
Killing my "self" today

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Today on March 17th 2018, i will experience my own physical death. I will official unplug from everything and let myself die. I will be surrendering my own self to reality and experience the biggest mindfuck that probably exists.


I will make another thread tonight if i decide to re-plug myself back and tell you guys how it went down and what lessons i've learnt from this experience.


Edited by vanish
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That's good commitment. But eh, in the case of actual suicide, you'd be probably going into another body (or have be it a failed attempt t for what ever reason), because there's still too much attachment of self.

If you really want to let go, you can already do so right now, your body is not preventing that, your mind is. 

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@vanish Be careful. Do not do anything to harm yourself physically.

You are here to solve the puzzle of life, not to escape it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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uhh... specifically, how? 

depending on the answer, maybe you should consider calling a suicide hotline first

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Hopefully its only 2c-b because suicide will only lead to being reincarnated in the same dimensional reality and life lifestyle patterns until you learn your lesson and grow from it. There is no escape, freedom comes from within.


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@pluto What makes you believe or know reincarnation (with that mechanism) is true?

1 hour ago, pluto said:

Hopefully its only 2c-b because suicide will only lead to being reincarnated in the same dimensional reality and life lifestyle patterns until you learn your lesson and grow from it. There is no escape, freedom comes from within.


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7 hours ago, pluto said:

Hopefully its only 2c-b because suicide will only lead to being reincarnated in the same dimensional reality and life lifestyle patterns until you learn your lesson and grow from it. There is no escape, freedom comes from within.

Or it could be even worse than that. You may end up in the hell... Because hell is also possibility. Everything is possible within the infinite consciousness... So we better make good use of this gift called life as human being...

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9 hours ago, John Lula said:

@pluto You seem to know this stuff with reincarnation, how?

Sometimes you are just born knowing how things work. Once the information is presented you are flooded with the lost memories and core understandings you once had. Every single person is part of one eternal consciousness, whoever lived, is living and has yet to live is all you in another stage of life thus all the Buddhist monks and other forms of life that understand the process.

Life is a school where we learn and grow, continuously but if we don't learn and pass our grades, we only recycle the same experiences until we do. Its simple universal understanding and function. Suicide is the only thing that continuously recycles the experience and is the only thing that inhibits growth.


Hope this helps




Edited by pluto


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Dude, that's fucking neurotic. "Killing my 'self' today" Guess what? If your ego today, it will return even greater tomorrow. Haha.. .so just relax baby 

listen to this


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12 hours ago, egoless said:

Or it could be even worse than that. You may end up in the hell... Because hell is also possibility. Everything is possible within the infinite consciousness... So we better make good use of this gift called life as human being...

That was what I was hinting at here.

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Killing yourself is a mystery box of infinite possibilities, but so to is dying from old-age.

Perhaps there is a number of hidden variables involved, you have to consider the possibilities.

Perhaps a better course of action would be to try somehow figure out what happens after "death" before bringing it on yourself first. Doing so, would be no easy task. Your mind would trick all the way along. Self-deception.

You may get to a point where you feel you have figured it out! But aha! No! You have been tricked yet again! By God.

Or have you? God is always unsure. Or is he? I do not know. Ask God. I find he often responds with silence, or he talks to himself in a persuading manor and then convinces himself of something that something external or internal is true or false.

That would be try to figure out the infinite, and the infinite is not a linguistic thing. The infinite does whatever it wants. Or does it? I do not know. Is the infinite not a linguistic thing? I do not know.


Edited by Lorcan

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I tried this, as much as i could and i felt like everyone would tear me apart very easily.I felt very vaunerable to the society.

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“But in the end one needs more courage to live than to kill himself.” 
― Albert Camus


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When you consider the total time that the Universe exists, the human life is very brief. You could say, every living being is a dead being on holiday.

Most of the time, you're dead. Your time on Earth is your holiday. There's nothing important to do. If you seek for a deep universal meaning, you will find deep despair. There is no universal meaning, no meaning that is The meaning for everyone. That does not mean that there is no meaning. You can choose one. The backside of that freedom is that you have to choose a meaning. If you don't choose a personal meaning, you'll have none and your stay on Earth won't be enjoyable. It's a hassle but it's still freedom. 

The bottom line is: If you're on holiday, the most important thing is to enjoy the experience. Why do people fly to some tropical beach? What's there to do? Why do people fly to Paris, Rome or Tokyo? They walk around, do sight-seeing, go eat. What's the point? I didn't understand this for most of my life. And I was angry that someone put me into this world. 

Don't bother killing yourself. You will naturally die in a blink of an eye anyway. Pick something that feels right to do and do that. Enjoy your holiday. 

Edited by mostly harmless

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If you are talking about suicide, I hope most of these comments get through to you in time to see that there are people concerned about you. I don't know what is going on in your life to make you feel this way. We all have our own inner demons to battle, but if you kill yourself you aren't even giving yourself a fighting chance at happiness. You know what comes after the suicide? nothing, because you are no longer a factor in anyone's life equation, not even your own. 


There are people who live every second of their lives in pain and devastation all around the world, but they still find something to keep them going. There has to be something to keep you going. Even if it's just the support and knowledge that these strangers do care even if they don't know your name or even your eye color.


However, if by "unplug" you mean to just disconnect from the Webb to allow yourself some quiet time of reflection, then I wish you the best of luck! I personally have not been apart of ANY social media network outside of Pinterest and Etsy and it can be very relaxing to get away from the screens. 

I hope you are still here to fight the good fight! But if we are too late, RIP...

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@Leo Gura

As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing to solve and nothing to escape right? Why all of the sudden the worry? Do you think actualized will get blame if someone here suicides?

It's all just a dream, illusion, death is not real, nothing exists etc etc. I often thought about suicide myself. The only reason is didn't do it is because almost all philosophies and occult practices teach that there is punishment to the soul aka individual consciousness after this. I hope you can elaborate more on the suicide issue.

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Every death is suicide, we poison our selves everyday.  Alcohol, medication, sugar, fatty foods, etc.  the only difference is same day death or 60 years later death, it's all suicide.

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