Joseph Maynor

Why are people assuming that Jesus and Muhammad were enlightened

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You will find this truth in the fabric of space-time itself. Go to the akasha and see it for yourself using prana. 


Namaste, Mfks!

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19 hours ago, Shanmugam said:

Here is the Kalama Sutta of Buddhism which was composed many centuries before:

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.

Do not believe in traditions simply because they have been handed down for many generations. ... 

Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. 

But when, after observation and analysis, you find anything that agrees with reason, and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."

– Buddha, Kalama Sutta


And here is the modern version that I wrote ;)

Don't believe in anything simply because it is on the internet...

Don't believe in anything simply because it has 1 million likes in social media...

Don't believe in anything simply because it is said in a Youtube video..

But when, after observation and analysis, you find anything that agrees with reason, and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.

It might not seem because sometimes I joke but I take enlightenment seriously. So, yes I do all of this.

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If Jesus wasnt enlightened then hes more incredible than he already is...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Here's a problem I have.  How can you even trust the historical documents that come down to us about the details of these mens' lives?  In the era of videotape, I think the evidence we have about them is a bit scanty, right?  Just a bit.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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9 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Here's a problem I have.  How can you even trust the historical documents that come down to us about the details of these mens' lives?  In the era of videotape, I think the evidence we have about them is a bit scanty, right?  Just a bit.  

We cant lol.

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The Buddha said you can become enlightened too no matter who you are or where you come from.  If you follow the Path, you too can become enlightened.  The first explicit Enlightenment teacher of the masses.  Kinda like Jesus in that sense, right?  Jesus brought the religion of the Jews to the masses and told them -- you too can have a place at God's table, you don't have to be Jewish to do so.  So, I sense a widening up of Enlightenment to the masses in both men.  The Buddha was obviously influenced by the Jains and the Hindus, but I think what is great about him is he opened up Enlightenment to the common man.  It doesn't matter who you are, what family you came from, what your economic status is, what your level of education is, etc. -- you too can become Enlightened if you follow the Path.  I think that's the revolutionary message of the Buddha and what makes him so important historically.  You don't have to be a Brahman to have the highest spiritual attainment, it's open to everybody.  You could be a bum on the street and become Enlightened.  I'm sure there are bums on the street who are Enlightened, lots of them!  I've spoken to brilliant homeless people in my life: they just don't wanna play by society's rules.  The Path is open to everybody -- that's what's great about the Buddha's message.

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13 minutes ago, Ether said:

We cant lol.

Which makes any kind of story about these men suspect at best.  At least the details.  So -- why would anybody want to say they're Enlightened?  Enlightenment is a very specific thing.  

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For the same reasons people assume Ekhart Tolle -- or anyone for that matter -- is enlightened.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Joseph Maynor

Have you read A Course In Miracles?  That's supposedly channeled by the "spirit" of Jesus.  If we take ACIM to be legitimate, then Jesus was definitely enlightened.  The claim is that the entire book is scribed, actually dictated by Jesus.

I've read about half the text so far, it's a very awesome read, although I'd say it's a little extreme in the sense that the prescribed path demands you deny the reality of what you think is real.  That war going on?  God didn't create it, so it's unreal.  That sort of thing.  The book begins by teaching in a dualistic manner, making a distinction between you (The Son) and God (The Father) and working towards unity towards the end of the workbook. 

I thought it would be interesting because a lot of spiritual teachers people quote and provide links to have used ACIM in some of their teachings, like Eckhart Tolle, David Hawkins, Paul Hedderman, probably a lot more.


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22 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:


The Buddha said you can become enlightened too no matter who you are or where you come from.  If you follow the Path, you too can become enlightened.  The first explicit Enlightenment teacher of the masses.  Kinda like Jesus in that sense, right?  Jesus brought the religion of the Jews to the masses and told them -- you too can have a place at God's table, you don't have to be Jewish to do so.  So, I sense a widening up of Enlightenment to the masses in both men.  The Buddha was obviously influenced by the Jains and the Hindus, but I think what is great about him is he opened up Enlightenment to the common man.  It doesn't matter who you are, what family you came from, what your economic status is, what your level of education is, etc. -- you too can become Enlightened if you follow the Path.  I think that's the revolutionary message of the Buddha and what makes him so important historically.  You don't have to be a Brahman to have the highest spiritual attainment, it's open to everybody.  You could be a bum on the street and become Enlightened.  I'm sure there are bums on the street who are Enlightened, lots of them!  I've spoken to brilliant homeless people in my life: they just don't wanna play by society's rules.  The Path is open to everybody -- that's what's great about the Buddha's message.

I completely agree. The world was so mystic back then, there was no concept of equality. I imagine, how masses of individual had belief system about their designated borne identity and their assigned roles which they would have knowingly or unknowingly accepted. 

I read somewhere that back when literacy came into existence, the people who were literate were considered divine, mystic and special. 

So, when Buddha and Jesus taught to the common, and showed them the path to god, it must have been revolutionary and gone viral. 


Edited by mohdanas

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Why people assume that they existed?

Because ego runs on stories, simple as that

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11 hours ago, MiracleMan said:

The claim is that the entire book is scribed, actually dictated by Jesus.


You ARE Jesus!

Jesus is Nothingness.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Why no one studies religions if they want to understand them? Jesus and Mohammed were enlightened but they didn’t teach enlightenment, they taught things way beyond enlightenment. Buddha taught enlightenment but not these two.

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