
Are you addicted to this forum?

36 posts in this topic

Are you addicted to being smart in life?  Believe it or not this does have pros and cons.  You wanna apply the Paradox of Knowing and Not Knowing.  You create a lock when you white-knuckle cling to the Knowing side of this paradox.  Ditto for white-knuckle clinging to the Not Knowing side of this paradox.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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30 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Are you addicted to being smart in life?  Believe it or not this does have pros and cons.  You wanna apply the Paradox of Knowing and Not Knowing.  You create a lock when you white-knuckle cling to the Knowing side of this paradox.  Ditto for white-knuckle clinging to the Not Knowing side of this paradox.

Deep wisdom here but it’s a challenge to understand and see in oneself

theres also the “need to be right” 

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There’s that need to change, shift away from, avoid, escape from what is

become familiar with these states to understand what is an addiction and why we develop them 

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Yes it's a means of escapism from boredom. I'm sure a lot of people here do it too. 

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14 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Not for me.

I don't think he was saying everyone. He was just saying some people. 


I'm actually more interested in people's definition of addiction and the discussion around why addictions develop. Can't get enough of that topic right now. Honestly.

I have become a bit obsessive with checking the forum throughout the day but if work is really crazy busy I don't check the forum and don't seem to suffer from not checking the forum if that makes sense. 

I guess it's interesting to see if there is a difference between obsessive/compulsive traits and an addiction. 

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18 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Not for me.

Who are you trying to proving that to? Did you feel targeted despite me making no definitive claim about who or how many? 

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@Bill W The underlying mechanisms behind addiction I'd speculate have a spectrum to them. 

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I guess I go on this forum to contemplate. The ideas, questions and problems on this forum are better than my own imagination. And I'm addicted to contemplation!

57% paranoid

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1 minute ago, LastThursday said:

I guess I go on this forum to contemplate. The ideas, questions and problems on this forum are better than my own imagination. And I'm addicted to contemplation!

Your Avatar is scary. Was it taken during a nuclear bomb test? 

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Addiction: any thing you need to survive your sense of self or identification, this is extended to your biochemical make up, as well as metaphysical conceptual version of yourself 

My reasoning behind this is because you need to do it more than once to sustain identification, if you stopped doing it, you would cease to be you in a way. 

if you need cheese on your burger all the time, this is an addiction 

if you need to do personal development work to become a better person suited to your environment , this is an addiction 

if you revise last minute for an exam only, this is an addiction 

if you need to play poker, this is an addiction 

if you need to feel stimulated, this is an addiction 

if you need to be in an abusive relationship, this is an addiction 

if you go to gym to feel pain, this is an addiction 

if you need to win trophies to be a successful football club, this is an addiction

if you need to go to school by law, this is an addiction (as stupid as it sounds lol) 

Addictions are not always associated with those things that have been labelled bad by society, you can be addicted to anything. the term good or bad is only added after by social standards, 

so bunking school (not sure if thats the term in america, but it means not attending classes) is BAD and therefore can be considered an addiction, as i know so well from my experience ahah


current understanding of addiction is: 

do it once , its acceptable 

do it twice, its acceptable 

3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 ..... 100....1000...10000 its all acceptable 

by social standards and scientific research

do drugs more than 3 times your addicted 

eat cheese on your burger more than 100000000 times, your not addicted 

wear clothes to be revealing , this can not be an addiction 

buying expensive furniture , do it more than 10000 times its an addiction 

my point is: it varies by social standards because its a matter of opinion, so addiction has not been defined yet. The reason being because science is linked to everything happening from the brains perspective and therefore its associated with metric value and quantity of uses done BEFORE PERMINENT, neuronal structure change. This means, the number of receptors needed to be activated to send the impulse through your brain.

if being in an abusive relationship makes you feel depressed or sad, you actually are addicted to the way it makes you feel, it may not translate like that when you really want something to be otherwise, but its just what is at this current timeframe. 

Note: the amount of power you have in an abusive relationship is an independant factor, to this. I'm not saying its okay for relationships to be like this, just providing objectivity for understanding


Edited by Aakash

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17 hours ago, Bill W said:

Your Avatar is scary. Was it taken during a nuclear bomb test? 


57% paranoid

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No ...

No I'm not ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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