
The belief of being to lazy generates self-fulfilling profecy for me - What to do?

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Hey guys,

procrastination is a huge obstacle in my life. I'm sure I am not the only one here.

I spent some time today thinking about the issue and I think, I discovered the root cause of my problem:
I think I am lazy!

Not all the time of cause. I have productive days and I feel great about myself. But after a few of those, my addictions and homeostasis kick in and bring me back to a place of unfocused distraction and procrastination on what I wanted to accomplish. I then hate myself for being unproductive and lazy.

I guess, I identified being lazy as a "bad" part of my personality and that belief generates a self-fulfilling profecy for me. Basically, being lazy is a part of my self-image, that I hate, but since its part of my self image, my self creates the behaviour, that reinforces that self image.

In the past, I tried just to brute force myself out it by setting goals, having todo lists, accountability systems and whatnot. But it seems, that this didn't adress the root issue. In fact, I think, that this may have made the problem a lot worse.

What can I do?
Do you think, that affirmations and vizualizations may help here to change my self-image?
I want to solve that problem once and for all and love to hear your tips and suggestions. :)

Edited by TimStr

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Yeah I think "being lazy" isn't the root cause. I can symphatize with this tho. I have a hard time finding motivation to do stuff, because all the worldly business just seems so stupid. I just wanna sit at home and mediate and make music. It's not because I'm lazy. It's because it's hard to find any meaning in doing stuff that I know isn't going to bring me ultimate happiness. It's because of the pressure from the society, family, friends etc. that makes me feel like I have to accomplish something material in my life. 

And also the fact that at this point in history you sort of need money to get by. If you reach a point where you can just live off the sunlight and stay in an ecstatic state 24/7, you're ok, but that's not the case for 99,99999999% of people.

So just make getting your shit together your spiritual sadhana. Get motivated in being a powerful being. Rather than letting the ego be the doer, be the witness. Witness your bodymind being a powerful vehicle in the world. That's what I'm trying to accomplish in my own life now. I wish I could say something more but that's all I've got for now.

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Work out in the morning (until you literally can't move).

Cold shower.


This alone should boost your productivity decently.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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