
Experience with Kriya yoga

2 posts in this topic

I noticed that the price of Leo's recommended book went up really high, over $50 on amazon after his video, due to demand ig. It's now at $32.

Who has gotten the book on Kriya yoga, and what have been experiences with it so far? I'm going to get it soon.

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I implemented techniques in my normal meditation. What i can say is that you become way more aware of your spine and if there are any blockages in it. Moving energy up and down your spine with the right breathing is powerful. It should be handled carefully. I don't have the book, but i highly recommend to follow the instruction and feel how your body feels about it. If you doing it for a while and doing everything around it also to clean yourself, you will feel how the energies are going up into your brain and you will become more awake. I don't know what kind of techniques are in it, BUT Don't go to far with yourself take your time, they can be dangerous.

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