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Questions after "empirical" enlightenment.

3 posts in this topic

So I experienced/got it ("enlightenment") (note that I is horrible incorrect but how can I else speak?). It was free movement - yoga - walking meditation - contemplation - neti neti method - bam. Two thoughts arose which would be great to discuss. Those are


1) As life from the "I" perspective is quite difficult, working on permanent awareness of nothing is the only work which can bring peace?

1.1) Can only this focus dissolve this endless illusion?

2) Who am I asking? Who is this "I" asking ?

3) So noone has done nothing ever..!?

4) Why are there teachers and books etc. about that? "Everyone" who gets enlightend knows that there is actually no one to teach. In teaching they´d succumb to their "I" perception and its desires of whatever sort. So people who live within society and are enlightened try to make this dream as nice as possible for "them"? As there is nothing like "a person", "my" enlightenment is the only real one but another person will say:" no my enlightenment is the only real one", why would he say that? Why would the experience talk to the "I" perception to have an interaction between them?

5) What´s the reason for this thing called "perception, experience, nothingness perceiving the perceiver/ being the perceiver- status)?

6) I am Confused/Shocked/Freed and I feel like someone who was forced to watch 10 years of television straight without blinking.


Edited by UDT

<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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Sounds right.

What exactly did you become cosnscious of? No-self?

That's good, but there's also more.

Of course teachers are teaching themselves. They are also eating themselves, fucking themselves, crapping inside themselves, talking to themselves, looking at themselves, working for themselves, critciszing themselves, etc.

Because there is only one thing: The Infinite Self.

When all is ONE, how can you even walk on the ground without stepping on yourself?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Its hard for me to type because Im always wondering why "I" is asking the perception questions. "I" was at the "I cant be the voice saying I am me!"- Phase already but then getting that 1) I have to be constant and 2) the perceiver cant be localized is what lets no other choice as to look at the only thing left. Then its really clear for a moment but focus is needed to hold onto the realization

Edited by UDT

<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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