said:

@Yonkon I feel like I regularly benefit for the practice and sometimes there seems to be a spike. The wonderful thing is the daily benefits that accrue over time. I can look back and see wonderful progress. I might not feel that there is progress every day, but as I look back it is significant.

I also would like how to measure the progress. I feel like there is progress, but it feels more like guessing and intuition. I think measuring spiritual progress is like catching water, but maybe you can help me.

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just try to do what Leo is describing, but it's okay if you can't do it all.

As time goes on and your practice improves KP will be extremely easy and it will feel like it is doing you



I felt like sharing that I'm around 4 months into my routine, lesson 18 of Stevens book, and really starting to feel it, I've been doing KP3 for about a week and Stevens is right that it is much more potent than KP1 & KP2. I can feel warm buzzing energy in my head and spine when doing the breathing, and the mind is much more still.


@Leo Gura

In regards to your simplified routine, what do you think about Steven's idea of things like Navi Kriya or say talabya helping through energy blockages. 

and where do you learn Kriya supreme fire. I don't think it is in stevens book unless it's under another name. Gamana's book? Secret power of kriya yoga book?

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oh I have another good question

@Leo Gura or others do you not do the nightly routine? 

Stevens makes it seem necessary but I would really rather not do it. Is it not necessary/ what role does it play?

anyways answers to my questions would be appreciated, or resources for answers.


Edit: also thoughts on the omkar & thokar kriyas, are they worth learning?  

Edited by Cocolove

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Does anyone have any general tips on how to practice yoga more precisely. So common mistakes and thing that people feel have held them back personally. 

At the moment doing routine 2-3 times 20 minutes each session per day. Have been practicing my current yoga techniques for 3 days but did a month or so of a similar routine a few months ago. 

- Nadi Sodhana x 10

- Ujjayi Pranayama x 10 

- today started doing 10 rounds of Talabya Kriya 

- 10 minutes concentration


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On 1/25/2019 at 8:39 AM, Yonkon said:

I have a question in regard to my expectations of kryia:

Is kriya something that slowly affects your daily consciousness, or do you work till you get a breakthrough and only then you can see the benefits? Or both?

Both. You should feel subtle weekly gradual effects and eventually some bigger breakthroughs. The gradual effects can really add up. Which is the whole point. I am more interested in Kriya for the gradual effects than the breakthroughs. I can easily create breakthroughs via psychedelics, but they don't stick so well. Which is why Kriya is important.

18 hours ago, Cocolove said:


@Leo Gura

In regards to your simplified routine, what do you think about Steven's idea of things like Navi Kriya or say talabya helping through energy blockages. 

To me those are optional. Talabya is probably quite good, but takes a lot of training to achieve. I recommend you don't bother with it until your core routine is solid.


and where do you learn Kriya supreme fire. I don't think it is in stevens book unless it's under another name. Gamana's book? Secret power of kriya yoga book?


18 hours ago, Cocolove said:

oh I have another good question

@Leo Gura or others do you not do the nightly routine? 

Stevens makes it seem necessary but I would really rather not do it. Is it not necessary/ what role does it play?

I combine everything into one routine. Ideally you'd do this routine twice per day but right now I'm only managing once per day.


Edit: also thoughts on the omkar & thokar kriyas, are they worth learning?  

Not now. Build your core routine and do it for a few years. Then you can revisit that question. You're not supposed to do those routines until you have 3-5 years of solid practice.

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read over info from the Stevens book and yea he said it takes years before you're ready for omkar and above.

Stevens routines are weird, his suggested nightly routine is just maha mudra, short breath kriya, and yoni mudra. no pranayama but ig all those are like it


On 1/26/2019 at 0:32 PM, Cocolove said:

and where do you learn Kriya supreme fire.

Gamana's book? Secret power of kriya yoga book?

just checked the book list and found that secret power of kriya yoga is by Gamana lmao didn't realize that. Ordering that and others by him 

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Is it true that you need initiation for Kriya yoga to be effective and what practice do i need before doing it ?

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There are things that you can do without initiation. 

But there are things witch you can never do without transmission. Transmission is a gift from your guru basicly. It's not your meditation anymore. It's only a seed that your guru gives you and you only have to nurture it and care of it. Then seed will sprout and bear fruits. If you're not initiated nothing will sprout because there's no seed. Maybe your lung capasity will increase only. Maybe some new sensations will arise in you. But your life will not change. Your behavior will not change. Your paterns will not change.

Sadhguru says Improvement can be made without any initiation. But if you want to transform yourself then you need initiation. Transformation means nothing of the old remains

For example when I was doing self-enquiry and mindfulness meditation for 3years I got some benefits like my mental clarity was better, I was becoming smarter, I would get insights about stuff. Something was improving but my life was not changing. My relationships were all the same. My anxiety problems were still the same. My depression didn't go away. I still couldn't open up to people. I was afraid of social interactions. My life was exacly how it was except I was more spiritualy educated and with a better mindfulness over my mind. But when I was initiated into shambhavi my life just flipped upside down in a moment.
Even on the very first day I was already a different person. I could see that I'm doing things I never even imagined doing it. Totally crazy things that were totally unlike me. I could dance, I could sing, i could finally express myself with people so effortlessly. These things were impossible for me. 

Such transformation was definitely not my doing.  It was all sadhguru's doing and his grace that made this happen. It's totally beyond my understanding...

Also don't get me wrong. I still see value in doing self-reflection and other things. It's just that there're things that initiation can do to you beyond your personal effors.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Recently i feel like my practice is quite weak (low focus), and i've realized my breath is also quite shallow, which gets my focus even weaker (i guess it works in both directions effect/cause cause/effect) and also make it harder/more rushed to do the pranayama since i have barely like 7seconds to chant the OMs in each chakra


Would you guys advice me to work on that and try to make my breath longer/more calm ? Or just accept the reality and don't overly try to unnaturally change the breath ?

Also my nose is often half clogged due to airconditioner, that might play in that, maybe i should also try to fix it in some way ?

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@Jordan94 Clearing your nose is vital, if you can. I use breathe strips to help widen the nasal passages. You could also experiment with various decongestants like FloNase or Xclear. Or at least blow out your nose before you start.

Just practice sucking in air slower. As slow as possible.

I just timed myself. One in-breath takes me 22 seconds.

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i‘d not use chemistry to widen the nasal passages as it dries out the nasal mucus membrane even more. if the nose is constantly clogged i‘d rather experiment with salt water neti (can use a syringe) or with saltwater spray (holds the membrane damp) or if you don’t have an active infection do a nasya with special nasya oil (tri dosha if you don’t have an ayurvedic prescription) - to do a nasya you put the oil in the bottle into hot water - when it’s lukewarm you lie down overstretching the head so your nosetrills point into the air a little like in matsyasana but not that much. you drip around eight drops into one nosetrill and then you massage it a little bit and then in the other one. the moment you feel it tingling in the throat you start to spit it out - you have to bring everything out over the mouth. it’s disgusting and some people even throw up in the process as it is a deep cleansing. if you want to, you can prepare the lymphatic systems and the sinuses with a damp steam towel (alternatively a good wrung as hot as possible without burning fingers towel) pressing it for short time on the throat ears and forehead in an inward circular movement until you circle around the nose on the sinuses and closed eyes. 

have fun

Edited by now is forever

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@Leo Gura @now is forever Thanks


I'm gonna try nasya then (and try to put less aircon or block the "wind" with a jacket in front it usually works decently for me it still gets more cold but i get less sick)

I found that after searching quickly, would be fine ?


I don't know if I have an infection or not though

Edited by Jordan94

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@Jordan94 i‘d prefere one with a pipette. the spray will diffuse the oil too much for a cleaning. just a guess. but maybe you can order an additional pipette.

if you are not sure - i‘d prefer to do the neti until it’s better, and don’t do nasya and neti on the same day, it’s too much for the nose.

Edited by now is forever

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Okay i'll try the saltwater first then

I can just make it homemade really easily by puting salt in (previously boiled i guess) water right ? and then take it with a pipette ?

I might buy a pot if it's better, I found this that ship internationally


If i can do it easily without having to order something that i can't find locally i'll rather do it that way, because i'm in jakarta now so i don't want to have to wait one or a few week for shipping, so if i can just handmade the salt water and take it with a pipette that i guess I can find locally in a drugstore or what that'll be best

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