
Remineralization of Teeth

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I've been fruit/vegetable juice fasting for 3 - 4 days now. 3 liters is typical for me for 1 day.

I've had an experience in my teeth, like they're thickening on the surface and hardening. I held a green juice for a few moments in my mouth one time, but otherwise I just drank normally.

You think it's remineralization of the teeth or something else? Anyone here got experience like this? It's kind of interesting.

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@Huginn have you ever suffered from periodontal disease? Means basically loosing the thickness and depth of gums surrounding the root.  If so, it would be possible that the teeth are regaining their strength by depositing more minerals around the periodontal ligament, strengthening themselves. 

Otherwise, hard to tell. If you get suspicious got get checked by dental specialist. 

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@Michael569 Haven't suffered it so I know of. The added thickness feels more prominent on top of the molars. Best guess is that it has something to do with all the nutrients and/or not having to really use the teeth to chew.

There's no problem anyway, it feels more positive. :)

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19 hours ago, Huginn said:

@Michael569 Haven't suffered it so I know of. The added thickness feels more prominent on top of the molars. Best guess is that it has something to do with all the nutrients and/or not having to really use the teeth to chew.

There's no problem anyway, it feels more positive. :)

Juicing and water fasting will make the body biologically efficient. I guess you are healing and returning to a more efficient body function :) When i do juice or better water fasting for a long period of time i become buddha-like it almost feels like i can live forever without any need of external substance, clarity is beyond and calmness is at a level like i am in a constant state of meditation yet sourcefully energized :P

Edited by pluto


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@pluto  Yea, I just broke my juice fast now. That's kind of 4.5 days. It was the first one I've done. I certainly need more healing though. My skin is still not clear enough and in my left kidney or above it I feel some pain every now and then (judging it as those as it's likely, thought it was back pain at first, and my iridology reading suggested my kidney could do better). The longest water fast I've done was 3 days, just before the threshold of switching to cleaning mode I believe. :P That's something to try out again, but I think I should focus on the juice more for now. Think I could use the nutrients.

Btw, my teeth didn't feel much different when chewing now, so I guess my teeth thickening feeling might've just been that they feel stronger when handling juice than compared to normal food. :P

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Get in touch with the 5th chakra and all the chakras by any means. They will regrow even if they fall apart. The dentists will laugh at this claim. 

Edited by Quanty

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On 5/2/2018 at 9:32 AM, Quanty said:

Get in touch with the 5th chakra and all the chakras by any means. They will regrow even if they fall apart. The dentists will laugh at this claim. 

Dentists will laugh at sodium fluoride being a poison let alone chakras.. they might suggest you to get mental institute not just laugh at you aha


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@Quanty  Thanks. I hardly ever claim anything like that these days. My conversation style has become such that I almost always refer to a third party where the info came from, epistemological considerations and me simply following it to get to the point of direct experience (or not), very unknowing like. I sound much more reasonable when I do that, I think. Also, it's closer to being honest. ^^

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Without disclosing my personal details too much, I know quite a bit about teeth and the oral cavity. 


@Michael569 is a little off on his description of periodontitis. Periodontisis is due to bone loss under the gums which cause the gums to recede (doesn't sound related to what you've mentioned, and you can't spontaneously regain bone).

Remineralization of enamel IS possible, which is typically achieved with fluoride. This can prevent a cavity from forming deeper in your tooth (to a layer called dentin), but teeth do not grow thicker beyond their natural anatomy.

Fruit/vegetable juices are acidic and sugary, which will actually erode your enamel if consumed multiple times a day for long periods of time. You can rinse your mouth or brush after to prevent this. Same concept with GERD and bulimic patients who expose their teeth to stomach acid frequently. 

I will say that there could be some subtle changes in your TMJ, muscles of mastication, periodontal ligaments, etc. based on a lack of pressure for long periods of time that you may be picking up on somehow, but I honestly think it might just be mental. Hope this helps :)

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Don't be afraid to open up the whole system, chakras, kundalini etc. It will heal even if you have a broken leg or missing teeth will grow back with nerves and everything. 

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