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Kriya Yoga Mega-Thread

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😭😂😂Don't mind the mess. This is the room I use for sahdana and I just finished washing my junk clothes. The white stuff on the ground is dichotamacious earth(silver fish) haha. 

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why are you using kriya to have orgasms...?

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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I have been trying to reach kechari mudra for years without success and with only small improvements. I did plenty of different practices but nothing seems to work.

I can barely touch the uvula, forget about going behind it.

The only thing that is stopping me from starting to nip the frenum is that I know that Lahiri Mahasaya was strongly against this procedure.

At the same time, I can intuit how much kechari mudra will deepen my practice.

Apart from the risk of infection, that was higher when Lahiri Mahasaya was teaching, anyone here is aware of any serious spiritual reason for Lahiri Mahasaya's suggestion to not cut the frenum?

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@Brivido what are your practice i hope youre practicing talabya kriya ( 150 times ) and toungue streching with a use of cloth, also read below ennio nimis blog post: 


Regarding Kechari, is it all right to remove the frenulum of the tongue through laser surgery? Maybe, in Lahiri Mahasaya’s days, cutting the frenulum was too risky and bloody but now it might be safe.

This is a difficult question: I don't want to speak of hearsay, but only by direct experience. Among my friends who were practicing Kriya, only one of them didn't succeed in obtaining Kechari Mudra. In the past, in a moment of desperation, he tried to resolve the problem by himself through self-surgery; although he got painfully hurt, the healing after a few days revealed his self-surgery to be of no use. It is not difficult today to face a surgical operation, inasmuch as such an intervention is undergone by children who find it difficult, because of the frenulum, to suck milk or to articulate certain sounds.

Obviously, the whole matter must respect the obligatory route: family doctor or pediatrician, speech therapist and, only at the end, the consultation with a surgeon. No surgeon would operate on an adult if the latter explains his desire to attain the Kechari Mudra! But all this is obvious.

What I want to say is that many who speak of this problem ignore the fact that they don’t need any surgical operation at all. Before bringing up the matter of surgery, it is better to be sure that the tongue will never touch either the uvula or the wall behind it. The base of the tongue can be pushed inward with the fingers: if the tip of the tongue, being kept slightly turned backward, touches the uvula, this means that Kechari is very near to being accomplished. Bearing patience with Talabya Kriya, the tongue can stretch a little bit farther. Time will allow removing the help of the fingers, so that the tongue remains as though "trapped" in that position and the soft palate acts like an elastic tape, sustaining the tongue and, thus, preventing it from slipping out and getting back to the normal position. Holding the tongue in this position, the soft palate will elongate. This is the secret. Instead of limiting the matter to the frenulum, one should consider the possibility of stretching the soft palate in this way.


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@Rahul yadav Thanks for sharing the blog post.

14 minutes ago, Rahul yadav said:

what are your practice

My routine is: 50 talabya; 10 minutes of frenulum stretching; 5 minutes of milking the tongue; I put my tongue as far as I can multiple times throughout the day for as long as I can.

Maybe I haven't been as consistent as I could have, but throughout the years I have practiced plenty.

I can try to do more talabya, but I doubt it will help...

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@Brivido  i have also heard kechari is not essential for samadhi from ennio nimis. make sure you atleast do baby kechari while practicing kriya pranayams.

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@Brivido Sounds like you have unfortunate genes. If you choose to cut it then research how it's done. I don't think you are supposed to just snip it with a scissor but rather tere it over a long period of time. The thought of it makes me cringe tho. I'd go harder on the stretching before going nuclear. You are supposed to be sore. Are you sore after stretching?

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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@Rahul yadav Could you describe your experience with Kriya yoga?

Also, read that cutting the frenulum may affect your speech. Even if it is a rare thing, it is too risky.

Edited by LSD-Rumi

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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On 12/26/2023 at 2:54 AM, Ayham said:

why are you using kriya to have orgasms...?

It happened on accident. I didn't wake up one day and say let me use kriya for sexual activities. Haha


It was just so profound after a decade of studying every sensation and motion in relation to the experience I was able to do this at will. I thought it was too profound to be hidden. Those that understand it and can do it will be masters of brahmacharya without kechari mudra.

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On 12/29/2023 at 5:13 AM, Rahul yadav said:

@Brivido  i have also heard kechari is not essential for samadhi from ennio nimis. make sure you atleast do baby kechari while practicing kriya pranayams.

It is essential.  It gives one continuous mindfullness and control over the Will.

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On 12/25/2023 at 5:58 PM, OBEler said:

@MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI I thank you very much, these Pictures are helpful!I will test your methode to see how IT works.

You are very welcome!

Let me know if you can get the sensations described in the protocol. It is so hard to explain so I hope it is readable.


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On 12/30/2023 at 11:09 AM, Jowblob said:

@MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI What book was mentioned before that taught kriya yoga techniques from different masters?

I don't understand the question.

There are many books. 


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16 hours ago, MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI said:

I don't understand the question.

There are many books. 

@MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI can you name, so i can remember which one it was

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50 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

@MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI can you name, so i can remember which one it was

SantataGamana book

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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Progress report day 69



Daily practice each morning and evening since October 23, including Om Japa for 2 months. I missed 3 days in that timeframe. I already did Kriya Yoga till Talabya Kriya in 2020 and summer of 2023 but I never did it with dedication, consistency and commitment.

Since a vipassana 10-day meditation course in 2019 I always felt a pulsing sensation at Ajna's anterior ksetram (forehead) during my normal meditation practices. Focusing on this sensation made Om Japa and Meditation easier for me than for most other people I guess.



I always did 5 or 10 minutes of Meditation, depending on how much time I got. 12 rounds of each Nadi Sodhana Pranayama and Ujjayi Pranayama are now getting me into the meditative high. There have been many days where, due to time constraints, I only did the minimum, but now I realize that those initial two practices are for preparation of the real energy work and grounding. It is my priority right now to do Kriya for the maximum round number each time and also to set aside time for that.

Since the Kundalini awakening, I experience clearer access to the energetic sensation and dimension already through Ujjayi Pranayama. Om Japa can make this intensity quite high when focus is placed on chanting Om not in the mind (where the mind dialogue is going on) but in the energetic dimension. "Placing" the Om sound at the ksetrams is the key to do this.

In week 5 I saw a clear image of a star-shaped light during Meditation.

Sometimes a different quality of light rather than the normal floating and shape-shifting lights will arise during Meditation. Concentrating on that light blob brings me into thoughtless zen mode and into great peace.

Since 4 weeks I am more conscious of the energy in the spine. I waited with starting KP1 because I didn't have complete focus while doing Om Japa.


Kundalini awakening:

On December 2, 2023 I had the experience after ingesting orally 2x microdoses of marijuana, drinking 15 - 30g of ceremonial raw cacao, doing evening Kriya practice, and doing energy work practice in a group of 15 people late into the night. During that Kriya practice I felt nothing different than normal although I took the marijuana 2 hours prior. During the energy circle I began to feel the energy (felt like magic) going round and round and me actively participating in it. Before that night I always acted along in the energy work but never felt it. At some point I felt lightheaded (as if I was dehydrated after drinking the cacao). In the kitchen then my legs began to shake. I felt more lightheaded and felt vibration in Muladhara too. I got some people to help and sit with me as I was laying down legs up.

The intensity came and went in waves of bodily shaking. I didn't know what I was experiencing and so a fear of death came too because I had past traumatic experiences of identity loss on mushrooms. The people helped me to be at least okay with that state and to let go of needing to control the experience.

With time a more psychedelic state began to arise, and the energy waves began to become more subtle, cognitive and spiritual. Waves of energy manifested cognitively as me only being able to experience this present moment and to forget past & future, e.g. losing track of everything mid-sentence. Repeatedly I had to surrender and let go of being able to hold on to the identity. Looking at faces began to feel foreign because the individual features were perceived as single parts and not anymore as a whole (= certain brain parts shut off). I got conscious of the material, ethereal and spiritual dimensions. I needed to release a lot by going to the toilet, and during that state, it became clear to me how intensely I felt the energy.

At the peak (after 3 - 5h) I was conscious only of existence, emptiness and love. It was clear what all the spiritual teachers and actualized.org spoke about. The state got more intense as I closed my eyes and traveled into space.

The following day (after 15h) I felt back "in reality" and experienced deep peace and love. There was no fear or anxiety. Identification and fears began to come back after 2 days.

I am now able to recognize when I begin to loose touch with reality (= lightheadedness), and I am better able to ground and center myself. Still, sometimes it is too much, e.g. not being able to sleep because I am too high from Om Japa.

It is easier now to connect with the feeling of love and peace.


Kriya Pranayama

During my initial attempt at KP1 today, I decided to stop due to feeling uncomfortably high from Om Japa. Like in the Kundalini awakening I felt the onset of not being able to function and properly use my mind. I decided to take small steps and not go into full intensity by tapping into the energetic realm while doing KP1. Going slow will get my bodily system accustomed with the energetic high in order for the arising fear to be less intense. As JC Stevens wrote, it takes months for the body to adapt.

For now I can only do baby Kechari Mudra. I read that one can do more than 50 rounds of Talabya Kriya, so I will increase and test things out. However, I am also open to reducing it because valuable things require development over time and I want to not injure myself by wanting to go too fast too soon. Same goes for Om Japa and chanting in the energetic space.


Essential insights for the Kriya practice:

  • Do techniques with inner relaxation rather than stress (stress can look like being very focused and strict on counting seconds).
  • Have the main focus on awareness of body & chakras rather than counting rounds and seconds.
  • Focus on the present moment: let go of all thoughts, images, stories and emotions - let go of all mind-form.
  • Using a metronome (to track seconds) and Theta binaural beats as tools are only good in the first few weeks. With time a more intuitive understanding/feeling will replace the metronome. The binaural beats will develop to hinder sensing of energies (which become important to feel starting at Om Japa).
  • For Om Japa, imagine to feel Om while chanting "at" & "from" the chakras. Tap into the energetic dimension and chant Om in that space.
Edited by Loving Radiance

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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