
Ability: Patience

7 posts in this topic

A wonderful good evening guys,


I often observed on myself that may disability of patience causes many troubles. For example my new habit Meditation, which I can't get really straight for 20 min because on one point I just can't do it anymore or just with waiting for some results, although I know it is a long term effect. How do you guys deal with patience, with this ability to be cool and calm in every situation? Or is the key to continue meditation? What do you say to yourself when you kind of can't get the focus ?


Hello from Germany,

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The more i increased my mediation time, the more patience i had with people. Mostly because i learned to let go of (or at least observe) thoughts, physical pain and harsh feelings that always arise during meditation sessions.

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When you do pranayamas you`ll lower your breathing and your heartbeat. Natural implication is patience. Than you meditate.

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Hi Tim, 

The solution really depends on your psychological makeup.

You hint that your "disability of patience causes many troubles".

Without knowing what exactly you are talking about, an outsider won't be able to suggest the correct course of action.

Sometimes meditation helps, but like I said earlier it really depends on what's going on in your psyche that's triggering your impatience, because in a rubber band effect kind of way, mediation can make the problem worse.

If you are happy to provide more information then I could recommend some exercises.

If you prefer to PM me please do.

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It is an exercise just like cardiovascular and weightlifting. Both of those require commitment and discipline. That means making yourself do shit you don't want to do.

You need discipline and commitment to succeed so if you lack those then you know exactly what your problem is and what you should do about. Patience in this case is a red-herring!

Good luck.

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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@Nomad Hey hey,


yes the rubber band effect sounds very logical for me to be a reason for this problem. And yes, I would love to know some exercises on this topics to practice on :) thamk you for the response



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