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What is a saint?

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I already know there's a huge difference between being enlightened and being a saint. There are some enlightened people who are assholes, scumbags, etc., and they can behave no different than an ordinary unenlightened person. So then how would we define a saint? What is the hallmark of a saint?

The man who changes the world is the man who changes himself.

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Saints and sinners only exist in the eyes of their besotted beholders and hagiographers. (That would be drunk with views of self and other.)

All prior illuminates have histories. Don't be so quick to denigrate those who have seen their nature.

Even angels commit murder.

Selfless activity is transcendent beyond any notion of morality. Ultimately, good and bad have no basis in reality.

Saints, sages, buddhas and wizards are categorically beyond convention. Unless you have the audacity to fulfill your ultimate destiny, you will be subject to your own recriminations in the eyes of others no different than yourself right now.

Can you free yourself of patterned comparisons on the spot? If not, find out why— then turn over the whole raft of opinions.

Actualization of your own enlightening being is not by a teacher, teaching, tradition, or cultural affinity. It is mind alone.

It would be wise to stop wasting energy on such concerns as this.

Who can spare the energy to address your issue with eternity? No one can; therefore, I will take it upon myself so you won't have to from here on.

When you have stored enough energy to step right over eternity yourself, what will it have mattered that you were once subject to the nameable?



edit note: typo 5th paragraph

Edited by deci belle

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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Saint is a human being that knows in practice the both sides of the coin. It is a misconception of society that a saint must be "good" by the society's definition of being good.

Because SOURCE is not concern about good and bad, life and death. Only the EGO is concerned about immortality in the same vicious cycle of life.

So an Enlightened master is a Saint in the real meaning of the word.


Namaste, Mfks!

Edited by Quanty

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The steps required for an individual to become a saint in the eyes of the Vatican.

Step one: Wait five years...

The process to make someone a saint cannot normally start until at least five years after their death.

This is to allow time for emotions following the death to calm down, and to ensure that the individual's case can be evaluated objectively.

Step two: Become a 'servant of God' ...

Step three: Show proof of a life of 'heroic virtue' ...

Step four: Verified miracles. ...

Step five: Canonisation.

Canonisation is the final step in declaring a deceased person a saint. To reach this stage, a second miracle normally needs to be attributed to prayers made to the candidate after they have been beatified.

Martyrs, however, only need one verified miracle to become a saint.

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