Paulus Amadeus

Consequences of AI for our lives

10 posts in this topic

So I just watched a video in which Mo Gawdat said that AI will be smarter than us by 2029.

If this is really true than this would totally disrupt most of our long-term planning ofcourse. All of your career capital means nothing. AI is better at it then you.

Does anyone have any thoughts about this? I'm especially interested in what @Leo Gura has to say about this. Because you he has not really talked about 
AI much in his video's and he talks about the state of science and humanity for the next 100/200 years.

If this AI business is true than it would seem that humanity might not have that long any more.


Love to hear everyone's thoughts on this stuff!

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Hi @Paulus Amadeus

I am searching about the same topic these days, and I created a topic on this forum about the AI , Translation and businesses ...

The topic of AI is very important topic and every human should think and search about it, but very few people are doing that unfortunately ...

I hope to read from members ...

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@Star Net

@Paulus Amadeus

Yup, this revolution is going to be somewhere near 3000 more powerful than the Industrial revolution. AI is first going to start with automation of cars and semis, which is 13% of America's economy. As it gets more sophisticated, it will take over more and more jobs. Because of their self learning ability, they will be able to learn jobs like engineering. Not for many years, but eventually.

Jack Ma of Ali Baba said that up to 800 million jobs will be automated by 2030.


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@Sahil Pandit 

but in the same time keep in mind that the cost of manufacturing new modern products will be very little.

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Yeah but that's still different from an AI that is actually smarter than us. This is still specific tasks that the AI will be able to do better or more cheeply. This would still just be sophisticated technology in my eyes. I'm actually amazed how many jobs still exist now. You wouldn't think there would be enough work for all these billions of people. Quite a mindfuck actually. But what got me thinking is can AI actually become creative, self-reflective, have a vision for the future, start a business etc. Cause then all of us could be truly major league fucked. You get singularity and all that fun stuff(when AI can make itself smarter). I mean than we would be just stupid animals in the AI zoo best case scenario. Or maybe there are limits to logical intelligence, I mean @Leo Gura talks about tapping into infinite intelligence through mediation and spirituality. Anyway, it's actually super fascinating stuff. Too bad our lives depend on the outcome ;).

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@Paulus Amadeus

The machine had become smarter than the human in many fields already, for a small example :

in May 1997an updated version of machine called Deep Blue defeated the world champion Kasparov in chess match play,

That was during 1997, Now We are in 2018 ...


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if you are serious about this topic or simply genuinely interested I would highly recommend dedicating an hour in watching this discussion.

The first question is about consciousness but the rest of the talk is about AI, what are the benefits and what are the negatives. What I like about this particular talk is that the speakers in it (3 there are) are highly educated with a lot of knowledge. Hope you find it interesting :)  


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@Star Net, yes ofcourse. I've been the lucky owner of a calculator before so I am aware of this ;). But you get the question that I'm asking.

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