
Which Religion Is True?

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@light18 my current opinion : all and none..

In each one there were some enlightened leader who may have seen and maybe have lived the truth,

after this, tried to show it their followers, who than unfortunately began to worship the leader instead to

try to experiment what he said..

What do you think?


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This is too interesting.

Life is when awareness hides in the idea of personal experience. ~ Matt Kahn

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Barbarian! Confess your sins to the flying spaghetti monster!



Edited by Locooig

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No religion is true. 

Generally a religion is like a language. It tries to convey something using symbols from one person to another(s).

Truth is unspoken.

Belief is not Truth.

I don't imply that religions have no worth or value. If it were so, no religions would exist.

For real truth seekers religion was always limiting, though. Because truth seekers enter a realm of mysicism where the agreed upon language does not suffice. 


Edited by Isle of View

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Religion, God and Spirit. Let me put it like this. Throughout the centuries there have been very special people like Jesus, Buddha or Moses etc. These people were very special because they dedicated their lives to look for god inside themselves and in others and, to their surprise, they found him. Then they simply dedicated their lives, out of compassion, to teach others how to find god inside them, and many did. Up to this point everything was great. 

Time passed and the focus on searching for god inside changed. Too much emphasis was placed on rules, traditions and rituals (Mass, Shabbat, Praying etc.) and organized institutions were created like the catholic church, the jewish religion and many others.

Religions offer a series of rules, rituals, traditions and structure for people that need someone to tell them what is right and what is wrong or people that want to belong to a group to feel secure. The sad part is that they waste their precious time and energy in superficial things and they don't search for what is really important: The god that is inside.

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@light18 It's like you have a banana and next to it 5 texts describing the banana. Now, which text is actually the banana, huh? :P 

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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Don't boil everything down yet. The best way is do your thing, walk your own path. Also look beside you and pickup important things for your journey. Don't say you don't need anything or everything you see are wrong.

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Zen the only living religion because it is not a religion, but only a religiousness. It has no dogma, it does not depend on any founder. It has no past; in fact it has nothing to teach you. It is the strangest thing that has happened in the whole history of mankind—strangest because it enjoys in emptiness, it blossoms in nothingness. 

Zen is pure meditation. The very word `Zen' means meditation. It has nothing else, it requires no rituals. Just as you are, the only requirement is to go in and discover your eternal self. Zen does not require any faith. It requires of you only an intense inquiry into yourself, a deepening of consciousness, not concentration—a settling, a relaxing of consciousness. 


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