
Light is a beautiful liar

4 posts in this topic

So this is a working theory for me right now... I'm going to try and word it the best my little pea-sized brain can... ya'll can feel free to tell me how completely ridiculous it is, won't hurt my feelings. Ok here goes:

We have been conditioned from birth to believe that we live in a world of light. If you think about it, you most likely spent the first nine months of your life in complete darkness, and not until birth do we start to experience the first rays of light and whine and cry at the sheer complexity of it. It burns our little baby eyes, and takes weeks or months to adjust. From then on we are told that this is the world, and  this is all there is. That we should always seek the light and fear darkness. It becomes our reality, and we have little control over that belief (at first). But it couldn't be further from the truth. 

In fact, we live in nothingness. We are nothingness. Our eyes deceive us, and bind our consciousness to this plane, which is ruled by light. But it is not our home. We are merely seeing through an avatar, which happens to be stuck on earth at the moment. We are tricked into thinking that we are the avatar. An avatar that lives in a world of light. One that needs food, water, and air to survive. Although, this is true for the avatar, and of course it will die without those things, the trick is realizing that this is not you. You are eternal. You are infinite. You have never had a beginning, or an end. And your true home is nothingness. 

And you can experience this right now.

Close your eyes, or better yet go into a completely dark room and sit. Already you are one step closer to experiencing the true reality. Nothingness. Blank. Cut off from the lie that is light. Sit very still and try not to move. Then ask yourself: where are you? Are you still in the same reality you were in only minutes before? Go ahead and check. Touch your arm. Yes, the avatar is still there. It did not dissolve just because the light is gone. But wait, you aren't the avatar, right?. You aren't the body. Return to a comfortable position and remain still once more. If you are in a pitch-black room, open your eyes. Look all around without moving your head. You will notice it is all the same. Without light, your eyes are no longer being lied to. They have nothing to rest on. Nothing to perpetuate the deception.  If you close your eyes again, you will notice that there is absolutely no difference in perception. Only an avatar following orders. The darkness remains constant, eyes open or closed. 

Now try to detach yourself from the belief that you live in a world of light. For beginners this may take practice, but over time it should become easier. Become a tiny speck in the darkness. Move through the darkness. Try to move what would be 5 steps ahead. Of course you wouldn't know whether you moved or not because you have no frame of reference, but still try. Put your intent on leaving the avatar and moving about 5 steps ahead. Stay here for a minute or two. This probably serves little purpose besides helping you to detach from the belief that you are inside your body. When there is light, it is hard to detach from the deception that your eyes create for you. Light snaps you back into that plane. In a pitch black room, we are detaching. We become one with the true reality: pure, unadulterated nothingness. 

Now I'm not saying that light is evil, or that it intends to deceive and trap you into this false reality. Light is merely a tool, not God. Stop serving the light as God. You are God. Your body is not God. Your body is a tool. A tool to explore this reality of light. (Sidenote: of course if you want to get really deep, everything is God, but you can't single things out) Without light, there would be very little experience on this plane. Without light, we wouldn't be able to witness the majesty of mountains and lakes, or the joy of a small child playing. We experience many beautiful things with the help of light. But we must also remember that this is not our true home. This is a false reality that we confine ourselves to.

And for this reason, light is nothing but a beautiful liar. 



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It was a really beautiful writing. Thanks for that :)

I don't know how much of it could be true, but I felt it to be true. I think I also have been feeling deeper and more myself when in dark. Staying awake at nights when ever and where ever I can, liking winter as it is dark (especially in Finland :D), having the fewest lights possible on at home, I can even focus better and be more productive in darkness. Some people say it may be so for people born in cold months, but I don't think that's it. I feel what you wrote, light is a liar. 

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@frnsh thanks :) one of the points that I wanted to get across, but probably failed, is that we are not necessarily inside the avatar. Imagine if your memory was erased (like it happens in movies) and then you were locked in a dark room, and all you were allowed to see was live captured footage  of some complete stranger wearing a head cam. Eventually you would come to believe that you were that person. But say that person lives in Japan, and you happen to be held hostage in England. Your reality that was defined for you would have you believe that you are in japan, which... If you only knew.

What im trying to break out of is the belief that I am inside my head. Inside this avatar at all.  So then where am i? Do i surround my avatar like a ball of energy? Am i unconsciously circling the earth while only aware of being in starsofcay's body? Am i drifting around somewhere in the blackness of space? Well the answer is, yes. To all the above.  But through the avatar's eyes, which interpret light into all that it sees around it, it unwittingly keeps  me tethered and enslaved to its paradigm. I may be everywhere and everything, eternal and infinite, yet confined to a vehicle that has several issues, to say the least. 



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Feels so dreamy. I agree on that our senses are limiting and our body is the vehicle. After all, we read this world's data only by those senses and each have their own limitations (frequencies, resolutions, highs and lows, etc). We can improve our hardware and software but we can also accept it and work on being aware of its tricks. 

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