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Psychedelics and mirrors

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Allright i have not found similar threads in the forum and i had some weird feelings and insights in front of mirrors.I have had 2 trips with lsd until now.In my first trip i was standing in front of a full body mirror and i was looking me in the eyes.I was trying to see inside my soul through my eyes as i am doing the same thing sober.It was fucking scary i saw a lot of darkness.I really don't know what exactly scared me.Maybe it was the form of my face from the hallucinations but i am not sure.In my second trip i was in front of the mirror and again i tried to see through my eyes inside my soul, it wasn't that scary the second time, i saw something really interesting focusing in my eyes.I felt an entity that is always there without judging, completely silenced and neutral that just is there and exists inside my eyes and is present .I guess maybe its my higher self.The truth is that i have weird feelings in front of the mirror that i do not like.What is your experience with mirrors?I think its not for everybody, after the first trip i had a trauma looking me deep in the eyes sober.Now i am okay after the second trip(7 days later)

Edited by Crystalous

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