
Sleepwalking and talking

1 post in this topic

I know it seems like a trivial topic, but let's take a closer look:

A question that often comes up in the spiritual community is whether awareness continues during sleep.  Many enlightened teachers claim they have awareness even in deep sleep.  Well according to the research, "Sleepwalking characteristically occurs during the first or second sleep cycles, specifically, during stages III and IV, otherwise known as deep sleep." https://www.medicinenet.com/sleepwalking/article.htm#why_do_people_walk_in_their_sleep

When people are sleepwalking, they are not necessarily just doing nonsensical things; they can have full conversations, move furniture, and even drive cars!

The videos below illustrate this to a degree (the second one is pretty funny).

Also, there is a certain kind of innocence to people when they communicate in these states; they're like babies almost but with a higher lexicon.

What, if anything, does this say about awareness and the self?  Does sleepwalking and talking show what people are like without the ego?  What does sleepwalking reveal about the relationship between awareness, the body, and the idea of control?



"You will soon be going about like the converted, and the revivalist, warning people against all the sins of which you have grown tired."- Oscar Wilde

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