
Kundalini Awakening

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Hello all, this is my kundalini awakening experience that occurred about 2 weeks ago.

I have been meditating for 2 years off and on, but more consistently the last 6 months. I am also a energy practitioner. I occassionally smoke marijuana and meditate because I find that I am more sensitive to prana after smoking a joint, so after smoking with my friends I went to my dorm and laid down on my bed and decided to try a guided kundalini awakening meditation. After about 5 minutes I began to feel an energy in the form of a snake slithering intensely throughout my body throughout my spine. I could feel it rising up throughout my individual chakras and opening them up. The energy felt like it got stuck at my solar plexus, so I imagined a gate opening to let the energy flow through, and it did. I saw a huge flooding of fire and energy rushing through me. I immediately surrendered to the energy and allowed to rush through my third eye and crown chakra. During this experience my awareness seemed to be split from my body and in a deep vision where I was seeing all sort of dimensions from my third eye. It got stuck again at the top of my head and so I visualized the energy flowing and I surrendered to divine love and allowed it to flow through me. After the experience I felt a supercharge effect, where my energy field was stronger and I saw my aura clearly in the bathroom mirror. I also felt the observer awareness that allowed me to look at reality where it is completely divine and beautiful. Everything looks heightened and almost visually enhanced, similarly towards on LSD, but less distorted. After this experience I have become much more sensitive to energy, and have committed to the spiritual path. Before i felt like I was walking the middle path, but this experience has convinced me to stick with the spiritual path and now I am split about 80% spiritual and 20% nonspiritual. I also see what it means to be asleep in this reality, meaning I feel as if I have awoken and that it would be nearly impossible to go back to sleep. This experience changed me permanently, and i have had following experiences where the kundalini raised again to my head. My third eye has opened as I now see and hear spirits if I choose to concentrate on them. I have also started to have more OBEs and psychic abilities like telepathy. Meditation is beautiful, because for the first time when I close my eyes I feel that I can tap into the stillness because the energy runs smoother throughout my vessel. These are the following symptoms that have occurred since my awakening. Also I want to add that I realize that this is just the start of my spiritual journey, and that I want to very clear to readers that I realize I have A TON of work to do regarding my ego and transcending it if I wish to reach enlightenment. This experience however has allowed me to concretely say that spirituality is REAL and that I have finally accomplished something after aimlessly meditating for 2 years. 


- lighter body

-feeling of a higher vibration

-more prana running throughout the body

- less need for sleep and food

-alertness that seems to be behind my thoughts 24/7

-distance from thoughts

-feeling that I am the soul and not the body

-cleansing of the chakras

-increased intuition and connection with feelings

-alienation from others and feelings of not being able to relate with others

-feelings that reality is magical and that everything is according to a divine plan

-deeper connection to nature

-profound states of bliss, joy, contentment, and beauty while simply being

-a straighter spine

-auric field is much stronger and feeling of being the etheric and physical body at the same time

-awareness of emotions and ability to "direct emotions"


I also purchased the book that Leo recommends for Kriya Yoga, and have been practicing it for about 4 days. The techniques so far have proven very powerful, and I am excited to see how I progress in the future. Let me know what you guys think, and also if you have had any similar experiences. Eternal love!

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@Tanuj  wow, I always heard that many people got their kundalini awakened with a little psychedelic help. Can you link us the guided kundalini awakening meditation?

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