Leo Gura

Kriya Yoga Mega-Thread

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@herghly Kriya is designed to open the Chakras slowly. Doing Mahamudra stimulates Mudladhara and causes energy to build up there. If the energy is not moved through practice of KP1, the chakra will become overactive and when a chakra is overactive it pulls energy from the surroundind into it. Remember that chakras are seen as vortexes of energy. The goal of kriya is to bring the energy up the spine , not down.

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On 3/23/2018 at 4:48 AM, Leo Gura said:

People seem to be getting into Kriya Yoga after my video



is this the video he is talking about?

i havent yet seen, so just confirming... this Kriya Yoga been popping up to me here and there quite a bit. gonna follow the universal signs



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@YogiLogan thanks for your response. Would you please like to share with me your experience with kriya. How long have you been practicing/ what are the effects the practice is having on you/ what have you learend about how to go about it, things to do and avoid etc. 

I would be very thankful for a response. I’ve been practicing for about 4 moths now and would like to learn more. 

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also. instead of googling or searching elsewhere, i may rather ask here


kriya yoga vs 'normal' yoga.. what's the diff? is this a diff type of yoga? like advanced yoga? just like there are advanced meditation techniques. ?

and where can i find the way to do this kriya yoga, like the physical postures / positions to sit in . and what to do and how to do it?


lazily googled something before writing this and saw its from the AUTOBIO of a YOGI's author? he talks about the practice in the book or what?

so please, if someone can send a link of videos which shows how to do it and explain it


gonna see that leo's video i posted 2 posts above - unsure if he explains how to do this form of yoga in that. t



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On 7/23/2018 at 11:10 PM, YogiLogan said:

Just rest your eyes on Anja, don't strain

what do you mean by "Strain"? when I raise my eyes, should I feel the sensation of kind of stretching? I dont feel any pain, its rather a pleasant sensation. at the start a while back it did hurt sometimes though. I feel weird when I do it, like something bad is going to happen (or cool).

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is the talabya kriya really necessary? stretching the tongue out for enlightenment reeks of dogma to me

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6 hours ago, pfletcha said:

is the talabya kriya really necessary? stretching the tongue out for enlightenment reeks of dogma to me

This is so that you can eventually position it waaay back in your nose. That is supposed to maximaze the energy flow.

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When you count the number of KP with fingers, how do you position your hands (since you can't hold them completly together) ? If that's important

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4 hours ago, Jordan94 said:

When you count the number of KP with fingers, how do you position your hands (since you can't hold them completly together) ? If that's important

Invest in a mala, they don't cost much. But if you really want to count on your fingers, you use the thumb to rest on each joint, 3 joints times 4 fingers equals 12, half of KP1

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@Viking You doing well, just remember to relax. If it hurts you known your applying too much pressure. 

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After i start doing KP1 and KP2 x 24  should i start doing KP 3 ?

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@herghly  The 1st initiation techniques are to last you at least 2 years .There is no need to rush.

 I would at least spend 6 months on KP1 and 2. 

But you're free to move as you see fit.


Edited by YogiLogan

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Which orders of the  Kriyas do you guys do ?

I've been doing Mah Mudra  - Kriya Pranayama - yoni mudra - kriya supreme fire.


I was review one of Leos recommended kriya books and the author suggests  experimenting with when you do kriya supreme fire. Now i am considering moving it from the end of my routine to the start

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What are the benefits of supreme fire? What does the book say? Is another name for it is Bhasthrika Kriya? Or breath of fire?

Edited by Salvijus

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On 7/25/2018 at 4:34 PM, pfletcha said:

is the talabya kriya really necessary? stretching the tongue out for enlightenment reeks of dogma to me

It's not dogma, it serves an important physiological function, but you can add it to your routine later on.

The most important thing is to get your basic routine into place, so you're seeing results from it and you're happy with it. Then you can add on the extravagant bells and whistles. I would spend a few months building up your basic routine (Mahamudra + Pranayama + Breath Of Fire) before investing a lot of effort into the tongue exercises. You can always add those later. Don't let anything hinder you from building your core routine. The core routine alone is very powerful and you should start to feel it working on your mind within a month or two, which should give you motivation to keep building on top of it.

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9 hours ago, herghly said:

Which orders of the  Kriyas do you guys do ?

I've been doing Mah Mudra  - Kriya Pranayama - yoni mudra - kriya supreme fire.


I was review one of Leos recommended kriya books and the author suggests  experimenting with when you do kriya supreme fire. Now i am considering moving it from the end of my routine to the start

I recently changed the order of my routine to do supreme fire first, then mahamudra and then pranayama. I find the pranayama puts me into a really relaxed and quiet state of mind which is great for the after-effect poise. Previously i'd do the supreme fire after pranayama and it kinda disrupted my flow a bit. Worth experimenting with though. 

What I haven't quite nailed down yet is visualising the energy flowing and down the spine during mahamudra. I'd say this probably makes quite a big difference.

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@Leo Gura Do you experience personally semi-serious benefits already, after months of doing kriya?

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I've been practicing Kriya Supreme Fire at the beginning of my routine as well, but after Maha Mudra. 

Maha Mudra - Kriya Supreme Fire - Kriya Pranayama - Parvastha/Self-inquiry

Whenever I have a really busy day, with little time to practice, I do Kriya Supreme Fire - Parvastha only. It's really powerful for me. 

Since I have started practicing Kriya regularly, my mind chatter has drastically diminished. I feel more peaceful and joyful in life, and I have experienced euphoric and ecstatic states while practicing. Kriya is truly making my body, breath and mind calmer and naturally more focused. I don't slip into unconscious states whenever some tough situation occurs anymore. I feel like some books and some master's words have also changed my maturity and degree of mind's purity, besides kriya. 

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Are you guys really doing a full Kriya Pranayama of 108 cycles? If I take an average of 4 seconds per inhale/exhale that comes to 1 1/2 hours.

Also, whats the point in doing 108x6 breaths when there is no instruction what do after your set of 6 breaths? Why not just do it 648 times, is it just structured like that to keep better count of it or is there anything else to it?

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