
Uhhh, do you guys ever "know things" while meditating?

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I've had this sort of thing happen off and on my whole life, but it's been amped up many fold since I started meditating in December. As I meditate, along with the random thoughtlets that float by, often the face of someone I haven't seen in a long time materializes in my mind. "Seeing......seeing" and then let it go, but it's gotten to where I can be almost sure that I'll see that person within a very short time of the meditation - within the week, let's say. These are folks that I see at my office only 2x a year or so, and never with predictable regularity.

I hadn't seen Pete in 7 months (I looked it up after he left), but his face came to mind during my meditation and he walked into my office that very day. What surprised me the most was my lack of surprise at seeing him standing there. I just smiled and said, "I knew I was going to see you today." The same exact scenario has played out with two other people over the past week; one of them left my office just now. 

It's not worrisome or frightening to me, but with the frequency increasing, I feel like I should throw it out there and ask whether any of you folks have this happen.  

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Kind of happy that I'm not the only one. I don't want to get goal-oriented with my meditation, but is there an established technique to explore this? 

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yes! sometimes this happens with me to words that pop up randomly in my meditation. Not words that come in my stream of thoughts, but pop out of nowhere, only to hear or see them written down soon after. Random words that I have no reason to be thinking about.  in fact there's a post somewhere on here where I mentioned that...

I assume it has to do with the whole infinity thing... they aren't really predictions because they are all happening at the same time, however we see them as predictions because we are stuck in forward motion...

edit: I guess I should mention this happens mostly while "meditating" with pot, since I haven't actually started a clean meditation practice until a couple weeks ago. 

Edited by starsofclay



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@starsofclay  I've meditated after cannabis a couple times, but it was too dreamy and loose for me. 

I often experience synchronicities, especially after psilocybin trips, and these images that I'm getting might be offshoots of synchronicity. I do not know.


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