
Does interracting with thoughts really change anything?

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So the thing with me is, since i started getting deep into meditation and being more aware of what is happening inside me i realized that i have many "programms" running all the time with no control over them.Very complex programms.

I have tried to solve them via thinking, but it doesnt really seem to work so much.I also get disctracted all the time and it needs alot of effort and energy to "work through" them which makes me frustrated.

The question is, is it really worth it paying more and more attention in order to solve them and eventually get rid of them OR is it better to just BE AWARE of them, not intensily(because i can also watch deep through observation) and LET THEM GO.Just like meditation.Will this ,with time make them more and more weak?

Have you heard of "Stimulus and response" ?My idea is, be aware of the stimulus, and not respond to it, just like i used to.But also not interract with them "trying to solve it".What do you suggest?

I am dealing with alot of Obsessive compulsive behaviours.It's all about thoughts that make me fearfull.I believe that I am in danger when I'm actually not.Pure imagination of course.


Edited by Sirius

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Wanna change using thoughts? 

Start by doing rituals with thought and sound affirmations. Without sound, while in public. Make it a habit.


Namaste, Mfks!

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My advise would be to not change any thoughts as that's more thoughts. Be aware of thoughts, and notice who is it that is aware of these thoughts? Don't think about it, just rest your awareness on it. Be interested in that! Rest in that. Thoughts will eventually lose it's power over you. 


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@Quanty Hey man.

I actually wanna get rid of certain thought patterns that come along with fear.

I dont understand what you just described.My meditation is stillness and awareness by effort if I'm in public or doing something.

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@JustinS Hey there.

Psychologists say, "be aware of thoughts of start analyzing". I disagree with that, maybe totally.

I prefer just being aware without being attached.I am thew watcher, not the DoEr just like Osho said.The problem is i cant rest my awareness alot.These thoughts are very annoying and complex.They stem from fear.

But my friend I am sure that they will lose their power with time, completely.I'm dealing with Obsessive compulsive behaviours for many years, and since i started meditating everything changed.

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I think other than meditation, you can try writing the thought cycles and chains down. It has helped me to know what triggers and how they end up in messed up places. Taking notes and analyzing them calms my thoughts in a bit different way than meditation does.

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If you confront the thoughts head on, you empower them. I'm sure Leo has banged on about this in his videos and it makes perfect sense. Even if you see an old school hypnotist like McKenna, he will hypnotise someone and allow them to see compassion and understanding for their old ways and thank them for their work which is "no longer needed." This is why going inside your mind with compassion is the opposite to leading a celibate life and putting on a massive front of righteousness - we all know where that leads...

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@frnsh Hi friend

Throughtout the years I've Observed how these obsessions work on me.Although i dont have much control over them, knowing has helped alot.They are surrounded by a few certain beliefs and are triggered by fear.It is a very complex program that i let take over because the mind and me thought we were in danger, but its all imaginary.I cant be writing down anything, i dont feel like i win anything at all, because i've done it.I feel like they need more ignorance rather than attention.Awareness, watchfullness and letting go :)

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@Neo Your words make sense.Whenever i start interracting with these thoughts i get very aggitated because in the end i achieve nothing.It consumes alot of my energy trying to figure out how to solve such a complex program my mind has created.And in the end i always feel like i should just fucking let go and they'll vanish with time.All i need is more awareness so i can watch them better and letting go of fear.

Sounds like a good approach?

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@Neo @Sirius  I understand what you mean. I meant more like documenting their patterns, not intending to admire or solving them. Of course if you prefer ignoring them, that's probably the best way for you. 

For me it works beside focusing on also ignoring as meditating. Knowing which thought could trigger what kind of thought pattern helps me to know beforehand what kind of mind trick it is gonna play with me this time. And if it is going to get to some loops of darkness, distract them. Probably I need this until I get stronger in zooming out and ignoring them for longer periods of time. 

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