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lasting changes in perception from meditation and entheogens

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I'm interested in the lasting changes to perception from non-dual practices and entheogens.

I hear a lot that after these psychedelic trips, you go back to baseline. In my experience, this is not the case, especially with 5-meo-dmt and high doses of other entheogens. For example, I've noticed that the felt boundary between self and world is mostly gone.

Another thing I should add is that I've maintained a consistent meditation practice: I spend almost all of my waking moments meditating (e.g. while doing daily activities) and in a samadhi-like state where I feel the flow of energy both within and outside of my physical body (mostly noticeably flowing outside the crown chakra).

These changes for me have been gradual (over the past couple of years). I'd often doubt these changes thinking the mind is just fabricating them, but we should probably trust our body more than the mind, right?

I'd like to hear others' experiences.

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