
Kriya Posture Questions

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Questions for those who have been practicing Kriya Yoga as instructed by Leo's recommended book...

-- I'm fumbling with what to do with my hands during practice. How do you keep your hands during Ujjayi breath?

-- I'm also finding it awkward to place my hands in my lap with fingers intertwined and palms down during Concentration. Any tips on what this looks/feels like when done successfully?

-- Keeping my gaze directed upward at Bhrumadhya feels like I'm straining, and sometimes it results in the muscles around my eyes twitching. Doesn't feel right.. is this something that goes away over time, or am I applying too much force?

*Also, what metric do I use to determine progress made during Concentration? Stillness of the mind, lack of thoughts, still body? How do I know when to move forward?

Thanks :D 


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I like to rest my hands near my knees, palms up, totally relaxed.

You can also do that but hold a mudra like touching your thumb and index finger together in a circle, with the other fingers straight out.

Yes, gazing up at 3rd eye is straining. It gets more natural with practice. Do it gently.

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4 hours ago, lobster said:

Keeping my gaze directed upward at Bhrumadhya feels like I'm straining, and sometimes it results in the muscles around my eyes twitching. Doesn't feel right.. is this something that goes away over time, or am I applying too much force?

Also, what metric do I use to determine progress made during Concentration? Stillness of the mind, lack of thoughts, still body? How do I know when to move forward?


Don't lift them all the way up at first => don't damage your eye ffs ! Be careful and apply pressure gently it will build over time.

You do NOT determine progress. You just do. It is part of kriya = you have no goal and it's important to JUST do the practice correctly.

The explanations for when to move on to the next chapter are usually extensie though ;p

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Thanks! I got this example from Google and thought no way am I achieving this guy's level right away ;) 




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You don't need to cross your eyes, lol.

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