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How Are Insecurities Played Out

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I'm trying to get a good understanding of how insecurities work. Below are some questions i need help answering.

What are insecurities? (I just want to clarify i have the correct understanding of what they are)

What are some common insecurities?

How do you respond to those people if they become more and more aggressive?

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I'd say insecurities come from a lack of something or feelings of vulnerability, whether that be self esteem or material objects.

Food for thought look at the word IN-Securities, how there's an inner world and outer world ---not feeling secure internally, or not feeling secure externally.

Common insecurities - Not having this, Not having that, Not being this, not being that, not feeling good enough--- mostly stemming from the self image.

There's also over compensating for your insecurities.--->

"In order to make himself feel like he’s gotten over that insecurity, he becomes the exact opposite of that thing. So if you are insecure about being too quiet, for example, you would become extremely loud and arrogant because at the end of the day, you’d be able to look at yourself in the mirror and say “No one could accuse me of being too quiet today because I was so loud and so arrogant that they would never have reason to.” Because this kind of compensation is always born out of a desire not to be something – to not be shy, not be easily aggravated, not be weak, not be unattractive – a person experiencing it will simply switch from one extreme to another, rather than finding a healthy balance between them." - Josh pellicer

Basically someone who becomes more aggressive is trying to project some kind of power over you, could be a multitude of reasons why. but ultimately they feel powerless so they try to verbally make you feel "powerless", or bring you down to their level or lower.


Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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