
Critique of Idealism

23 posts in this topic

Lets burn fire with fire. Their are craps that can see way more colors than we do. Bats live in a sound like world that differs extreme from our experience of this reality. Whales have a whole part in their brain for emotions that is connected to sound that we don't have. So even in the materialistic view of this world their are utterly differnt experiences of this physical reality that shows us that the world ist not only what we are experiencing. 

By looking deeper in the human experience you will see that you only observe the decoded experience that the mind is showing you. What are you experiencing while looking on this screen? The mind is observing the mind that is processing the raw information from the "outside", we even know in the materialistic view that the image gets flipped upside down. So how can you actually know that there is an outside world when you only can observe yourself? Looking at dreams while practicing lucid dreaming you can see how real they can feel and thru practicing deeper meditation into the Jhanas you can feel boundless. By putting this in considerations, i may ask: have you ever experienced truly something outside of yourself? And what is even the body and mind? 

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4 hours ago, electroBeam said:

Yes the dimensions of a wall is made up, along with the idea that collisions cannot happen.

But the universe has to be of a certain way in order for the material paradigm to make sense(notice here I'm not saying 'for it to be real', I'm saying for it to make sense). 

In order for super mario world to exist, someone has to program it that way. 

I don't see in my spiritual practices that this shape that allows the material world to make sense, is a mental construct. 

If it were, everything would be possible right now! I mean every single belief would make sense.

It would make sense that an ipad is a triangle, and a square, and a circle, and everything else. 

It would make sense that the sky is blue, green, purple, red, etc.

But it would be silly to say the sky is purple. Its not true to say that. 

Like an ipad is square. Forget word games for a second, there is a physical difference between a circle and a square, and that's because reality has collapsed in a certain way right now. But what makes it collapse in that specific way? Why isn't an ipad a circle right now. 

There is NO "physical" difference between a circle and a square because they do not appear in nature.  Neither exist in nature, but its difficult to believe that with materialistic conditioning.  A circle is a concept as is a square, it does not exist in what you would call physical reality.  I'm a designer/engineer and I can tell you that you will never find a square or circle in nature, it's a convention we use to make sense of the world, and for practicality sake.  A measurement isnt real, there are an infinite amount of decimal places behind every measurement.  So a square or triangle or any geometric shape is perfect, its a static noun, a mind made thing, and impossible to exist in nature.  Things can only appear to be triangles, or squares, or whatever.  It's all mind.  Not to mention when you sleep, and entire world is built exclusively from mind and it's memories, but it's just written off as being a strange phenomenon, even though we spend 1/3 of our lives there.  In a sense, deep sleep is the most real state, then dream sleep, then the waking state. 

This is Ramana Maharshi's view on this subject.

"4. When will the realization of the Self be gained?

When the world which is what-is-seen has been removed, there will be realization of the Self which is the seer.

5. Will there not be realization of the Self even while the world is there (taken as real)?

There will not be.

6. Why?

The seer and the object seen are like the rope and the snake. Just as the knowledge of the rope which is the substrate will not arise unless the false knowledge of the illusory serpent goes, so the realization of the Self which is the substrate will not be gained unless the belief that the world is real is removed."


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4 hours ago, electroBeam said:

I don't see that the difference between blue and green is a belief.

Why is there a difference between blue and green, and not red and red? Is that mental construct too? How in any way does it make sense to say that the difference between blue and green is a made up belief? On the same level as a unicorn and a horse.


Really you don't?  What is blue and green without the idea of it.  You think humans are special?  Do you think a bear understands red and blue like you do?  It's a concept plain and simple, it also takes no thinking to perceive blue or green, it takes thinking to assign a value to blue and green.  You're missing the point here, you're confusing perception with thought.


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